Chapter 11: Knockout

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"Wow," Jen breathes, "'re a knockout, Valerie!"

"Um...thanks," I mumble, "Can I...look now?"

"Oooh, just a sec, almost done," Jen says, added a few more bobby pins into my hair.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on the chair. I am so not ready for this.

"Annnnnnnnd........done!" she chirps.

She swivels my chair around and I come face to face with the mirror.

I look....beautiful. I've never thought of myself as very pretty, with the boring dark eyes and the chocolate brown hair. But I actually feel confident now.

My hair was styled into the same curls, courtesy of Lori, but Jen added on a few whisks of hairspray and some bobby pins to top it off. It looked even better now. 

I stand up and take a step back from the mirror. My skin looks shiny, probably the amazing effects of my face mask and fruit facial.

Jen applied only the slightest bit of makeup, but it looked so natural and plain gorgeous. A bit of pink blush, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and light pink lipstick with a shiny coat on my supple lips. 

The dress is probably the best out of it all. It's a strapless, dark pink dress that was about knee length. It fit my curves perfectly, with a satin ribbon on the waist area.

I spin around and giggle. Jen's standing by me, spining a comb in her hands and smiling.

I throw my arms around her and hug her tightly. "Thanks."

"You deserve it."

"You're coming tonight right?" I ask. "Harry invited you right?" 

"Oh yeah. I'm definitely coming," she replies, "I can't miss this for the world. I need to see your reaction when he gets down on one knee."

I slapped her arm playfully and walked over to my shoe rack, careful not to mess up my hair. 

"Wait, Val," Jen says, fumbled with something in her bag.

I look towards her and see she's holding something behind her back. I give her a confused look, and she grins widely and pulls out a large box.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Just open it loser."

I take the box, and pull off the cover to reveal a pair of adorable pink high heels, with lace and small studs. "Is this...for me?" 

"No, it's for Louis." 

"These look too expensive. I can't accept it..."

"I spent four hours at H&M looking for these, you're wearing them," she says sternly.

I laugh and pull them on.

"Thanks Jenny. They look great!" I say, hugging her again.

"No problem. Think of it as my little engagement gift to you."

We linked arms and started walking down. Our living room was filled with people. My mother, Louis's parents, his sisters, and a few of our distant relatives were sitting near the fireplace. My mum looked as sharp as ever.

Louis was near the dining table, phone attached to his ear.

He looked really handsome.

His hair in the neat quiff that everyone loved, his face clean and freshly shaven, wearing a fancy tux with a crisp white shirt and a black tie.

Jen pulled me along down the stairs, and nudged me towards my mother. I stood quietly. 

My mum got to her feet and hugged me. This was the first time she's hugged me since my dad died, but it still feels restricted. 

"You've grown up to be a fine young lady, Valerie," she says.

"Thank you, mother."

Jay and Mark smile at me. "Louis, come take Valerie to the limo. We can't be late."

He grumpily shoves his phone into his pocket and grabs my hand roughly. 

We start walking towards the limo, and I stumble a bit in the heels. He snickers,"Loser."

I bite my lip, because nothing can ruin this night. No matter how much I despise him, I will not let him ruin this night for me.

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