Merry Christmas Sammy

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It had been four months since Sam Winchester had left his family for college. Four months that he'd been on his own at Stanford, without a single word from his father, the hunting life, or Dean.

It was Dean's radio silence that stung the most. Sam knew he had hurt his brother by leaving, but he thought that Dean would've gotten over it, that he would've at least stayed in touch. He guessed he was wrong.

It was nearly Christmas, and everyone around Sam knew exactly what they'd be doing for Winter Break.

But Sam had no idea.

He didn't even know Dean and John were. They could be anywhere in the country, and he knew better than to call. He thought about going to visit Bobby, but it would be too expensive for him to find a way to get all the way to Sioux Falls by Christmas. 

Stanford closed for Winter break, but Sam had nowhere else to spend it. He figured he'd just wait until everyone else was gone and then break back into his dorm and stay there. No one would really care, would they?


It was nearly Christmas.

The thought made Dean wince. He knew that the Winchesters hardly ever celebrated the holiday, but this was bound to be the worst one yet. 

This would be the first Christmas without Sam.

Dean was positive his father didn't even know what the date was, or he just didn't care. John had treated Sam like he was dead since the second he walked out on them. But Dean hadn't wanted to do that. John had switched out their burner phones, so Sam would have no way to contact them, and he watched Dean like a hawk, making sure he didn't slip calls in on the side. If Sam wanted to go to Stanford, fine. Then there'd be no interruptions from his family while he was there.

But it was Christmas, and Dean knew his brother was probably a little homesick. He had to be, right? This was the longest Sam had ever been away from Dean and John before, and Dean was a little worried about his little brother. 

So he decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Where are you going?" John demanded as Dean packed up his stuff. They had just started a werewolf case in Ohio, and Dean knew his father wouldn't just up and leave a case. He'd have to stay and finish the job.

That didn't mean Dean had to.

"Bobby said he needed a hand with a vamp nest," Dean lied easily. "I said I'd help him out."

"And what about the case here?" Dean shrugged.

"It's just one werewolf, can't you handle it?" John scowled.

"How long you'll be gone?" 

"I dunno." Dean admitted. "I'll probably be back before the New Year." John grunted.

"Alright." Dean grabbed the bag and walked out the door.

Simple. He hopped in the Impala, and headed, not for Bobby's, but for California.


Sam lived in a freshman dorm at Stanford. That meant that it was a joined suite with a bunch of other kids. They all had bedrooms, but there was a shared kitchen and living space in the center, fit with a fridge and couches. No one had bothered to put up any sort of holiday decorations before leaving for home.

It was Christmas morning. 

Sam lay awake on his bed, turning his phone in his hands. Should he call Dean? No, it probably wasn't worth it. He wouldn't pick up. Sam was pretty sure John had cancelled all the numbers Sam had anyways.

Sighing, he got up and went out into the living area, freezing at what he saw.

There was a Christmas tree. A small one, half dead, but it had ornaments and lights all the same. There were a couple wrapped presents under it. 

Sam blinked. What creepy Pagan god gave you a Christmas before it killed you? He glanced around, but there was no one to be seen.

Sam approached the tree, noticing a small note attached to the front of it. He pulled the paper off, scanning it.

Merry Christmas Sammy,

Nothing's stolen this time, I promise.

A slow smile spread across the moose's face. Only one dude in the world cared enough to pull off something like this.

"Dean?" Sam called out. No one answered him.

Accepting the fact that his brother had ditched the gifts and ran, Sam sat down, smiling, and opened the presents. 

He assumed Dean had bought them all at a gas station, but hey, it was the thought that counted. 

He got a couple protein bars, a copy of Busty Asian Beauties, and a pair of scissors with a note that said 'your hair's too long.'

But Sam's favorite gift was the phone number on the back of the note.

He called it immediately.

"Merry Christmas, Dean," He offered.

"Merry Christmas Sammy," Dean grinned.

"How did you break into my dorm room?"

"Seriously? Lock pick, duh."

"I can't believe you. This is ridiculous."

"Yeah, well, I thought you deserved a nice Christmas after all the shit we've been through."

"You should've told me you were coming, I would've gotten you something." Dean smiled.

"Sammy, this phone call is the only Christmas present I need." He insisted. "You've been studying, mister?"


"Good. Found any nice girls yet?" 


"Well then you obviously haven't looked in the magazine I bought you." Sam laughed. 

"I missed you," Dean smiled sadly.

"Missed you too, Sammy."


Dean's surprise Christmas visits came for the next few years. Sam was never sure where he got ornaments or a Christmas tree, or how he kept finding out where Sam was living and breaking in, but he didn't honestly care.  It was a nice way to keep in touch, he thought.

Sam was in his fourth year of college when he started living with Jess, but that didn't stop Dean from sneaking a Christmas tree in there either.

"Sam," Jess's teasing voice questioned. "Did you put a Christmas tree in the middle of the night?" Sam grinned.

"No." He said truthfully. Jess shook her head and headed for the tree as Sam reached for his phone just as it buzzed. 

Merry Christmas Sammy, Dean's message read. 

P.S. That's a nice lady you got there. 

Fighting off a laugh, Sam replied.

Merry Christmas Dean.

"Sam?" Jess asked.

"Yeah?" He questioned.

"Why is there a note on the tree that says  'Totally NOT stolen'?" 

Sam burst out laughing.

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