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Asking the residents of the unknown area for directions...was embarrassing. I should have just gone back to Hoseok and his member's dorm but I didn't want to bother them, plus I'd look like an idiot infront of them which I already am to Hoseok because of the damn walls appearing infront of me out of nowhere. Instead, I decided to ask strangers for directions cause' I'll probably never see them again.

I ran inside the preschool building after trying to prove to the security that I'm a teacher here and I left my ID card inside my purse which is laying alone in the dance room alongside the dozens of love-filled cards by the students.

I sighed in relief when I saw my purse and the stack of cards exactly where I left it. After quickly picking up my stuff, I tiredly walk towards the door, ready to leave until I hear a buzzing sound echoing in the room.

I look all over the room, confused and a bit frightened by the unexpected sound. I look over at the bench again to spot the source of it. 

Hoseok's phone.

"Oh, come on..." I groan, frustratingly as I drop my head back and walk lousily towards the bench again before picking up the phone and staring at the caller.


Whoever that is will probably end the call soon and I can later give it back to Hoseok for him to check.

I wait for a about ten seconds before the caller finally hangs up before I get impatient and hang her up myself. But one thing I noticed for sure, after she ended the call, the lockscreen appeared and all I could see in there were hundreds of notifications. Some from random reminders and messages but most of them were missed calls. All from that Hyeki.

I raise my eyebrows in shock, thinking her calls must be highly important, making me think I should return his phone to him as soon as possible. But, it's evening and I'll have to go all the way back to their dorm which is -to me- miles away.

I quickly dump the phone in my purse, trying to think of  a way to return it to him. I walk out of the building and walk slowly towards the apartment. 

My phone starts ringing in my pursing, causing it to vibrate and I quickly open my purse and pull out my phone and answer the call.


"Where were you all day!?" Heeji screamed from the other line.

"She picked up!?" I heard Yikyung shout in the background.

"Sorry, I went...somewhere and left my purse in the school building." I nervously laughed. "I'm on my way back, did you guys get the groceries?"

"Yeah, cause' you weren't here." I could practically hear Heeji pout in disappointment and anger. "Come back quick."

"Aw, are you worried about me?" I giggled before a beep rang in the phone indicating Heeji hung up.

Before I could put my phone back in my purse, yet another ringtone rang from it. I sighed, my head not being able to take all of this. I switched the phones and saw the same girl calling Hoseoks phone again.

Thinking this is important and feeling guilty for having Hoseoks phone when he needs it, I cautiously press the answer button and bring the phone to my ear, ready to tell the person that Hoseok left his phone.

I opened my mouth to start speaking with a simple Hello, but got beaten by a soft, feminine voice on the other line.

"Hobi, are you busy? Why didn't you pick up any of my calls?" Even though I couldn't see her, I could see her cocky smile as her breathe hit her phone, sending cringe chills all over me, but at the same time, confusion. "Hello? Oppa, why are you silent? The whole day you have been ignoring me and now you pick up, but don't talk?"

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