Torturing Balthazar

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Set in AU

Dean Winchester and Cas Novak were relationship goals at Lawrence High School. No, seriously, that is literally the title Charlie Bradbury gave them.

But it was also completely true. The two boys were happy together, they only fought over fandom related topics (Like who would win in a fight; John Wick or the Punisher), and they borrowed each other's jackets and were generally adorable with each other.

Even the teachers shipped them. It was impossible not to.

And so practically the whole school sighed with fangirl content at the end of the day as Dean and Cas walked off campus, hand in hand.

"Can I give you a ride home?" Dean asked. 

"Sure," Cas agreed. He smiled shyly. "You could hang out there for a little while, if you want." Dean blinked in surprise. Cas never let him over his house. Sure, Dean knew where he lived and had picked him up and dropped him off there dozens of times, but he'd never been inside before.

"Okay," He grinned. So they drove to Cas's house. Cas paused at the door and glanced back at his boyfriend.

"I should warn you," he admitted. "My family is a little.....weird."

"I can handle weird." Dean insisted. Cas looked skeptical.

Dean wasn't sure what he meant by weird. He knew that Cas had like, a million siblings, and that his dad was a writer. Cas didn't have a mother, but his aunt lived with them so that Chuck wouldn't go completely insane from all the kids.

"If you say so." Cas commented, opening the door. His siblings had taken the bus home earlier, so they were already home when the pair walked in.

"I'M HOME!" Cas yelled out. 

"About time!" A voice called out. A short kid slid down the staircase railing and jumped to the floor, pausing at the sight of Dean.

"Gabe, you remember Dean," Cas insisted. Dean waved. He knew Gabriel- he was friends with Dean's brother. Gabriel smirked at him.

"CASSIE BROUGHT HIS BOYFRIEND HOME!!!" Gabe screeched and Cas and Dean winced at the assault to their ears.

"WHAT?" An older, blonde boy stumbled into the room, tripped on his feet and collapsed on the floor in front of them. He was quickly followed by a slightly younger boy that Dean vaguely recognized from school, and three girls.

"Howdy Cassie's boyfriend," The guy on the floor said, holding out a hand. "I'm Satan. Welcome to hell." Dean paused.

"This is Lucifer." Cas explained. "AKA Satan. He's the oldest."

"And the favorite." Lucifer added.

"Bitch please," Gabriel declared. "We all know Hannah's the favorite, Luci."

"Not true!" One of the girls said defiantly. 

"Totally true." The other boy agreed. 

"And that's Anna, Balthazar, Hannah, Hael, and Alfie should be around here somewhere if they haven't killed him." Cas offered. "There's also Raphael and Gadreel, but they're in college. And then there's my cousin Metatron who lives here sometimes."

"You mean Douche-atron?" Lucifer asked.

"Big family." Dean commented.

"Oh yeah." Cas agreed. "We're all insane too." 

"So, does this mean we get all the dirty details about your relationship now?" Hael questioned.

"No," Cas said sternly.

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