Eight: mini chapter

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"She's what?" Hoseok asked, slightly terrified and panicked as the captain in charge of the performance.

"She's...absent." The boy said, hesitantly. He looked down at his feet, unsure of what's going to happen now that the lead singer has fallen sick on that one day we truly needed her. Their show can't be held without her since she has most of the lines in the song.

"Alright, thanks for informing me." He smiled as cheerfully as he could, however, everyone could see worry and tension behind the mask.

This is why I don't trust the music club. I thought, a frown plastered on my face as I joined Hoseok in trying to think of what to do.

"What are we going to do now?" A girl I recognized was from my dance club asked, worried. A whole bunch of other performers joined, making it a very noisy backstage.

"Can't anyone else do it from the music club?" A boy asked, pissed at what the music club has done, and I honestly don't blame him. 

The girl shook her head. "No one else is willing to take the part, I tried convincing them but..."

"Guys, don't worry. We'll figure out a way, just start preparing yourselves for the show. Go!" Hoseok tried reassuring them, wanting them to only worry about the performance and not the absent girl.

I gave a worried look to Hoseok before walking off to get prepared for the show. I wish I could do something, anything to help but I'm not in control of anything. But, I still tried to think of something. 

"Sua." I hear Hoseok call my name and I instantly look back to see a victorious smile on his face, as if he figured out what to do.

"Yes?" I asked, a bit brighter than before knowing there is a chance we might be saved. I balled my hands into fists at the sides of my hips and pursed my lips, curious.

"You chose the song right?" He asked, making me confused.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites." I said, oblivious to what he's thinking. The weirdest part is that his smirk grew wider and wider as it all hit me. 

What he thought of doing.

Oh no.

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