Chapter 9: Your Loss

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Louis's POV

"I can't do this, Niall," I say, picking at my fries.

"dwo jauwt?" he asks, his mouth completely full.

"I mean, I can't propose to Val. She hates me, I hate her..." I say, twisting a french fry in some ketchup. 

Niall swallows, and looks me in the eye. 

"Mate, you can do anything. You're like the most resiliant guy I know!" he says, his eyes sparkling.

"Thanks, Nialler. But still," I say, slightly touched by his comment.

"I mean, do you really hate her that much?" he presses on.

"Well. No......I mean, yes. I mean....I don't know."

"See, there's your problem. You think you hate her, but in reality, maybe you kinda like her."

"We have a really harsh past together. And I don't think she's over it," I say, sighing.

Niall wipes his hands on a napkin, and calls the waitress over for the bill. "Louis, the fault is not entirely on Val....erie," he says uncertainly.

"Pshhht, you can call her Val mate. It's okay," I say, laughing.

"Yeah, so think about how she's feeling too. That's all I'm saying," he says. "Oh, can I get 5 more wings to go please?" he asks the waitress.

"What if she says no when I propose?" I ask, a nervous wreck.

"She kinda has to say yes mate," he chuckles, and stands up to leave. 

I stand up too. Well, at least Niall's not mad at me anymore and things are back to normal there. But what about Valerie? I'm certainly not apologizing for earlier today! No way!

And whenever I try and talk to her as a friend, she makes some snarky remark, which makes me want to smack her in the face. Ugh.

"Hey, don't worry man," Niall says, motioning at me, "we'll all be there right by your side tonight. And don't sweat it, I'm sure everything will turn out fine."

"Yeah, I hope so..."

Val's POV

I stared up at the ceiling, watching the fan spin once. Then twice. Then three times. 

After a half hour of crying, I figured it's not worth it anymore. Jen always says no guy is worth a girl's tears, and she's right.

I'm just really disappointed in Louis right now. And more mad than disappointed. 

He slept with another girl, when he's about to get engaged to me tonight! And what's worse is he has the nerve to tell it to my face with confidence!

I saw him leave the house with Niall through my window. And they looked happy. Maybe they're friends again. Things are sure starting to look up for him, and I'm the loser as per usual.

Sitting here and crying my heart out because the guy I love won't love me back. Not to mention I'm getting married to him in a WEEK!

Why does Louis hate me so much? What did I even do to him? He bullied me throughout all of high school and humiliated and abused me. 

I would regret stepping into class everyday because of him, and he even turned almost everyone against me, except Jen. 

Oh, wait, Jen! I should call her.

I ring her up, and place the phone to my ear.


I flinch at her screaming, but then burst into a fit of giggles. 

"Oh hi Jen."

"So what's the news? What happened after you two went home yesterday?" she says suggestively.

"Jen.......... didn't you see our fight?"


"Or were you too busy with Harry?" I laughed.

I tell Jennifer everything that happened yesterday, from dancing with Niall to Louis punching him in the face to this morning. She listens intently, making tsk tsk noises along the way.


"Yeah," I said softly.

"Oh my god, Val. I'm so sorry," she says, "he doesn't deserve you."

"Whatever, I don't even care," I say.

"Don't lie. Val, I know you like him," she says.


"I know my best friend," she says, "and I know when she's hurt."

I stayed quiet, and she was back to her bubbly self. "WHO CARES ABOUT THAT JERKFACE? You're getting engaged today!!!!! We need to get you ready!" she squeals. 

"Oh yeah," I say meakly.

"Kay girly, so meet me at my house in twenty, and we are out for the day!" she giggles.

"Okay. See ya in twenty."

"Bye val!"

She cuts the line, and I place the phone down. Your loss, Louis Tomlinson. Your loss.

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