Sharp Dressed Man

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"Find anything?" Dean asked. He, Sam, and Cas had been chasing a powerful demon for months now, and they thought they were finally catching up to it. The demon was known for showing up at elite events and slaughtering all the wealthy individuals present.

"Well, if he sticks to his usual track," Sam began. "I've figured out what city he's gonna be in. But as for what event...." Sam tapped away at his laptop until he's eyes widened. "You've gotta be kidding me."

"What?" Dean never liked the sound of those words. Wordlessly, Sam flipped the laptop around so Dean could see the brightly colored title of the event the demon was bound to be at.

The Met Gala.

"Son of a bitch." Dean swore.


"So we have to break into the Met Gala," Sam declared. "THE MET GALA."

"It appears so." Cas offered as the boys formulated their plan.

"The hardest part is gonna be getting in." Dean insisted. "This is very exclusive- we can't just use a fake name or something."

"Very exclusive?" Sam echoed. "That's the understatement of the century."

"And we'll need someone to look for the demon and tell the others where he is." Cas went on.

"So what if one of us gets into the security while the other two slip into the Gala?" Dean suggested. "We could dig out some earpieces so it'll be easier to talk to each other without being spotted."

"Alright, I can probably handle the security." Sam declared, seeing as he was the best hacker out of all of them. "But how are we going to slip you two into the Gala? It's not like you can just walk right through the front doors."

"But what if we did?" Dean offered.


"We stand in the crowd with the rest of the guests, get a distraction, and slip inside while nobody's watching. Easy." Sam pondered the idea.

"Not bad, but this is the Met Gala we're talking about. It's very classy. You can't just slip in the line as a bachelor all alone."

"I won't be alone." Dean proclaimed, glancing over and grinning at Cas.

"No offense guys, but we're trying to be incognito." Sam said ruefully. "You two would stick out like a sore thumb together."

"Alright, then who do we know that we can use as dates to slip into a Met Gala?" 

"And who's the distraction?"

"I could provide an adequate distraction." Cas offered. "I'm good at that, and besides, Dean could handle a Gala much better then I could."

"True, you are a socially awkward little puppy." Dean smirked.

"Alright, Cas is the distraction and we're counting on Dean. Who's gonna be his date?" Sam wondered out loud. "We need someone we can trust with the plan,"

"And someone who looks like they could fit in at a Met Gala." Dean went on. "And can act like they belong there." Cas smirked.

"Oh, I think we know just the lady."


"THE MET GALA!?!?!?!" Rowena exclaimed. "Well of course I'll use Dean as eye candy for that! I'm in!"

"Knew it." Cas smiled. Dean looked miserable at the thought of going to a Gala with Rowena, but he'd put up with worse things in life.

"Oh, I have just the gown for it too." Rowena went on. "But what will the lumberjack be wearing? Flannel's not allowed, I'm afraid."

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