Mood Rings, An Angel, and A Tease

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Set in AU

When Dean Winchester was six years old, his parents took him to a carnival. It was small, but amazing to Dean. He ran around, playing games and going on rides as his parents went on the baby rides with his little brother Sam.

Dean was running towards the swings when he saw him.

There was a boy, about his age, sitting against the fence near the Ferris Wheel. He was crying.

Dean frowned. The carnival was such a happy place. This boy shouldn't be crying. So he went over.

"Hi," he said curiously. The boy's crying paused, and he looked up at Dean, sniffling.

"Hi," he replied, his voice wavering.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying." Dean sat down next to the boy.

"Yes you are. What's wrong?" The boy hesitated, then started to talk.

"My Dad promised he'd take me to the carnival, but then he couldn't go, so I had to go with my siblings and they're mean. And when I got off the swings I couldn't find them, and I've looked EVERYWHERE and they're not here and their car's gone too and I know they left me on purpose, and now I don't know what to do."

Dean thought for a moment.

"You could come with me! My mom will know what to do, and she could call your dad!" He offered. The boy looks wary

"Dad said not to go anywhere with strangers."

"I'm not a stranger! I'm Dean."

"I'm Castiel."

"Cas-cast-castee-" Dean struggled to pronounce the name. "Can I call you Cas?"


So, seeing as they weren't strangers anymore, Dean took Cas to his parents, who got his dad's phone number from Cas. While Mary tried to reach Cas's father, the two boys ran around the carnival, laughing and having fun. At one of the games, Dean won a big teddy bear that was dressed up in a bee costume-it even had little wings. He gave it to Cas, who freaked out and loved it.

A few hours later, the carnival closed for the night, and Dean and Cas ended up waiting on a bench outside the entrance, as Dean's parents talked to Cas' s father.


"Yes Dean?"

"Can we be best friends?"


Dean grinned.

"Hey Dean?" Cas asked, still hugging the bee bear he had gotten. "Do you like girls?"

"Eww, No!" Dean declared. "Girls have cooties."

"I'm never gonna get cooties."

"Why not?"

"Cause I'm never gonna kiss a girl. EVER!"

"What about when you get married?" Mary asked, walking over to the boys. Cas thought for a minute.

"Well, I'm not marrying some cootie girl," Cas replied. "I'll.... I'll marry my best friend! That's what Luci did!"

Dean gasped.

"But Cas, WE'RE best friends!" He announced. "Are you cootie proof?"

"Course, Dean. Everyone knows only girls have cooties."

"I'd we're married, does that mean we have to kiss?"

"I guess so." Mary laughed at the boys.

"Kisses are gross." Dean declared.

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