Chapter 3: Vulnerable

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Louis's POV

"You two are getting married."

All of a sudden, I feel dazed and out of place. My head started ringing and I can't process what is going on.

Lottie and Fizzy started giggling and I can see my parents anticipating some sort of reaction from me. I sat frozen with my mouth ajar.

"WHAT!?" Val basically screamed.

"Sweetheart, calm down--" Lauren started.

"MUM YOU CAN'T DO THIS," she shouted, tearing away from her mother's grip.

"Valerie, darling, please understand," my mum says quietly.

"I CAN'T GET MARRIED! AND NOT TO HIM," she cries, her words coated with venom.

Lauren was shaking her head, clearly disappointed at her daughter's outburst.


"Valerie Abbott Matthews, shut your mouth right now!" her mother says strictly.

I am still fixed in my spot, unable to move a muscle. 

"Louis, management thinks this'll be a good step in your career. Zayn just got engaged to Perrie, and Liam has just proposed to Danielle. However," my mum continues, "they would like you to be the first one married because you're the oldest."

Her words jar my senses and my confusion grows into anger.

"WHAT THE F*CK!?" I scream, getting to my feet.

"Calm down love," she says, soothingly.

"No, I will not calm down!"


"So this is a publicity stunt? You can't mess with my life like this!" I say angrily, my face reddening with every word.

"Louis, keep in mind that this is beneficial to your career," Lauren says, clearly trying to keep herself composed.


"Louis, you are marrying Valerie. This conversation is over," my dad says, clenching his teeth.

"I have a girlfriend!" 

"I said this conversation is over."

"I'm not marrying that she devil," I say.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON," my mum scolds. I glare at Valerie, who's sitting quietly on the couch with her head down.

The air carries pin-drop silence for a few minutes. I put my head in my hands, and feel like disappearing from here forever.

Lauren clears her throat. "Well, now that this is all cleared up," she says, smiling, "why don't we get ready for dinner?"

My parents and sisters stand up along with her and walk into the dining room, laughing and talking to one another.

"Valerie dear, show Louis his room so he can refresh up!" Lauren hollers from a distance.

Val slowly rises from the couch and starts walking towards the staircase.

I get up and follow after her. I still can't believe everything that has happened within the past hour. I can't get married, and especially not to that ugly b*tch.

And not to mention, I have a girlfriend! That little b*tch is going to pay.

We walk up the huge banister of stairs, without saying a word to eachother. The Matthews have a really beautiful mansion, one of the best in Beverly Hills.

She leads me to a long strip of hallway, and we pass lots of sculptures and fancy paintings.

Val pushes open one of the doors, and goes inside. I go in too.

There's a humongous window letting in strings of sunlight, and the room is large and spacious. There's a king-sized bed with royal purple comforters and modern wall hangings in all four corners. 

I can see an attached bathroom, a oversized armchair and table, and a dresser with a mirror.

"Here's your room," she says rudely, "Don't get too comfortable."

I don't know what got over me but I took two large steps forward, grabbed her arms roughly, and shoved her to the wall.

Val's POV

"Here's your room," I says rudely, "Don't get too comfortable."

Louis looks really angry. He takes two big strides forward, grabs my arm, and pushes me to the wall. I struggle against his grasp, but he had a really tight grip.

"Don't talk to me like that," he says, gripping me harder.

I whimper. I don't want him to think I'm weak, but damn has he got a grip.

"Let go, you're hurting me," I whisper.

"I bet your little plan worked," he says venomously.


"You're real clever, you know that? Don't play dumb," he says, dangerously close to my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say, more confident.

He doesn't reply, and instead presses himself closer to me teasingly.

"You're liking this, aren't you?" he smirks.

"No," I say, the uncertainty clear in my voice.

He pushes away from me harshly, and runs his hands through his hair frustratedly. 

"Did mummy help you come up with your little plan?" he asks.

"What plan?" I ask, annoyed.

"Louis Tomlinson. World renowned boyband. Fame. Fortune. Ring a bell, Val?" 

"What?" I am genuninely confused.

"I bet you're just marrying me because I'm famous," he spits out.

"Excuse me?"

"Well good job, because it worked. I f*cking have a girlfriend, you little sl*t!" he yells, pinning his arms on either side of my head.

"Well, it's not like I wanted to marry you," I say, tears threatening to spill.

"Are you for real? I have to break up with Eleanor and marry an ugly sh*t like you, and you're crying?"

Salty tears were now running down my cheeks.

To be honest, I wanted to fight back. I wanted to yell and scream at him and call him bad names, because that's how much this boy irritates me.

However, I just felt too weak and vulnerable right now.

If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now.

"You're going to regret ever going through with this, Valerie Matthews," he says, backing up away from me. 

"I am going to make your life f*cking hell."

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