Chapter 22: Tough Love

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Louis's POV

That's it. I really screwed up. And I screw up alot. This was my all-time worse screw up.

I'm sitting in Harry's luxury loft apartment, ranting to him about how my life basically sucks balls at the moment. 

"Well, aren't you gonna try and fix this mate?" Harry asks.

I give him a glum look. "What's the point, haz? She doesn't even want to talk to me."

"Well you could still try and get on her good side."

"Such a side doesn't exist in her for me mate."

It's been four days since Valerie has talked to me. Whenever we're in the same room, she gives me this emotionless expression and then walks away. 

"Well, cheer up lad! Bachelor party tonight!" Harry says, trying to lighten the mood. 

Yeah, that's right. It's the eve of me and Val's wedding. And the bride and groom aren't on speaking terms. This is going to make one awkward honeymoon...

I've been so busy thinking about the wedding and how I was going to manage everything, that I forgot about the bachelor's party!

"Well, I don't even have anything planned..."

Harry gasps dramatically. "Who are you and what have you done with Loubear?"

"Stop joking around. I completely forgot about it," I sigh.

He laughs, "No worries mate. We'll gather up the boys and throw you the best bachelor party this world has ever seen!"

"Fine. But no strippers or anything. I'm already in for it with Valerie," I groan, "I don't need any more misunderstandings."

"Sure, sure. We'll call in a pole dancer instead," he says. I hit him with a pillow and shake my head. When will he ever grow up?

"Fine! No pole dancers, but I guarentee you that it'll be one heck of a ride," Harry grins.

Val's POV

It's been four days since I've talked to Louis. I hate him....well no I take that back. Who am I kidding? I love him. He just drives me to the edge sometimes. The things he says are hurtful. I just screamed at him at the spur of the moment. 

Why does love have to be so hard!? 

"Valerie. Will you please get your bum out of the foyer and come help me?" I hear my mom.

I groan and walk out of the room to go see what she wants.

"Honestly, Valerie. Am I the only one who actually cares about this wedding? I have to do everything around here. It's like you don't even want to get married."

"I don't," I grumbled to myself, turning around.

"Excuse me?" my mother says, her voice sounding edgy. I was treading seriously dangerous waters here. 

"Nothing," I say.

"No, no. Valerie, please repeat what you just said to me. I'd love to hear it."

"Nothing, mum. Please just leave it, my head hurts," I say, frowning and trying to get out of the situation.

She sighs and narrows her eyes at me. "Valerie, I hope you know that everything I've ever done has all been for you. Everything," she states strongly.

I nod. "Now I want you to try on the wedding dress just one more time."

"But I tried it on like three times already!" I groan.

"Valerie, please. Stop with the whining. You've been eating all day and sitting on the couch moping, for no reason what so ever. Certainly that's to have gained you a few unwanted pounds."

I raise an eyebrow at her.

Is my own mum calling me fat?

"And once you've done that, I'd like you to accompany Jay to the dinner hall, so that she can check on the lighting."

I nod glumly. Might as well do as she says, or else she'll just lecture me more and tell me about how useless I am and how I won't amount to anything.

"And after dinner, you can help me sort and mail the thank you cards. I'll also need you to accompany George to the airport to pick up your grandmother."

"WHAT?" I ask loudly.

"You're grandmother Valerie. She's flying in today at 8:30."

"No, I mean, I just thought....I could get together some of my friends and...we could have a little get together...I mean...I am getting married tomorrow."

"Oh don't be silly, Valerie," my mother laughs, "nothing's more important than seeing your grandmum. It's been years since you've seen her!"

"It's been 3 months..." I say.

"Valerie, please, don't argue with me on this. And who'll you invite anyways? You've no friends other than that misbehaved, rowdy girl! What's her name? Personally, I think she's a bad influence."

"Her name is Jennifer. And she's not rowdy. AND I HAVE LOTS OF FRIENDS," I say, clenching my jaw.

My mother gets up and straightens her creased pencil skirt. "I don't like that tone, young lady," she says, "Oh, and her flight's arriving at terminal 2."

With that, she stalks off, holding that annoying pager of hers.

Who even owns a pager nowadays?!?!

I scrunch up my face in anger. How dare she say I don't have friends? If Louis gets a bachelor party, then I do too! 

I ring up and Jen and hold the phone to my ears.

If this is the last night I get to spend as a  free bird, then I might as well soar.

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