The shield part 2

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I applied some clear lip gloss as I got ready for my interview with the shield. The camera signalled to me that we were live and the three men known as Dean, Roman and Seth walk towards me surrounding me like a pack of dogs. Dean on my left. Roman next to dean standing behind me and seth next to me. I could tell this was gonna be awkward considering my small height of 4'11 whilst Dean was 6'4, Roman 6'3 and Seth 6'1. I look up at them tilting my head to get a better view. "You need help darling?" Dean says looking down at me with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and I gesture to my assistant as she passes me my stepping stool. I position it and I place my hands on romans shoulders as I stand up on it. "Alissa we need to get me a new stepping stool ever since Kane stepped on it, it's all wobbly." I say to her. I hear Roman Laugh. I look down at him and I smile. "You guys wanna know something interesting?" I say. I hear grunts of approval and I say "I'm taller than all of you." I say smiling. "Um no sweetheart you wish, without that stool you'll be right back to hornswoggle's size." Seth says. I gasp and I push Seth as hard as I can. He doesn't even flinch or budge. "Is that all you've got sweety?" he says smirking.

"Alright and action." the camera man says.

"Hi everyone and welcome back to wwe interviews and today I'm with the shield, I wanna ask you guys a few questions if that's okay?" I say addressing them. "Yes you may but first I'd just like to be truthful with you guys because we keep it real don't we guys?" Roman says with a huge smirk on his face. A confused look creeps up onto mine as Roman's large hands wrap around my tiny waist, Seth kicks the stool from under me and Roman places me on the floor next to him. "So guys moment of truth can I get a drum roll please?" Dean says. Seth drum rolls and "Here's the news wwe universe this little darling we all know as - isn't actually all she seems to be." Dean says. Roman holds up my stepping stool with a smirk. "SHE'S BEEN LYING TO US ALL THIS TIME." Roman says with fake anger in his voice. I stand there pouting with my arms crossed. Suddenly Seth picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "LET'S PLAY CATCH --" Seth shouts. Seth playfully pretends to throw me but gently places me into Roman's arms. "Well then look what we have here." Roman says licking his lips staring intensely at me. "Let me down Ro." I say wiggling making his grip tighter. "And that's the end of this interview, WWE UNIVERSE YOU HAVE BEEN A GREAT AUDIENCE." Dean says before dropping the mic and walking off with Roman and Seth and ME IN ROMANS ARMS. "You guys totally just ruined my interview." I say whining. "Sorry baby girl you're just so fun to mess with." Roman says.

WWE ONE SHOTS (Mainly Around The Shield)Where stories live. Discover now