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Not really Destiel but still good, I think.

Dean was cleaning out the trunk of the Impala. It had finally occurred to the brothers that after all these years, they had never gone through and completely emptied it. Some guns didn't work anymore, stray bullets and casings were everywhere, knives that had gone uncleaned were now unusable thanks to vampire blood, and Dean cut his fingers at least twice at the amount of little glass shards that had found their way in there over the years. 

But it was underneath the endless pile of weapons that Dean found something he hadn't seen in years. Something he assumed had been burned a long, LONG time ago.

There was a small shoebox at the bottom of the trunk, and Dean smiled at it, like it was an old friend he hadn't seen in forever.

He carried the box inside, setting it on a table. Cas and Sam raised their eyebrows at the sight of it.

"What's that?" Sam asked curiously as Dean took the lid off. Dean's smile grew as he noted that the contents were still in perfect condition.

"This, Sammy," he sighed. "This is our childhood." Dean revealed an old VHS tape. Then another one. The box was full of them, and an old camcorder rested at the very bottom.


Dean held up the camcorder. 

"When you were little- and I mean REALLY little, we used to have this thing. It was in our house originally, but I snuck it out with us after we left. Dad thought it was stupid and he hated the thing, but I loved it."

"So you were a camera guy when you were young." Sam concluded.

"No!" Dean explained. "Mom recorded stuff on it. My first steps and all that crap, but after she died, and we left our normal life behind, I realized that no one was ever gonna do that for you. I didn't like that idea, so I did it myself."

"...You recorded my first steps?" Sam repeated. Dean grinned, going through the tapes. 

"Yeah. Your first steps, your first word, first day of school- what the.... Oh, I remember this!" He declared. He glanced up at his brother and Cas. "Wanna watch them?"

"Shouldn't we include Mom if we're going to watch videos about our childhood?" Sam questioned.

"Good point. Cas, call her."

"Why me?" Cas demanded. He got the feeling that Mary didn't like him much.

"Because she has to learn to like you." Dean proclaimed.


"You know why, you little kitten, now call her."

An hour later, Mary, Sam, Cas, and Dean sat on the couch as Dean started up the first tape.

"I apologize for the poor quality." He offered. "But I was only four when I filmed this." Then he hit play.

An image of adorable four-year old Dean came onto the screen and he smiled at the camera.

"Okay, I think it's working." he declared, turning and running further away. "Now it's up to you, Sammy." Dean crouched beside his brother, who looked about eight months old. Baby Sam let out a happy cry, smiling innocently.

Dean frowned at his brother.

"You gotta walk, Sammy." He explained. "Here, I'll help you." He lifted Sam onto his feet, making sure he was steady before letting go. Sam wobbled on his feet, looking nervous. 

"You can do it, Sam." Dean assured him. "And you better do it this time too. I don't know how many more of these videos I can take. I should really figure out how to delete them...." Sam let out a shriek in response, reaching toward his brother. Dean backed up a step so that Sam couldn't grab him.

Destiel One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now