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"Well, that's the end of it! Bye! I love you, ARMY!" Hoseok waved and shouted at the screen before pressing the red blinking button, sweat dripping down his forehead in nervousness. He slowly turned around, his expression like he just lost ten years of his life span. "Sua, what are you doing here?"

I lifted his phone and glanced at it. "Y-You're phone."

"Oh, thanks!" He grabbed the phone from my hand, looking cheerful as ever because he just got reunited with it. 

"S-Sorry if I interupted anything..." I apologized as he shook his head reassuringly.

"No, it's all fine, okay?" He said but I still couldn't help but feel guilty for- wait, what was he doing? 

"What were you doing, anyway?" I asked, curious.

"Oh..." He trailed off, looking hesitant and scared which confused me and made me want to know the situation even more. "Can you just be careful in public now?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I mean..." He tried thinking of a way to explain it to me.

"He was in the middle of a Vlive." We both flicked our heads behind me, outside the door, where Jungkook stood, a worried expression across his bunny face. "And you were accidentally caught in it."

My eyes widened. "You mean...he was l-live?"

Jungkook nodded.

"You mean the whole world is allowed to see it!?"

Jungkook nodded again.

"You mean all ARMY's are allowed to see that live where I was caught in!?"

Jungkook nodded yet again.

I look down at Holly wagging his tail, his expression completely innocent, as if I'm not having a panic attack right now.

My hands trembled in fear, my breathing thickened and my brain wasn't working at that very moment. I didn't care if other people watched it, I didn't care whether I would be hated on now, all I was thinking about now was...

Yikyung. If she watches it then...

I give Hoseok one last glance before sprinting downstairs, taking out my phone to call an uber. "Thanks for the coffee, Jungkook but I can't have it! Get well soon, Hoseok and I hope your burnt finger heals, Jungkook! Gotta go, bye!"


"Come on, pick up, pick up..." I softly mumbled and bit my lip to keep myself from screaming.


"Don't you see me on the phone here!?" I accidentally screamed at the uber driver who apologized. Actually, I was the one who should be apologizing for raising my voice, but didn't because I was in full panic mode.

"Sua." A whisper was heard from the other line, but it was definitely not Yikyung.

"Heeji?" I questioned.

"Yeah, it's me. Yikyung's asleep right now, so she can't talk." Heeji replied.

"When did she fall asleep?"

"Mm, an hour ago?" 

"Phew, thank God..." I trailed off.

This means Yikyung was asleep while the live was held, but if she wakes up, she might watch it before I arrive back to the apartment.

"What's wrong? Aren't you with your boyfriend?" I wanted to scoff and tell Heeji the truth but now wasn't the time.

"Listen, just keep Yikyung away from her phone, I'll explain everything, later." I look out of the car window, and watch the familiar area pass by in a blur. "I'm almost here, talk to you later."

I hang up before even letting Heeji reply.

After a few minutes of impatiently tapping my foot on the car floor, the driver being afraid of me, the car stopped infront of the apartment as I quickly payed him and ran upstairs.

Ding dong.

A million thoughts were crossing my mind at the moment. What if Yikyung didn't see it? How will I keep her from seeing it? What if she already saw it? And how will I deal with the situation? What if she explodes from shock and anger? What if she starts crying!?

The door clicked open by a sleepy Yikyung, her hair messy and her hand scratching her cheek. "Oh, Sua-"

"Yikyung!" I dived right in for a hug and squeezed her tight, afraid to let her go and that she might not forgive me for keeping such a huge secret from her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"W-What happened!?" She screamed, concerned and surprised as she tried to separate me from her by pushing my head but I refused to let go. 

"Hehe~" Heeji smirked from inside, the camera of her phone flashing as both me and Yikyung stare at her confusingly.

"Did you just take a photo!?" Yikyung shouted at Heeji, who stuck her tongue out and skipped away into the kitchen. "Okay, that's it! Let go!"

Yikyung managed to peel me away from her but I clung onto her arm regardless. "Y-You don't know?" I asked, hopeful.

"Know what!? Let go of me, Sua!" I let go and stared at her as she stomped away, annoyed.

She hasn't seen it yet, how do I make sure it stays that way?

I scan my surroundings in an attempt to locate Yikyung's phone. This has suddenly become a mission. But I was looking at the wrong places. It was right in Yikyung's hand and she was about to open it.

"Yikyung!" I hugged her yet again as she screamed, tighter this time. "Why don't we do something together!? Like...origami!"

"W-What?" She blinked. "I don't think I'm in the mood." She said as she pushed me away and opened her phone.

I jogged up to her and placed my hand over her phone, covering it. "How about we bake!?" 

I was getting more and more nervous by the second.

"What's gotten into you today? No, leave me alone." She said before taking a seat on the kitchen table as I groaned to myself.

Before Yikyung could open any apps or take a look at what's new -which I might know of-, her phone ringed. Phew, this should buy some time. Think, Sua, think of what to do!

"Girl, Hobi has a girlfriend! It's all over the internet!"

My jaw dropped at what Yikyung's friend -on the other line- just revealed, and it's not even fully true! I'm done for...

"What, really?" Yikyung replied. "Hold on, my phone was on speaker." She tapped on her phone before continuing to talk to her friend. "Okay, I'm gonna go check it out for myself."

She hung up as my heart started pacing faster and faster and faster, my face turning paler and paler and paler...

I'm gonna do it.

I snatched the phone from Yikyungs hands as she shouted at me to give it back, but at this point, it didn't even matter. 

"Sua, give it back!" I jumped over the couch and landed on my feet, running to the other direction, but God wasn't on my side this day, Yikyung managed to pull me by my sleeve and started reaching for her phone but I stretched my hand out of her reach. "Why are you acting like this today!?"

Well, you gotta do what you gotta do to save your butt and I don't really have any other choice.

I prepared all my arm strength and lifted the phone in the air...before launching at the floor. The phone hit the wooden floor and damaged. The screen cracked, the phone split into two halves and a computer chip separated from said phone.

"Sua!" Yikyung bent down and picked up the -leftover- phone and staring at it in shock before glancing at me, furious. "Why would you do that!?"

I shrugged, watching Yikyung trying to fix her phone. I sighed, placing my hand on my heart as if I was trying to calm it down, indicating everything was alright now. I can finally-

"Hey, why is Sua all over the internet?" Heeji peeked her head from the kitchen, an eyebrow raised.


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