Domestic Destiel, Doing Normal Things

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Set in AU

Dean Winchester was in the shower.

I'll let your imagination run wild with that one for a while.

While Dean showered, his husband was rummaging around their freezer, hunting for ice cream. Because ice cream is a necessary element. And Cas wanted it, and knew that it had to be in there somewhere. He scowled, not finding any.

Maybe Dean had eaten it all, although he doubted it. Dean usually knew better than to eat all the ice cream.

But Cas was an impatient person, and he wanted ice cream, so he walked into the bathroom, pulled back the shower curtain, and poked his head in.

"Dean," Cas rolled his eyes. "Oh stop screaming; are we out of ice cream?" Dean stopped.


"Do we or do we not have ice cream?"

"There should be a thing of cookie dough ice cream behind all the stupid frozen vegetables." Cas's eyes lit up. 

"Yes! Thanks!" He started to walk away.

"Cas, wait."

"Yeah?" Dean thought for a second, studying him, and then grinned.

"Do you wanna join me?" Cas smirked.

"Are you implying what I think you're implying?"


"....We should do that, then eat ice cream and watch Good Girls."

"That sounds awesome, get in here."


There's another moment where I'll let your imagination run wild for a while.


After slipping on a pair of sweatpants, Dean flopped down on their bed and flipped the TV over to Good Girls so that he and Cas could continue their binge. Good Girls was their favorite show. A fun show about three housewives that got involved in a gang, and were actually really good at their job. But Dean and Cas didn't watch the show for the housewives. No...

They watched it for Gang Friend, AKA Rio, the hot and dangerous gang leader dubbed gang friend by the girls in the show. 

Cas flopped down triumphantly beside him a minute later, clutching a container of cookie dough ice cream. He wordlessly handed Dean a spoon.

"I love ice cream," Cas muttered, digging into the frozen treat.

"Mhmm, what episode are we on? Seven or eight?"

"Eight. Oh, and I think this is the one where she finally sleeps with Gang friend." Dean gasped.

"Well it's about damn time!"

"I know. I've been shipping it since day one."

"You don't have to tell me that, I heard you debating fanfiction with Charlie."

"Do you think, if they have a sex scene, we'll get to see gang friend's ass?"

"I would LOVE to see gang friend's bare ass."

"Wow. I'm right here, you know."

"Oh shut up, like you wouldn't love that too."

"I would. I admit it. But I'd be okay with just seeing him shirtless."

"Mmmhmmmm. Love me some gang friend."

"If I were Beth, I would've slept with him ages ago. Her husband is such a loser."

"He dishonors my name."

"He does, now start the episode!"

"Why? You know we're just going to talk through it all."

"Yes, but then by the time we stop talking, we'll get to see gang friend's ass."

"Ooooo, good thinking." Dean hit play, and they dove into the ice cream, curled up next to each other on the bed.

"This is such a chick flick moment," Dean grumbled.

"What? Eating ice cream and bingeing Good Girls?"


"This is my favorite part of any day."

"Mine too."

"Haha, your favorite thing is a Chick Flick moment!"

"You're so mature."

"I know."

"Wait SHH! Oh my god! Gang friend!"


"He'll take care of it, alright."

"He can take care of me any day."


"Hey, true or not true; if we could have a three way with gang friend, would you be in?"

".....HOLY FUCK, YES."


"That would be the single greatest experience of my life. "

"I know."

"....Is it bad that we're married, and yet we both have the hots for gang friend?"



"Because we BOTH have the hots for gang friend and anyone watching this show would totally agree with us and OH MY GOD, IS BETH DOING WHAT I THINK SHE'S DOING?"







"Is she- OH MY GOD." 

"Damn, they didn't show his ass."

"This is such a tragedy. The world needs gang friend's ass."

"....I'm going to give you a minute to think about what you just said."

"I stand by my statements, Castiel."

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