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Eliza sat in silence for a few seconds after the gunshot, thinking Josh had killed someone. That's when the same voice spoke again. "Eliza! Where are you?" She ignored it as a hallucination. "Eliza, are you in here?" The voice shouted outside the door seconds before it was knocked in. "Eliza..." The voice said, concerned.
"Jay?" Eliza said, her glassy eyes meeting his blue orbs.
"Hey I'm right here." Jay said dropping to her side and checking her over.
"I'm fine, a few broken ribs maybe but aside from that it's all cuts and bruises." Eliza said, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "Josh..?" She asked nervously, Jay shook his head and sat next to her, his back against the wall. "How did you know I was here?" She asked, her gaze locked on the door as if she didn't believe that Josh was really gone.
"Brett thought something was wrong." Jay Said shrugging it off. "We need to get you to med." He said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"Not.. yet.." she said in between sobs as she let her head fall onto his shoulder.
"Your safe now." He Said, comfortingly rubbing her shoulder.
"Let's get this over with." Eliza said slowly, shakily pushing herself away from the wooden floor.
"Come on then." Jay Said, leaving his arm draped around her shoulders so that when they walked past Josh he could use his body to shield her vision.

"How is she?" Brett asked, rushing over to Jay who was sat in the waiting room at Chicago med.
"Shaken up." Jay answered. When he had rung Brett to update her it sounded like she was wide awake despite it being half two in the morning.
"And Josh...?" Brett asked.
"GSW to the chest." Jay Said. "Nat!" He Called, bolting up from his seat and heading towards the doctor treating Eliza. "How is she?"
"Physically, she's good, this isn't going to impact her recovery time from her previous injury. I've just sent a rape kit to the lab." She paused to gage his reaction. "I'm surprise you managed to get her here, she won't let any guys in the room with her." Nat added.
"How long till she can get out of here?" Jay asked.
"I've just paged Dr Charles for a psych consult so it'll probably be a couple hours, Jacobs on his way in if you want to head home, get a couple hours sleep?" Nat Said.
"I'll stay thanks." Jay Said with a kind smile before heading back to the waiting area where Brett had now been joined by Jacob. "Hey." Jay Said, letting his presence known to the other two.
"Brett said you found her? How is she?" Jacob asked desperately.
"Physically she's fine, mentally... Nats getting Dr Charles to consult but she's not been letting any guys into the room." Jay explained.
"Can I see her?" Jacob asked.
"I think we best wait until Nat says you can." Jay Said, guiding the younger man to a seat.
"I should've said something yesterday." Jacob muttered to himself.
"Don't do that, once you fall down the hole of what ifs and should'ves there's no coming back." Jay advised.

"Hi, my names Daniel. Am I alright to just sit here?" Dr Charles Said, gesturing to a seat nearer to the bed Eliza was sat in, with her legs to her chest.
"Okay." Eliza said shakily.
"Dr Mannings told me you've had a rough couple of days, would you like to talk about it?"

"Jay, can I speak to you for a minute."  Nat Said, appearing at the door.
"Sure." Jay Replied, following her out.
"I've got the results of the rape kit..." her voice faded away.
"You're saying that son of a bitch raped her!" Jay Said, his voice getting louder but not loud enough for Jacob to hear him.
"Unfortunately the rape kit did come back as positive." Dr Manning said.
"Why are you telling me this and not him?" Jay asked, gesturing to Jacob.
"She trusts you, and I don't think they'll be many people she'll trust for a while. Dr Charles is with her now and I think she's opening up to him." Nat explained.
"How much longer will she need to be kept here?" Jay asked.
"She's good to go on my end of things but Dr Charles might want to keep her for evaluation." She explained.
"Thanks for letting me know." Jay Said, heading back into the waiting room.
"Jay." Nat Said, making the man stop, turn and face her. "God knows what she's been through, she needs someone to be there for her."
"I will." Jay Said with a small, sad smile as he walked back into the waiting room.

"Detective Halstead, Eliza is asking for you." Dr Charles Said, opening the door just enough.
"What about..." Jacob began to be cut off by Jay.
"Go home, tell Kyle and Logan what's happened. I'll stay with her." Jay Said, getting up and following the doctor. "Hey."
"Hey." Eliza said, looking up at him. The room fell into silence, neither knowing what to say. "Dr Manning said she told you about..." Eliza said breaking the silence a few minutes later.
"She did, I can't even begin to imagine what you went through..."
"Is he dead?" Eliza asked, cutting Jay off.
"Yes." Jay Said.
"You're sure?" Eliza asked, tears beginning to form in her eyes.
"100%." Jay Said. Tears began streaming down Eliza's face and Jay took one of her hands in his.
"I.. I thought he.. he'd killed you." She stuttered.
"I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere." Jay Said, squeezing her hand before pulling one hand away and wiping her tears.
"Where are my brothers?" Eliza asked.
"Jacobs just gone home to get Kyle and Logan." Jay Said.
"I don't want them coming in here." Eliza stated. "I can't face them."
"I'll text Jacob." Jay said calmly. "Did Dr Charles say how long you've got to stay here for?"
"He said I'm good to go but we've scheduled a few appointments." Eliza said.
"You got anywhere to stay?" Jay asked, Eliza's expression dropped. "You can either go home with your brothers or you can crash at mine if you want." Jay offered.
"Can I stay at yours? Just for a few days?" Eliza asked, her tone resembling that of a small child.
"You can stay with me for as long as you need to." Jay Said, squeezing her hand again.

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