18: "I'll miss you."

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Hospital food sucked. I stared at the pot of weird strawberry sugar free yoghurt in front of me and cringed, stirring the chunks around with my spoon.

I looked up when the door opened and doctor Dawson walked in, giving me a wide smile.

"How are you feeling then, Charlotte?" He asked, holding a clipboard and flicking through some papers as he did.

"A lot better," I replied. "I feel like I'm more than ready to go home."

He gave her a slow look. "I dont believe that for a second." He replied. "Your ribs havent properly healed yet and you're not taking in water or food properly."

"I may not he physically fine..." I replied slowly. "But I feel fine."

He smiled and shook his head. "How about this," he said. "I'll give you a 1 week trial basis and if you are physically fine after that week, I'll let you go home. If and only if you promise me you'll get bedrest for another at least 3 days."

I sighed and pout slightly. "Okay," I mumbled. "Thank you."

He smiled again and walked forward to check the steady IV feed in my hand. Upon seeing it was all okay, he gave me another smile and left.

I leaned back and then flinched as it caused pain in my torso. I leaned up again and slumped.

The door opened again and in came Frazier. His eyes were dark, and his jaw was set. He still hadn't shaved.

In his hands he held a bag.

He placed it in front of me. "I got you some things," he said, scratching his neck. "Erm... just women things. Oh and some decent food. I know the food here is rotten."

I smiled at him genuinely and took it from him. In the bag were toiletries, undergarments and snacks. In the other bag was a takeout vegetarian pizza.

I ate it silently while he took off his suit jacket and washed his hands in the basin.

"Sit up," he told me. I pushed my feet to the ground and waited as he gently, very gently, raised my top slightly. I flinched when he grazed his finger against my ribcage. Not from pain.

"Cristo," he muttered. "Your ribs are poking out, Charlie. You need to eat more."

I swallowed my bite hesitantly. "It hurts to eat." I told him honestly. "To swallow, I mean."

His jaw set again, and he sighed, taking the slice of pizza from my hand and feeding it to me slowly. After I was finished- him practically force feeding me 3 extra slices- he asked if I wanted to take a walk.

He bent to his knee and helped me put on my shoes while I leaned my hand on his head, gently caressing his hair.

He held my hand as I stood and used the other to drag the portable morphine.

"I wanna introduce you to some people, Charlie," he explained as we got outside and began walking slowly down the cement. My hand was linked through his arm and he kept his pace slow so I could keep up.

"Who?" I asked.

"They'll go everywhere with you from now on. At least until I can confirm all of Mario's men are gone. And Carlos'. I took a risk with letting you go after Mario alone. I'm not willing to take it again."

I would have argued. But I knew he wouldn't budge. Not anymore.

"Okay." I said, leaning the side of my head against his bicep. He pried my hand from his arm and linked our fingers. He brought our connected hands up to his mouth and left a lingering kiss on my fingers.

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