Chapter 7: Jealousy

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"Ugh," I groaned.

"Something wrong?" Liam chuckled.

I played with my fingers and stared into the crowd. The boys had a few glasses and were in the crowd dancing. Even Jen had a martini and was grinding up against some guy.

Liam was the only one who didn't drink, so he kept me company.

"No, nothin'," I smiled at him faintly.

I passed the next ten minutes by tracing a pattern on the countertop with my fingernails, listening to Liam's story about his summer in Rio. 

"And we went to his beach where the water looks like glass," he said excitedly.

"Oh, really."

"Yeah, hahah. I even went swimming with bottlenose dolphins!"


I see Louis practically on top of some random girl. Psssht, I'm not jealous.

Oh who am I kidding? 

I gulp down two drinks, and feel a bit whoozy all of a sudden. Huh, first time drinker.

Out of the blue, Niall comes stumbles over to me, and grabs my hand gently.

"Val, let's dance!" he smiles. He is so adorable.

I hesitate for a minute, but then follow him to the dancefloor when I see Louis happily intoxicated and grinding up against some blond chick. His hands are roaming all over her and she peppers his neck with kisses.

I feel a pang of jealousy rise in me, but quickly brush it off.

"Ok, Niall."

We started dancing, and I got the hang of it pretty quick. Niall keeps stumbling and I can tell he is pretty drunk. 

I kept eyeing Louis and that girl, and feel the jealousy creeping back. Payback time, Louis.

I throw my arms around his neck, and grind into his crotch. He laughs and buries his face in my neck.

I feel really bad for doing this to Niall, he was a really sweet guy. 

"Oh god, Valerie," he says, gasping for breath.

I kiss him on the corner of his lips, and he pulls me closer roughly.

"Shhh, Niall," I say sexily.

I run my hands through his hair, and grind harder into his crotch area. He grasps my behind roughly and squeezes harder.

All of a sudden, I feel Niall being pulled away from me. I see a furious looking Louis standing in front of me. His teeth and hands are clenched tightly, and his eyes are bloodshot and red. 

He turns towards Niall and shoves him really roughly. Niall falls to the ground. He's super drunk, oh god.

Louis grabs a fistful of Niall's shirt and pulls him back to his feet, and punches his square in the face. I gasp loudly.

"LOUIS! PLEASE STOP!" I cry desperately.

I grab his arm, and he shoves me off roughly.

Liam runs over with Harry and Zayn. They break up the fight and carry Niall out through the back.

I'm left alone here with Louis. 

His angry eyes pierce through my own, and I find myself opening my mouth and then closing it without knowing what to say--like a fish.

"Louis, I'm sorry," I whisper.

He glares at me and holds his hand up, signaling me to stop talking.

"You are a slut," he said angrily.

"Louis, please--"

"Shut the f*ck up Valerie!"

"I didn't mean were too--"

"Whatever," he cuts me off and turns around. 

"Wait, aren't you coming home too?" I said, feeling helpless.

"No," he says, clenching his jaws.

"Okay," I whisper.

I speedwalk out of the club, my breath hitching as tears rolled out of eyes. They were blurring my vision.

"Valerie!" I hear Liam.

"Liam!" I say, relieved, "I made a mistake."

"Niall's ok. He's just really drunk and completely out. Going to be some hangover," he says.

I lean on his shoulder and cry.

"I'm sorry," I sob.

"You should be saying that to Louis, not me," he says softly.

"I didn't mean to," I cry.

"I know," he says, rubbing my back.

"I was jealous. I didn't mean to go that far," I say weakly.

He stays quiet. "I really like him, Liam. He hates me."

"Nah. He doesn't hate you. Tell him how you feel," he says, reassuringly. 

"Thanks, Liam," I say.

"No problem, Val," he smiles.

I call a cab and reach home. Marge greets me with a friendly smile.

"Your mother and Mrs. Tomlinson have gone out," she says.


"Would you like some dinner, Miss? I've made chicken pot pie, you're favorite," she grins.

"Thank you, Marge. But..." I start, "I'm really tired."

"Oh," she says.

"I think I'll head off to bed," I say, "Oh, um, if Louis comes by, escort him to bed."

"Of course, Miss."

I sigh and trudge up to my room. I run into my room, kick off my heels, and snuggle into bed, without bothering to change.

Salty tears run down my cheeks. I just ruined any chance I had with Louis.

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