Hostage situation at med

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Ambulance 61, man down due to unknown causes...
"Ready for your first call?" Brett asked as they both got up from their seats.
"Definitely." Eliza replied.
"Zo yukowap!" Logan Called after her.
"Right you are so teaching me some of this language." Brett declared as they got into the ambulance.
"That defeats the purpose." Eliza argued.
"Just the three phases you've used today?" Brett negotiated.
"Alright." Eliza agreed. "Zo yukowap means be careful. Htunr chea is Thank you and Ne mkezpoqu is no problem."
"How do you remember a whole language?" Brett questioned.
"How do you remember English?" She shrugged.

"ETA?" Brett called to Eliza as they transported their victim to med.
"3 minutes." She replied.
"Ambulance 51 reroute to lakeshore."
"This guy won't make it!" Brett shouted, annoyed. "Dispatch this is Ambulance 51 our guy wont make it." She stated into her radio.
"Continue to med Ambulance 51, victim will be directly transported to the cath lab."
"We're here." Eliza said, getting out of the front to open the doors.

"Maggie, you paged?" Connor said, meeting the nurse at the elevators.
"Yeah, I've got a forty year old man with a blocked pulmonary artery." Maggie explained.
"What's going on?" He asked, noticing how empty the ED was.
"Hostage situation in 4, all calls have been rerouted but the paramedics on this one won't budge." She explained.
"Everyone alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, guys got a gun to the new guy from Intelligence." She explained as Brett and Eliza opened the doors.
"You guys go, Doris help me get him upstairs." Rhodes said after they relayed all the details.
"What's going on? Why's everyone being rerouted?" Brett asked Maggie as she led them back out to the ambulance.
"Some Guys got a gun to a detectives head." Maggie briefly explained. "I don't recognise you, are you new?" She turned to Eliza.
"Eliza Chambers." She introduced herself, "Which detective?"
"Wait, you know Jacob?" Maggie asked.
"Yeah he's one of my brothers." Eliza answered. "Wait is it Kyle??" She panicked.
"I didn't get a name but it looks like it." Maggie said, leading them back in, towards the crowd of cops and doctors.
"Dispatch, take us out of service on a personal matter." Brett said into her radio before following them.
"Jake." Eliza said, as she found one of her brothers looking like he was about to cry. "Hey, it's Kyle he'll be alright." She comforted him.
"These guys have the weirdest family dynamic I've seen in a while." Maggie commented quietly to Brett.
"Oh I know, you haven't seen the twins together yet." Brett replied.
"Wait there's another one?" Maggie said.
"Yeah, Logan, He and Eliza have their own language." Brett said with a smirk.

"Drop the gun and you can walk out of here alive." Jay said to the guy, it had been almost twenty minutes and no one had a shot and he still wasn't putting the gun down.
"Not happening." He stated. "I want out of here with this guy and the kid."  Jay looked over to Kyle and as soon as their eyes locked Kyle mouthed take the shot.
"What's happening?" Eliza said, the sound of a single gunshot still echoing around the room, seconds later she was around the corner with Jacob.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Kyle said as he noticed them.
"We dropped off a patient and they recognised my last name." Eliza shrugged it off. "You alright?" She Said, noticing the small patch of blood coming from his arm.
"That would be my fault, he told me to take the shot and the only one I had was next to his arm." Jay said coming up to them as the boy was taken away by Lindsay and Ruzek. "How many of you is there that all look the same?" He asked.
"Four, us three then my twin Logan." Eliza said.
"Let's get you checked over." Jacob said, guiding Kyle over to a treatment room.
"I'm fine." He protested.
"Kyle.." Eliza said in a voice that sounded like a mother warning her 3 year old son when he was about to draw on the wall with crayons.
"Alright." He gave up, knowing he would get no where with her.
"No ordering take out because you know how jealous Logan gets." She added before walking away.
"Copy." Kyle replied.
"You guys have one of the weirdest family dynamics." Brett said what she had been talking about with Maggie as they got back into the ambulance.
"That cause we're not your normal family." Eliza answered.
"What do you mean?" Brett asked.
"Buy me a coffee after shift and I'll explain because it's gonna take longer than a few minutes and I don't want Logan interrupting." Eliza said..
"Sure." Brett said as she pulled the ambulance back into 51.

"You alright?" Logan Said, getting up from his seat as his sister walked in.
"I am now." Eliza said with a small smile as she allowed Logan to wrap his arms around her.
"How did you know something had happened?" Brett asked, confused.
"We're twins remember." Logan Said.
"Well I've met the rest of them and it's actually creepy how similar they look, prewarning I'm gonna get all three of you mixed up off shift." Brett joked.
"That's normal." Eliza commented, pulling away from Logan but still with one of his arms across her shoulders.
"What happened anyway?" Logan Asked.
"Kyle got caught up in a hostage situation at med, they're both alright now." She explained.
"Why am I not surprised," Logan joked.
"Ha ha." Eliza said sarcastically.

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