Chapter 3

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I went out for a drive the next morning and when I came back Ratchet and Optimus were just about to leave.

"Uh... Where are you going?", I ask, curiousity filling my voice.

Optimus doesn't answer but he signals for me to go with him. I frown in confusion but follow him and Ratchet through the bridge. We walk for a few miles and during that time, they filled me in on what happened. Soon, we came across a large battlefield of cybertronian dead.

"For the first time in my life, Optimus I had hoped that you were wrong", Ratchet murmured. I look on in horror at the sight.

A second later, Megatron flew overhead and landed on a stalagmite formation. "Optimus! Been well?" he mocked. "I see you brought your trusty watchdog. I was certain he'd be convalescing in a scrapyard by now."

"Why don't you invite him down here for a chat?", Ratchet growls, moving forward slightly.

"What, nothing to say about me Megatron? I'm surprised. You seem to like insulting Autobots", I smirk at him.

Megatron looked surprised to see me again so soon but he soon recollected himself.

Optimus then spoke up. "I know why you're here, Megatron."

Megatron laughed. "Hardly a surprise, Optimus. After all, you and I have been at this for a long time. And your time has come to an end." He threw a shard of dark energon into the ground. "Rise, my army!"

Ratchet exclaims something but I don't hear him over the sound of the undead rising. Megatron then shouted something but I was only looking at him in horror, I couldn't a thing over the sound of my own spark beating.

Optimus said something but I wasn't paying attention. I had never fought this many at a time, let alone fighting an undead army. I was always farther back, helping the wounded.

"Optimus, if our combatants are already deceased, how can we possibly defeat them?", Ratchet says.

"I agree with Ratchet!", I say, fear laced throughout my voice. Optimus looked at me, sympathy laced in his optics.

"Ratchet, AuraStorm! Bridge yourself back to base!", Optimus commands as he starts shooting at the zombies.

"No, We shall stand with you, Optimus. You may require a medic when this is over with", Ratchet says. He leads forward into the fray, slicing them with his blade. "I recommend dissection. The smaller the pieces, the better."

"Sound advice, old friend", Optimus says and switches his guns for his swords. I watch for a little bit before looking up at Megatron, fear laced in my optics. His eyes soften for a second and he says something that Optimus and Ratchet didn't seem to hear. I heard it clearly, though.

"Leave the femme alone", he had said. I blink and nod at him in thanks and in return, I get a smile. Not one of his evil smiles. An actual genuine smile. I then pull out my daggers and attack the zombies, knowing that they won't hurt me. I could feel someone gaze upon me as I spun around and attacked the zombies but I didn't bother looking because I knew that if I didn't attack them, Optimus and Ratchet would notice. 

Close to the end of the battle, I hear a jet and I feel Megatron grab me and fly me up to his ledge.

"What are you doing?", I hiss at him. 

"They're going to notice if you don't have a single scratch on you", he whispers. Optimus finished off the last of them and started climbing up the side of the ledge.

"Let her go, Megatron", Optimus wheezed. 

"How about I don't?", Megatron sneered as Optimus got closer. "And bravo, Optimus. Though this is but a prelude. You may wish to save your strength for the main event."

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