Family Dinner

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A/N: In light of the fact that John Winchester will be making a comeback in season 14, I thought I'd write a part about how I imagine this delightful family reunion going down

After wrapping their minds around the fact that John Winchester was alive, and after John wrapped his head around the fact that Mary was alive and his sons lived in a badass bunker, John, Mary, Dean, Sam, Cas, and Jack ended up sitting around a table in the bunker, the Winchesters downing a lot more alcohol then they should've, but they needed it at this point.

Not a word was being spoken- they were all just staring at each other. Jack glanced around the table and he slowly leaned over to Cas, who looked slightly afraid at anything that might happen.

"Should we leave?" Jack asked innocently. "Cause I think we should leave them alone...." The poor child was completely lost at why the family was staring at each other with expressions that made it unsure whether they would hug or shoot each other.

"You can leave if this is too awkward for you," Cas insisted. "But I don't exactly feel comfortable leaving them all alone with loaded weapons."

"Okay." Jack replied, settling back into his chair. John slowly turned to look at them.

"Alright, first question." He began. "Who the hell are these guys?" 

"Ummm," Mary said awkwardly, and Dean and Sam sighed.

"Remember how Mom always said angels were watching over me?" Dean asked.

"Yeah." John insisted. Dean dramatically gestured to Cas, who blinked in confusion.

"This is Castiel- we call him Cas. He's an angel." Dean explained.

"That's impossible. Angels don't exist," John countered.

"Currently, I think we're more classified as an endangered species." Cas corrected. "But it's true, and we do exist."

"...And why are you working with an angel? We don't work with monsters- we kill them!"

"Cas is not a monster," Dean growled. "He's family."

"Says who?" John demanded.

"Says me." 

"Me too." Sam agreed. "Cas is our brother."

"He fits right in." Mary went on. Cas smiled sheepishly. 

"And who's the kid? Another angel?" Team Free Will exchanged a glance.

"Um, actually, Jack is a nephilim." Sam offered. "He's half angel, half human."

"Soooo what? Is he Castiel's kid or something?"

"Yes," Jack admitted.

"Not exactly," Dean corrected. "Technically, he's Cas's nephew, but we've kind of adopted him."

"He's basically your grandson; just accept it." Sam declared. John raised an eyebrow.

"Okaaaay- next matter of business." He whipped his head towards Mary. "How long have you been alive?! HOW are you alive??"

"I've been alive for like two three years?" Mary admitted. "Apparently, God's sister brought me back to life because she owed Dean a favor or something?"

"She thought it was a nice way to repay me for setting her free, yeah," Dean agreed.

"Hold on; you've met GOD. And he has a SISTER?" John demanded.

"Yes, we've met God," Sam rolled his eyes. "His name is Chuck, he writes gay fanfiction and generally doesn't care what we do."

"His sister is Amara; she's a little weird and people call her the Darkness- we were friends? I think?" Dean frowned. "Not really sure what it was, but it happened, and now they're both on a vacation somewhere catching up or destroying a universe- we don't know."

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