Its not a dress PT2

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I had arrived back to my hotel room and I quickly turned on the tv to Monday night raw. I was watching intently as the shields match came to an end. They won by disqualification when Baron Corbin hit Roman over the back with a steel chair.

I wince as I look at the impact hoping and praying that Roman is okay.

I turn off the tv and I hop into the shower. I change into a pink crop top and short pajama set. (pictured up above)

I plop down on my hotel bed and I whip out some white nail polish and I paint my toenails. I was just relaxing and waiting for them to dry when I hear a loud knock at my door.

I put the nail polish away and I walk to the door.

I open it being greeted by 3 large men also known as the shield.

"What's up babygirl." Roman says smirking down at me.

"Hi guys what are you doing here?" I say my hand still on the door not letting them in.

"We came to chill with you." Roman says

"You gonna let us in or what?" Seth says staring down at me.

"Oh sorry yeah of course come in." I say stepping aside.

They all come in and they sit on the couch. I stand awkwardly by the door wondering what to do next.

"Come here." Dean says.

I walk over to him and he moves and creates a space between him and Seth. I sit inbetween them and Dean's hand goes straight to my thigh.

"Let's watch that new horror movie insidious." Roman says excitedly.

"But I hate scary movies." I say pouting.

"Don't worry princess you have three huge men here, no monsters will come and get you I promise." Seth says smirking at me.

"I can defend myself from monsters actually." I say

"Keep telling yourself that little one." Dean whispers in my ear making me shiver.

I shake him off and I keep sitting as I see roman press play on the movie.

During the movie a scary figure pops up. I jump letting out a squeal hearing the three men laugh.

As the movie continues I decided to hide my face under Seth's arm. By doing this my butt was facing Dean unintentionally.

Seth looks down at me in his arms and he pats my head before watching the movie.

As I laid there under his arm I hear a loud banging noise that had come from the tv that makes me jump. Suddenly I feel myself being lifted up onto someones lap.

I look and I see that I'm now sitting on Seth's lap with Dean and Roman beside us.

I look at the three men seeing them all staring at me intently and I instantly bend my head down and I snuggle into Seth's neck.

"Princess why are you being shy?" Seth says laughing.

"Because you're all looking at me." I say quietly.

"Yeah we are because you're beautiful." Roman says.

Seth removes me from his lap and places me beside him once again.

As the movie continues I feel Deans hand go back onto my thigh but this time he keeps going higher.

I look up at him seeing him still watching the movie as normal.

His hand reaches my shorts as he pushes them to one side revealing my white panties and he rubs his thick finger along them. I squeal making them all look at me. I bite my lip as I still feel Dean rubbing his large finger against the thin fabric of my panties. Roman turns the movie off and they all turn to face me. "Do you like that baby?" Seth says as he smirks watching Dean as he rubs me.

I don't answer and he instantly grabs my neck choking me and forcing me to look at him. "Daddy asked you a question princess, I said do you like my brother touching your little pussy?" He says through gritted teeth.

"Yes I do." I manage to get out through a moan.

Seths head goes to my neck as he begins to suck and bite on it making me shiver. By now I was a moaning mess and nothing had even happened yet.

Roman gets up and picks me up bringing me to the room as he places me on the floor the three of them crowd around me. "Get on your knees you little slut." Dean says sternly.

I instantly go to my knees looking up at them.

As if on cue they all undo their pants and they whip out their cocks. I gasp at the largeness of each of them. Before I could process what was happening my chin was grabbed and 2 fingers were shoved into my mouth. I look up trying not to gag seeing Roman thrusting his fingers in and out of my mouth.

"That's how you're gonna suck our cocks babygirl, understand?" He says

"Just like that princess." He says as I begin to suck on his fingers. He pulls his fingers out and wipes the saliva on my face before replacing his fingers with his cock. I reach my hand up to grab it but he slaps my hand away as he begins to fuck my face.

He grabs my hair and makes a ponytail with his hand as he thrusts in and out of my mouth groaning.
"Fuck baby that mouth is amazing." He says his eyes rolling back to his head.
I'm dragged off of roman and my face is shoved onto Seth's cock.

To be continued

Oh and before any wattpad philosophers come at me, this was written by me as all of the chapters and stories posted.

WWE ONE SHOTS (Mainly Around The Shield)Where stories live. Discover now