Chapter 8: Stay Out Of My Business

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Val's POV

Nervous.....nervous nervous nervous nervous!

That's all I'm feeling right now. Maybe if I don't get out of bed, and keep my eyes closed tight I won't have to face Louis.

Today is Simon Cowell's big party here in Beverly Hills. Not only do I have to make myself look good for a room full of celebrities, but today's the day Louis's supposed to propose to me.

I prop myself up with one elbow in bed, and look at the hanging wall mirror across from me. I'm a freaking nervous wreck!

My eyes are dull and tired with dark circles underneath them, and my hair looks like a bird's nest! I'm probably the least attractice person on the face of the planet right now.

After brushing my teeth and running some cool water over my face, I quietly walk downstairs. I can already see Louis sitting on the couch, watching a football match.

I know I should probably clean up a bit more, but the guilt is eating me up inside! I shouldn't have acted so inappropriately with Niall, and I'm scared to death at how Louis is going to react now that he's perfectly sober.

I approached him, but he didn't even turn to look. I sat on the opposite side of the couch, fiddling my fingers nervously. 


"Good morning Valerie."

He continues to keep his eyes fixed on the screen, and doesn't make eye contact. Even his face shows absolutely no emotion.

"Can we talk?" I say softly.

"Depends," he says monotonously.

"Louis, please, I'm sorry."

He sighs and turns off the TV. "What?" he snaps.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I really really sorry," I plead.

He makes a muffling noise and rolls his eyes. I'm a little taken aback.

"Look, I don't want to come between you and your bandmates--"

"Valerie, I don't really care," he says, trying to ignore me.


"I can't control you like that. If you want to dance with Niall, go ahead. Fvck him for all I care!" he says, laughing snarkily.

I feel tears gathering in my eyes. "It's not like I like you or something."

"What?" I say weakly.

"We're not an actual couple, so do whatever you want. I don't want to hide anything from you. I slept with a girl last night," he says blatantly. 

I feel my heart drop in my chest. The whole world is closing in on me.

"You what?" I know I sound really powerless right now.

"Yeah, so I won't ask you who you're with, and you stay out of my business, ok?"

I nodded weakly, about to burst into a million tears. He leaned back on the couch and turned the telly back on. 

I walked upstairs quickly, clutching the rails as if my dear life depended on it. Once in the room, I slammed the door shut, and the pictures on the walls rattled with the force.

I sank down to the ground, and cried my eyes out.

Louis's POV

Fvck. What did I just do? I wasn't supposed to tell her that! Now I bet she's crying, and because of me.

To tell the truth, I kind of like Valerie.

I've liked her ever since the seventh grade. I even asked her out in our freshman year, but she turned me down. And that's why I started bullying her. 

I don't know why I did it, but I guess it kind of made me feel better about myself. 

Wow, I'm such a screw up. 

When I found out I was marrying Valerie, I wasn't all that dissapointed. I mean, yeah sure, I had to break up with El, but for Val! But I'm too scared to tell her how I feel, and too proud to admit my mistakes.

Being in the world's biggest boyband does things to your ego.

I'm such a d*ck. I did sleep with some random girl last night, but it meant nothing! I was drunk out of my mind, and really mad about what happened with Val and Niall. 

But I just made it seem as if I wanted to sleep with that girl, and now Val's probably crying because of me. Oh god dammit.

And not to mention I screwed up my friendship with Niall too. He is sober enough to remember what happened I guess, because he hasn't texted me "good morning my lovely carrot" as per usual. Yeah, we're weird. 

I switch of the telly, and lean back on the couch. Valerie, you will be the death of me. 

I take out a crumpled piece of paper from my pocket, and unfold it. Scrawled across the page in my messy handwriting is my proposal vow to Valerie.

Today's the day I have to propose to her in front of everyone, and I'm nervous as hell! 

"Louis, sir, there's a young boy here to see you in the name of Niall Horan," says Marge, waiting near the door.

Oh no. Just my luck.

"Um...yeah....send him in. Thanks," I say, stuttering. 

A few seconds later, Niall walks into the living room, hands tucked in his pockets, and his hair sticking out in all directions. 

"Louis, I just wanna say..." he starts, looking down at his feet.

I smile at him and before I know it, I've attacked him with a big hug.

"I'm really sorry mate," he says, looking ashamed of himself.

"That's ok mate. HORAN HUGS!" I said, in my girly voice.

"You're weird Lou, I love it!" he squeals back.

"Look, Ni, don't worry about it. It was a mistake, I get it. You were drunk. Things happen," I say, leading him over to the couches. 

"I fvcked up. She's your wife to be, and--"

"Come on Nialler, just forget about it," I say, punching his arm playfully.

"But I shouldn't have done that! I almost broke up the band!" 

"Look lephrachaun," I said putting on a serious face, "we'll always be best mates no matter what. Sounds cheesy, but I mean it."

He smiles at me. "So, you up for Nandos?" I try lightening the mood.

"WHEN HAVE I EVER NOT WANTED NANDOS?!" he shouts, offended. 

I chuckle and throw my arm around him. "Well, come on then."

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