Chapter 14: White Roses and Tears

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What a night! 

I lean against the window of the limosine, my eyes feeling slightly droopy.

I raise my hand to twist the extravagent and sparkly band of platinum against my finger. 

"What kind of system are you idiots running here? Look, I don't care if these flowers have to be shipped all the way from the Canary Islands! We ordered white roses and calla lilies and that's what we'll be getting!" my mother half screams into her cellphone.

The boys and the rest of my friends have gone home in different limos, and I'm stuck with my mother , Jay, and Louis! The last people on earth I want to be with right now.

"Sir, I can't possibly settle for plain white lilies and silly garden roses. I'm not a country hillbilly!" my mum says strictly, earning a small giggle out of me.

Louis smirks from his seat and tries the best to hide his laugh.

Jay scrunches up her eyebrows and gives my mother an encouraging look.

They're both going to scare the living daylights out of that poor guy, I swear.

"You're putting me on hold?" she screeches, "Do you know who I am?"

She puts one hand over the earpiece and lowers the phone. "Can you believe this Jay? I've paid them my good lot of the money and I don't even get the service I'm looking for!"

Jay just nodded vigorously and made little tsktsking noises.

"Mum," I say gently,"It's okay. I kind of like white lilies."

"Dear, I've already placed the order. These flowers are for a more modern and monochromatic look. We would'nt want our guests to think we lack style," she says blatantly, not even looking at me.

"Right," I say, leaning back.

This was so like my mother. She never listens--never cares about what I want. Just what she wants, and what she thinks.

"The entire wedding's theme is based on these colors. I ordered the natural palette and I am getting the natural palette," she says forcefully into the phone.

"I'm expecting only the finest from this order, I believe you know that," she adds, and with that she ends the call and huffs loudly. "In-des-pic-able."

There was an awkward lingering silence in the air for about five minutes.

"So..." Jay started, "Did we tell you that you're going to Rio for your honeymoon?"

"WHAT?" Louis screamed, almost dropping his phone. 

 "Rio?" Jay said, uncertainly.

"I am not going on a honeymoon with her!!!" he yelled at his mum.

"Rio, that's nice," I smiled, ignoring Louis's outburst.



 He groans frustratedly and rubs his temples. I bit my lip and slid back in my seat. I don't know why I keep beating myself up over the rude things he says, but they really get to me.

The limo entered the gates of our manor, and I was the first one to get out. 

I tried to hide the tears slipping out of my eyes, and stormed up the stairs.

"MISS MATTHEWS!" Marge called after me.

I slammed my door and let the tears freely flow. He thought of me as some sort of playtoy. And I couldn't take it anymore.


"Hey slut," Louis laughed as he walked up to me.

I looked down and clutched my books closer to me.

"I have to go," I said quickly, and tried walking past him, but he stuck out his right foot and tripped me. 

I came face to face with the floor and landed with a thud. My ears were ringing and there was a sharp pain in my ankle.

"Where ya going bitch?" he says, grabbing my arm by force. The entire hallway was laughing.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered, barely audible. Tears were freely flowing down my cheeks, hitting my shirt.

"Aw don't cry princess," he smirks, "Wouldn't want to ruin that smile."

And with that, he kicked my side and I cried out with pain. He kicked me again three more times and laughed. 

"Why don't you go kill yourself? You're a useless skank anyways," he says loudly, so that everyone could hear. 

"What happened to you, Louis?" I wept.

"Fuck you bitch," he growls, walking away, leaving me with a hallway full of my laughing abusers.

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