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Set in AU

It was senior year. Kids were allowed to go a little crazy during senior year, weren't they?

That's what Charlie Bradbury thought, and exactly why she had rounded up all of her closest friends for one last night of fun.

"One night to go crazy before we all get split up for college," She insisted. "One night to do whatever the hell we want, no consequences."

"And if we get thrown in jail?" Cas questioned, always the one thinking ahead.

"Bobby can pay bail." Dean insisted. "He's cool like that."

"...The fact that you have a plan for if you get arrersted concerns me," 

"Well, don't worry too much. If you're not in jail with me, I'm using my one phone call on you." Dean declared, grinning at Cas, his long time boyfriend.

Charlie grinned. All her ships were sailing lately, but she couldn't help but fear that the separation when they all went to college would tear those relationships apart.

She was especially worried about her own relationship with Jo. 

Jo was so beautiful. She'd be fighting off boys and girls alike at college. 

Jo told her not to worry, but Charlie did anyway. She knew Cas was worried too. Dean was loyal to a T, but he was also incredibly hot. He'd have a challenge staying with Cas while they were half a country apart.

"No consequences," Crowley echoed. "I'm in." Crowley, ever the troublemaker. Half of them were convinced he was secretly a serial killer or something.

"If Sammoose is coming, I'm in." Gabriel smirked. Sam rolled his eyes and glanced at Dean, who shrugged.

"What the hell." The elder Winchester agreed. "We're in."

"I'm coming, but only to make sure you all don't get arrested or die." Cas announced.

"My mother will slaughter me if we get arrested." Jo insisted. "Let's have some fun!"


Friday night, they all met up at Charlie's house. After sadly determining that Dean's Impala was too small to fit all seven of them, they climbed into Crowley's Honda. 

Because the King of Hell drives a Honda.

What were you expecting?

Dean drove, Cas called shotgun, Charlie, Jo, and Crowley smushed into the backseat, and Sam and Gabe crawled into the third row.

"NO CLASSIC ROCK," Sam called. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Bitch," He muttered.

"Jerk." Sam yelled back.

"I have made a playlist for this exact moment," Charlie announced, leaning over and hooking up her iPod to the car. Music launched through the car a moment later, and Cas laughed.

"The Black Eyed Peas?" Dean raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Shut up," Charlie muttered.

"We should stick our heads out of the sunroof!" Jo declared.

"Yes!" Gabe agreed. 

"Hold on," Crowley insisted, holding up his phone. "Since I'm legally responsible because this is my car, I need you all to repeat this before anyone goes out the sunroof."

"Okay." Sam agreed.

"I will not," Crowley began, recording them.

"I will not," The chorused.

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