Jensen's Parents

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Set in AU (Cockles, not Destiel, pretty sure this one sucks, sorry)

Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins were a very popular couple. It was impossible not to like them. Misha Collins was practically perfect in every way, and if anyone knew that, it was Jensen.

The two fit together like a perfect match, and if you don't believe me, then you just had to look at Misha's Twitter account, a place filled with pictures of the two in all sorts of ridiculous poses.

Speaking of Misha's Twitter account, he was currently updating it as Jensen walked in.

"Guess what?" He questioned, sitting down next to his boyfriend.

"What?" Misha asked, glancing up from his phone.

"My parents would like to have us over for dinner." Misha's eyes widened.

"As in you AND me?" He questioned.


"That sounds terrifying." Misha declared.

"Why? My parents love you."

"Uh huh. Or they just act like they love me so that they won't hurt your feelings, and they actually hate me."

"They don't hate you, Mish. Have you met you? Nobody could hate you- you're too perfect."

"I'm not perfect."

"You're ridiculously close to it."

"No I'm not."

"Do I need to start listing how perfect you are? Because I'll start listing." Misha grinned.

"You don't have to do that-"

"Too late. You're gorgeous, for one obvious thing. You do charity work, you write poetry, you're hilarious-"

"Point taken." Misha insisted. "Just the idea of having dinner with your parents sounds utterly terrifying."

"It'll be fine," Jensen declared. Misha highly doubted that, panicking internally.

Misha only got more stressed out as the dinner got closer, and Jensen tried, to no avail, to get him to calm down.

"Here," He handed Misha a dictionary one day.

"....Why?" Misha raised an eyebrow.

"Apparently you do this thing with your mouth whenever you say a word that starts with H, and I want to see if it's accurate, so I figured the easiest way is to have you read all the words in the dictionary that start with H."

"And you heard this where?"

"Tumblr. Those fangirls know more about you then I do." Misha set down the dictionary.

"Jackles, I need you to listen to me. Get off Tumblr. Now."

"Why? It's funny to see how obsessed everyone is with you."

"Get off the Tumblr. It's not safe."


"I think the Mishapocalypse might still be happening, you need to get out while you still can, and before anyone finds out that you're on Tumblr."

"They don't suspect a thing; they're all worried that you're on Tumblr."

"Exactly, and they're scared for a reason. RUN."

"Will you read the dictionary if I quit Tumblr?"


"Will you stop worrying about having dinner with my parents?"

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