❗21: "No screaming."❗

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Not in this household Karen.
Anywho lol enjoy

Frazier had come home with a girl.

I tilted my head at the small but beautiful girl he was carrying on his back. She couldnt possibly be older than 12 or 13.

"Charlie," he introduced, setting her down on her feet. She hid behind him and I smiled to myself. "This is Lylah. My sister. Ly, this is Charlotte Mason-"

"Snow White," she mumbled quietly to her self. "She looks like Snow White."

He chuckled slightly and pulled her gently forward, his hands on her shoulders guiding her to be stood in front of him. I leaned down slightly and put my hand out. She smiled shyly as she shook it. 

"Its nice to finally meet you, Lylah," I said softly. "I've heard so many lovely things about you."

"I've heard lovely things about you too." She replied. "Bounty loves you very much."

I chose to ignore her actual words, but something caught my attention. "Bounty?"

"Bennett," Frazier interrupted, looking slightly embarrassed as he scratched the back of his neck. I hid a smile behind a cough. "Its a- a nickname. You should be in bed, Charlie."

I rolled my eyes at his way of changing the topic. "Dean was just cooking something. We'll eat then I'll go to bed."

"Ly, you hungry?" frazier asked after nodding. I didnt miss the small frown between his eyebrows when he did a scoop of my body. When she nodded, he took her hand and indicated I lead the way.

We ate with comfortable conversation, Lylah opening up to me more. Behind the shyness she was adorably sweet and funny. Definitely related to Frazier. I suddenly couldnt wait to meet his parents, but then chided myself on the thought.

"Lylah'll be staying with us for a week." Frazier said. I didnt miss the way he said us, as if it were our house and not just his. "Mum and Dad are in the Maldives for their 24th honeymoon."

I smiled slightly but nodded nevertheless. I  was excited for the week to come.

Because frazier had basically kidnapped me into his room, it was decided Lylah would be in her own bedroom, three doors down from us.

I helped Dean with cleaning up (despite the glare Frazier shot me) while Bounty put his little sister to sleep.

When I was done I wished him a goodnight, to which, not meeting my eyes, he simply bowed his head slightly. I was confused, but kept my comment to myself as I made my way back up the stairs slowly and to Frazier's room.

At the same time, Frazier was coming out of Lylah's room, softly closing the door behind her. There was a certain look in his eyes that I couldnt quite pinpoint but he put his finger over his lips and nodded towards his bedroom door.

He followed closely behind me, and I shivered, feeling his burning gaze dig into my behind.

I suddenly regretted not putting on pants.

As soon as his bedroom door was closed, my back was against the wall and his hands were tightly clenching my waist.

I winced slightly, my heart rate peaking and heat pooling between my legs instantly. God, I'd missed his touch. I needed him. I really needed him to touch me again.

"Strutting around in front of my staff," he growled slowly, his hand sinking under my t-shirt and gently, so gently it contrasted his words, running his index around the curve of my waist. "Half fucking naked. It's like you're trying to make me lose my mind."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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