Secret Affair

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Sam Winchester sat at a diner, sipping coffee and thinking.

Sam was disappointed. 

You see, Dean used to be a party person, who would go to a bar and hook up with some random girl every other night. 

But then he changed. He stopped flirting with every girl he came across. Sure, he still did it, but the nightly hook ups had stopped. Sam, although guilty of a few hook ups himself, felt proud that his brother had stopped.

....He was also extremely hopeful that the hook-ups had stopped because of something Destiel related, but he never found any proof.

But then, all of a sudden, they started up again! Now, whenever the boys would be on a hunt, Dean would disappear practically as soon as the sun went down, and he wouldn't return til the next day, where he'd be grinning like an idiot.

But this time, something seemed different. Sam couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something was off about Dean lately. He seemed more cheerful, but he didn't know why.

Sam got the feeling that Dean was hiding something from him. And with their history, he probably was.

But what was he hiding?


As Sam sat pondering over his coffee, Dean Winchester emerged from a hotel bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel, his hair damp from the shower. 

Dean glanced over at the other person in the room, who was half dressed, and currently buttoning his shirt.

"Leaving already?" Dean teased. Cas sighed.

"Unfortunately. We have jobs to do, after all" He insisted, his eyes raking Dean's body as the hunter threw on some pants.

"Until next time, then." Dean smirked. 

He and Cas had been secretly meeting for months now. They didn't just hook up, of course. Sometimes they'd go on proper dates. But both of them found it was just easier to keep their relationship private, away from the judging eyes of the angels and everyone else.

Cas smiled at the Winchester, fumbling with his tie.

"Here," Dean rolled his eyes, crossing the room to help the angel. "You would think after all this time, you would have figured out how to tie a tie."

"Well, I seem to always have some sort of distraction," Cas explained, still eyeing the shirtless hunter.

"Distractions are..." Dean paused, staring at Cas's eyes. "...Very distracting..."

"That is their purpose." Castiel insisted, kissing Dean's nose and grabbing his trench-coat.

"You tease!" Dean complained, grabbing Cas by the waist and spinning him around to properly kiss him on the lips.

"You're gonna be the death of me, Dean Winchester." Cas whispered, kissing him back.

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