20: "Bigger scars don't invalidate the smaller ones."

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"Charlie," I look up from the rose under my nose and stood up straighter, raising a hand to wave at Frazier. "I didn't expect you to be here."

I smiled softly and walked forward, him following slowly behind me with his arms crossed behind his back.

"It's a beautiful day." I replied.

He looked up and gave me a confused look. "Are we living in different days?" As if on cue, the first droplets of rain fell. "Come inside I'll make you a coffee."

"Rain makes days better," I replied. My foot was absoloutely aching. I had probably sprained it, so my walk was purposely slow.

He sighed but didnt argue, following me slowly.

The day was grey. The sun was hidden and the rose garden was peckered with water droplets gliding down each one.

He didnt speak for a while and neither did I.

The rain fell harder around us as we made it to the clearing where it was just tall grass. I didnt hesitate to step inside, my bare feet stinging with fallen thorns.

He must have noticed. "Why are you not wearing shoes, Charlie?" He asked quietly, knowing the answer.

"I didnt have time to grab them," I replied. He didnt ask anything else.

I was wearing an old yellow sundress which fell to my calves. It was cold, so I had goosebumps on my exposed arms but I didnt care. I was content.

My hair fell over my face, wet, and my skin was flushed, dirty.

Before I could argue or process, Frazier's hand tightened around my wrist and he pulled me back into him, so I fell to his chest.

Breath racing, i looked up into his silver eyes. He was looking at me already, concern lacing his expression. He tightened his hands on my waist and I gasped slightly, colour rising to my cheeks.

"Just say the word, mi amor," he said gruffly. "I'll take you far away."

I looked down at my hands, placed on his chest. "Just hold me, Frazier," I replied in a whisper that I wasnt even sure he heard. "That's all I need from you."

And he did. He bent slightly to hook his hands behind my thighs and then pulled me up, so I was clinging onto him like a baby.

I was higher than him, so while one hand was on his chest, the other was cupping his neck slightly, my nails grazing the bottom of his hair.

We stayed like that for a while under the pouring rain, until his hair fell over his forehead and mine dangled down my back. Until I couldnt wipe the droplets of water from his face anymore.

He rocked slightly and not once did we break eye contact. Eventually, I laced my hands behind his head and leaned down ever so slightly to place my lips gently to his cheek.

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