16 - "You hurt me, mia bela."

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This chapter is... a lot. Believe me on that one. If you're uncomfortable with rape scenes, I would highly recommend skipping it: I won't be upset. I'll give you an overview at the end.

Please, honestly, be careful with this chapter. Any negative shit will be deleted and I swear to all mighty I'll mute your ass and hunt you down.

Important note at the end btw

6 years ago:

His eyes had darkened.

I'd noticed it as soon as Frazier and I had walked into his office, but now, I saw as the blue in them was overpowered by darkness.

"Bela," He mused lightly, smirking in a way that caused a shudder to run down my back. "How nice of you to return."

I frowned slightly and looked around. "What's going on, Xander," I asked, looking around as his men looked ready to pounce. "Why did you call us here?"

"Us," he repeated with a dark chuckle, and I unknowingly stepped back, right into Frazier's front. He dug his fingers into my elbow, clearly ready to pull me back. "When did that happen?"

"You are not making any sense, Xander." Frazier said tensely, and I gulped slightly as Xander finally stood up and came around the desk to lean on it.

"Of course I am not making any sense," he muttered slightly, loosing the cool facade. My heart rate picked up. He looked me right in the eyes as he spoke. "You hurt me, mia bela."

I shuddered as he finally moved forward, like a predator stalking towards its prey. Frazier's hand tightened around my elbow.

"Don't." Frazier growled lowly. "You have a problem with me, Xander. Don't take it out on her."

"Oh, don't worry," there was a manic glint in Xander's eyes, one that I'd never seen before. "You'll suffer your worth too."

A scream-like sound left my mouth as it all happened too quickly for me to fathom. Suddenly, Xander had pulled me to him, front against my back and Frazier was being held back by all of his men.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He growled, eyes brewing up a storm. Behind me, Xander tucked his nose into my collar bone and took a deep breath in. I shuddered, weak, pathetic. Frazier's eyes hardened. "Touch her, Xander, and I'll cut you to pieces."

Xander's hand slipped down behind me and I continued to stand and do zilch. I was shaking, and water was leaking from my eyes- but that's all I could do.

There was a moment of silence in which Frazier glared at Xander, and he glared back.

Then, three words from the man behind me, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Game on, brother."

With that, he spun me around and forced his mouth onto mine.

With my eyes wide open, I saw Frazier's widen before they darkened to a black.

Then, as Xander turned me around, all I could hear was his begs, to let me go, to hurt him instead, his threats, his pleads- his prayer to have mercy. Xander didn't. Not once.

He pushed me down onto the desk, then with his shoe he pushed my legs apart. I was crying now too, begging him to stop, begging Frazier to make him stop.

Frazier was begging too, but he could do nothing but watch as every single one of Xander's bodyguards still struggled to keep him at bay.

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