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Can you hear me? I hope so. I can't see you, but I know that you're out there somewhere. All I want to know is this.
Did it help you?
Did it do anything more than boost your ego and self-esteem, because you really didn't need the extra self-centeredness.
It didn't help me. Of course it wouldn't.
Nothing ever helps the empty "stalker" or the girl nobody know is there. Here's the plot twist.
I hate you more than anyone else on this tiny speck of a planet. I want you to get what you did to me, but karma didn't let you stay for another year to see all of the damage you did. Half of me is glad you left. After all, even I thought it was too much, and I'm the one who was "extra".
The other half, however...
I'd rather watch you suffer the consequences up close.
You're not safe from this either.
I'm talking to you, the one who always says something while I talk. You make remarks as I present my arguments, you call me weird when you think that I'm out of earshot,and most of all, you HATED me.
First, you act like I'm not a human and shouldn't be treated as such, then you ignore me constantly, and then, you don't even tell me why.
You have too much gossip attached to you, and that changes you.
You two really deserve the hate I have for you.
I d o n t k n o w h o w t o l e t g o a n y m o r e .

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