Chapter 16: Wrapped Up In Celebrity Drama

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Val's POV

I slammed the door shut right in his face. Hopefully it hurt him. How dare he say those things to me? Like I'm desperate for him or something.

Well, maybe I did like him, but I wouldn't call it desperate, I call it obliged.

But right now, I feel the sudden urge to cut off his manhood with a chainsaw.

My phone was vibrating on the bed. "Hello?" I pick it up.

"Why'd you put the phone down? I've been waiting for your call," says Jen impatiently.

"Sorry Jen, it was the buttnugget again," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh my god, what happened?" she asks intently.

"I yelled at him, he yelled at me, the usual," I say, trying to hide the hurt in my voice.

She demands to know every single detail, and I give in by telling her everything. From me trying to slam the door in his face to him telling me he still has feelings for someone else.

"Be there in ten," she breathes out.

"No, wait, Jen, you don't have to," I say, trying not to sound too whiny.

She cuts the phone, and I sigh. Thank god for Jen though, I need someone to rant to.

"Miss Matthews! Miss Hashton is here to see you," Marge says ten minutes later, tapping lightly on my door.

"Send her in Marge!" I call out.

The door opens and Jen skips in happily, holding an extra large size of Nacho Cheese Doritos and a package of double stuff Oreos.

"Comfort FOODS!" she chirps.

I laugh and get up to hug her. Usually, me and Jen didn't have that friendship where annoying girls gush and cry to eachother about everything and hug every 5 seconds. But she really has my back when I need something.

"So he DOESN'T want to fuck you?" Jen asks.

I blush furiously and shove a handful of doritos into my mouth to hide it.

"Nuh uh," I reply.

"'re smoking hot!" she says, looking like she's trying to solve some difficult math equation, "Great body by the way." She winks suggestively.

I throw a dorito at her face, and she tries to catch it in her mouth but she fails.

"Shut up, Jen. I'm serious. What do I do now?" I ask.

"When's the wedding again?"

"Two weeks," I frown.

"No problem," she says, leaning back, "I've got a plan."

"You having a plan is like Spongebob getting his driver's lisence," I raise an eyebrow.

"No really. I know guys."

"Jen," I laugh, "FYI, getting froyo with Harry isn't knowing guys."

"Well I have a brother," she scoffs.

"Who's three years old," I laugh even harder, completely forgetting about my fight with Louis.

She pouts and pretends to wipe a year from her eye.

"Fine!" I exclaim, "what's your great plan?"

She perks up again and comes closer to whisper into my ear, "Val, you may think I don't know guys, but remember that they're all the same when it comes to jealousy. Boys. Are. Territorial."

I don't get it. "What do you mean territorial? This isn't animal planet," I say stupidly.

"No, I mean like let's bring a new character into the story."

I stare at her cluelessly and she sighs. Then, Jen ruffles through her purse and pulls out her android. "Ok, pick one."

When I don't take the phone from her, she shoves it into my hands. "In my contacts, are the names of every guy I've ever dated in high school, which is like all of them. Just pick one and we'll hit him up."

"NO!" I yell suddenly.

She looks startled and asks, "Why not?

"Because we both know how making Louis jealous went last time! I'm not doing that again!"

"VALERIE!" she shrieks, a huge lopsided grin on her face. I jump in my seat, and almost drop my precious snacks. "You need to call him."



I understood what she was saying now. I nodded my head no furiously. "NO WAY ARE YOU CRAZY?"

"It's perfect!" she says, "Just do it!"

"I can't use him like that. It's just not right."

Despite my refusing pleads and arguing with Jenny, she forced me to call him. If you're wondering who him is, it's my ex Nathan Sykes, from The Wanted.

Yup, this isn't the first time I've gotten myself into celebrity drama.

I met Nathan when my father's business offered to sponser The Wanted during their world tour. We met at one of his shows, and completely hit it off. I liked Nathan, but I never really loved him. Not like Louis. Louis was my first love, and I still have strong feelings for him.

We broke it off a long time ago, because his career started getting too serious and he never had time to see me.

But that was almost a year ago, and we're still really good friends.

"I could never do that, Jen. It's just...weird." 

Jen pulled a face and walked over to my drawer. She snatched my cellphone out and started scrolling through it. Panicking, I quickly shuffled over and tried grabbing it back.

"Give it back!"

"I'm trying to help you!" she yelled back. She pressed call and put it on speaker before I could object, and smirked.

"What the fuck. Ughhhhh" I whispered.


We both froze and my eyes widened. "Hello?" Nathan said a little louder.

"Talk," Jen whispered.

"Oh um...hi. Nathan. It's me. Valerie," I mumbled uncertainly.

"Valerie? Valerie!" he said perkily.

 "How are you?" I asked, following exactly what Jen was silently mouthing to me.

"Great! And you?"

"Never better," I said, with an uneasy laugh, "How was your tour?"

"It was amazing! Wish you were there Val."

"Mhm. So I heard you were in Beverly Hills for the summer."

I probably sounded like some thirsty, wannabe girl. But I guess it can't be that bad...

"Oh yeah. We're at Siva's summer home."

"Do you want to catch up over some coffee?" I blurted out, Jen facepalming herself.

"Oh. Um..."

"I mean only if you want to! We don't have to--"

"Val, I'd love to. I'll pick you up tomorrow around 2'oclock."

"Ok. See you then." I cut the call and instantly started feeling more confident. Jen's right. Two can play at this game, Louis Tomlinson.

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