2 - "I'd kill you."

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He was standing way too close.

If I moved a centimetre away, he'd move two centimetres closer.

And it was fucking pissing me off.

I closed my hands into fists and shoved them into the pockets of my bomber jacket, trying to pay attention to Dr. Hyde as he gave instructions and briefed both Frazier and I on the situation.

After he was finished, he raised an eyebrow. "Any questions?" He asked, directed at me. I shook my head but Frazier spoke up, making me lock my jaw.

"Actually, Yes." He said, mildly amused. "I don't actually know what it is that I'm stealing. I don't know about you but to me that sounds rather counter-productive."

Dr. Hyde lazily dragged his gaze from me to him. "Charlotte may be different, but I do not negotiate with criminals." He said, his blue eyes now narrowed. Frazier raised an amused eyebrow. "If you have a question you can either ask Charlotte, or shove it up your ass. Couldn't care less either way." It was blatantly obvious that Frazier was holding back a laugh, and I was glad to see I wasn't the only one getting pissed. "Charlotte, if that's all, the plane is ready for you."

I nodded and, after one final check to ensure I had the keys to Frazier's handcuffs, I made my way out, not checking but somehow already know that Frazier was behind me.

We walked in a moderate silence, me infront of him and feeling his eyes burn holes into my ass.

"Your eyes are directed in the wrong place, Bennett." I gritted out, and I heard his deep laugh resonate through the hall. "Move them, now, or I swear to fuck I'll rip them out with a chicken's foot."

I basically felt him cringe. And then, suddenly, he wasn't behind me anymore.

Suddenly, I had my back pressed into the cement wall of the CIA tunnel, with a moderately turned on looking Frazier peering over me with his cuffed hands spread so that one was on either side of my face.

His lips were so close. So close.

"You love it when I look at you like that, Charlie. You always fucking have." He said, his voice gruff and low. "But for your sake, if it makes you uncomfortable to know that you wish for me to fuck you right here, right now, I will not look at you as if I'm imagining how your face would flush with me deep, deep inside of you." He growled, grey eyes brewing up a storm. My lips parted, my eyes on his as my breathing rate increased. Needless to say, a slight flush was snaking its way up my neck. "Unless of course," he grunted out, noticing my expression. "You wish for me to continue."

I licked my lips. Then, before he had a chance to react, my one hand reached out to cup his cheek. I caressed his high cheek bone and the slight dent where his dimple was. He leaned his face into my hand, his eyes closing as he breathed heavily through his nose.

"Dios Mio, my Charlie, what it is you are doing to me." He gritted out through a tense jaw.

Then, I raised my knee and planted it straight into his balls.

His grey eyes flew open, his mouth parting as he sucked in a sharp breath.

I smirked as he fell to the floor on his knees, cupping his damaged manhood and groaning in pain.

"You ever, ever touch me like that again," I muttered casually, tucking a piece of hair that had escaped from my ponytail back behind my ear. "And I swear to you that I will personally ensure you a visit to your ancestors in hell."

He only groaned in return.

I didn't tell him how desperately I'd wanted him to kiss me.

I didn't tell him that I remembered. I remembered how it felt to kiss his soft lips and that I'd be dead when I forgot.

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