Chapter 18: Coffee Dates And Psycho Fans

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"I'll have a tall caramel frappachino," Nathan said

"And for the lady?" asked a young guy behind the counter, probably a high schooler. 

"Same," I said, looking at the rack of giftcards next to me. It read: Life's too short for bad coffee. And My blood type is coffee.

I smiled to myself. "That'll be $5.20," the guy says.

Nathan pulls out a wrinkled bill and hands it to him. I collect the brewed drinks in my hands and scanned the area for an empty table.

When I turned around I see two blond girls approaching Nathan, giggling. "I can't believe it! Nathan Sykes, I love you!" squealed one of the girls.

Nathan smiles and she continues, "Can I get a picture if it isn't too much trouble?"

"Sure babe." He poses while the girls take turns snapping pics with him.

More people start noticing him and start coming up to us.

"Nathan, we love you!" 

"I can't believe I'm breathing the same air as Nathan Sykes."

"I love The Wanted!"

"Sign my boobs!"

He continues waving to everyone, signing their napkins, and taking pictures with them. I smile weakly and back up slowly, the drinks still in my arms. 

His bodyguard starts leading him out of the store. A bunch of teenage girls struggle against him to catch a glimpse of the famous boyband member.

We get into Nathan's limo and he takes a deep breath. "I'm so sorry about that Val," he says frowning.

"That's okay."

"No really. I should've known this would happen."

"I get it," I said, reassuring him, "You're famous. And they adore you."

Ten minutes later we're sitting on the hood of his limo, looking out into water at Beaver Lake. The water's glistening bright against the sun. There are two fishing boats just ahead of us, and little kids in trunks wading around in the shallow end.

"I know this isn't you're idea of coffee..." he says, chuckling.

"Nah," I smile, "I think I kinda like this better."

"Hey Val," he says, "you never told me you were engaged..."

I laugh hesitantly. "I didn't even know until last week."

He looks at me quizically. "No, I'm not on crack," I smirk, "Really. It was so sudden."

I tell him about everything. Management. The engagement party. How it was like seeing my tormentor after years and then learning that I'd be marrying him.

"I don't get it, " he says, "I thought you liked Louis back in high school."

"I did." 

"Then what's your problem?"

"It's complicated."


I stood leaning against my locker, with a dreamy look on my face. 

I brought my hand up to my lips, remembering his own soft lips against mine. The way little sparks ignited in my stomach when our lips met, like fireworks.

I couldn't stop smiling that whole day. All I could think of was Louis.

We've been friends forever, but I've always secretly liked him. And he finally kissed me last night.

I picked my bag up and went searching for him through the football field. 

"Hey, Daren. Have you seen Louis?"

"No, sorry Val."

I walked through the long-stretch of grass and looked around. Maybe he already went inside and was waiting for me.

I smiled to myself, just thinking of him gave me butterflies.

I was approaching the back of the bleachers, when I heard something. 

"Louis. Why do you need that loser when you have me?"

Then, silence.

"I could give you so much more."

I walked closer and saw two figures, entangled together. Oh my god.

My heart clenched and I felt paralyzed.  No....

It was Louis and that blond bimbo, Katie Prescott. Kissing. 

One of her hands was pushing him against the back of the bleachers, and the other one around his neck.

She tilted her head and was stradling him. And....

And he didn't push away.

My hand flew to my mouth in shock, and I ran as fast as I could. How could I be so stupid? Louis was really popular and everyone loved him. I was just the dorky neighbor.

There's nothing special about me, so why would he even want me? 

That kiss probably meant nothing to him.

I ran into the girl's bathroom and flung myself into an empty stall. "How could he do this to me?" I thought, crying myself until there were no tears left.


"I don't know. It's just complicated."

"That's okay if you don't want to tell me."

I looked down and bit my lip. "It'll be alright, Val. I can tell that he likes you."


"Yeah. I've seen the way he looks at you. Especially when we left together," he laughs.

I give him a slight smile. "I hope he doesn't beat me up," he says, dramatically.

I roll my eyes and lean onto his shoulder.

"No hard feelings right?" he asks.

I look at him questioningly, and he explains. "I mean, I broke it off too abruptly. Between us. I'm sorry."

"No! You're a really good friend Nathan. Thanks for today," I say.

"It was good catching up. I had fun with you Val," he says, smiling.

"Me too, even though we had to run away from phsycotic fans," I smile back.

Louis's POV

I slammed my hand down on the glass, watching them leave.

I felt enraged. How dare he put his arm around her? I'm going to fucking break that arm off.

"Woah, mate. You okay there?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah I'm just peachy," I grumble, plopping down onto the couch.

"You're jealous, huh?" he grins.

"Shut the fuck up Malik!" I growl.

"Sor-ry," he says, trying to hide his laugh.

I run my hands through my hair, still on the brink of breaking something.

If Valerie wants to mess with me, she's messing with the wrong guy. And if she thinks she's got me check mated, I guess it's my turn to play.

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