Chapter 6

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When I wake up, I hear a familiar voice calling my name. It's Megatron. I try to stand up but my leg had stiffened up over night. 

"I'm over here, in a cave", I shout as loud as I can. I hear him come this way and I watch the entrance and see Megatron's shadow appear quickly.

"What are you doing here?", he asks as he comes clsoer to me. I sigh. 

"The Autobots... found out that about our meetings. They saw your signal last night and then Ratchet finished decoding your message so Optimus did some snooping around and saw us together... I then explained everything to them except for you being in my head and all that... Optimus then said that he couldn't condone this kind of behavior or whatever and he told me that I could stay until I was healed and then I was banished from the Autobot base...", I whisper and hold back more tears.

"He said that to his own sparkling?", Megatron almost yells. I nod and then tell him exactly what Optimus said.

"His exact words were 'AuraStorm, although you are my sparkling, I cannot condone that kind of behavior. As soon as you are healed, you are banished from the Autobot base."

Megatron started to growl as I spoke. "I'm gonna murder him!"

"Don't!", I shout. "I can see where he is coming from..."

Megatron looks at me curiously before sitting down beside me. "So why aren't you back at the Autobot base, if you aren't fully healed?", he asks, tracing my cast.

"I was sparkbroken at the words of my father. I needed out. I can't even feel him through the bond anymore. He's blocked me off", I whisper and lean against Megatron. I feel him tense and I immediately sit back up. "I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking!", I yelp and look away.

Megatron turns my head towards his gently, his hand lingering longer than it probably should have. "Don't be. I just... wasn't expecting it." I smile softly before leaning against him again. I feel him put his arm around me and draw me closer to him. I smile softly. This feels normal.

After a few minutes, Megatron sighs. "I must go before Starscream wonders where I am."

"He's still alive?", I ask, surprise filling my voice.

"Yes", Megatron says as I sit up and he pulls his arm away from around me.

"I thought you would've killed him by now. You were going to the day in that mine", I smirk at him.

"Yes, well, he has his uses. But he's made a lot of mistakes", Megatron says before getting lost in thought. 

"Come back with me", Megatron whispers. I look taken aback.

"What?", I whisper.

"Come back with me. Knockout could use some help", he says, kindness filling his red optics. As I gazed into them, I noticed a hint of blue. Surprised, I wondered if it could have been because of me...

"Is that the only reason or is there more?", I ask, teasing him slightly. Megatron smiles slightly.

"Always the investigator, aren't you?", he smiles, a joking look on his face. I smile, before putting on my thinking face.

I already knew my answer but I wanted to Megatron to think I needed time to think about.

"You need time to think about it, don't you?", Megatron asks and looks away.

I smile softly and bring his face to look at mine. His face was turned towards mine but his optics refused to look at me.

"I already know my answer", I whisper bringing his hopeful optics to look into mine.

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