Chapter 1

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Okay, so I'm new to this website and if anyone could tell me how this website works, you'll be the most amazerful person ever. This is the first story I post on here so please comment and do whatever we do here besides read. I hope you guys enjoy this story I wrote called METAMORPHOSIS: LUP ORAS. Here we go!

The Song: What Ezzy's feeling when she see Adalin dead.

Metamorphosis: Lup Oras

Chapter 1

As soon as she stepped inside she knew she was going to regret it. When she opened the door, intoxications of smoke and the strong smell of alcohol around her made her choke. As she walked through the house she saw people everywhere and didn't know any of them. The couches were full of couple making out. Have I really been gone this long? She asked herself. Adalin, her step-sister, was M.I.A.  

She walked around some more and then finally decided to ask for her. She stepped in front of the DJ and he stopped the annoying music she hated. Everyone stopped and looked at the DJ box and started to complain until they saw her. She dressed in a black hoodie with the hood up and black hair on the side, black baggie jeans stuffed inside black knee high combat boots, black nail polish, black eyeliner, her skin a flawless tan color, but the catch to it all were her eyes. Light blue with a thick ring a shade darker where the colored part stopped; glowing with the darkened room, like a wolf's eyes.  

After they all caught a glimpse of her, the complaining ended. Most of them knew her because they were people who went to her school, and they all knew to fear her. The boy that was playing the DJ tried to run, but she was quicker. She tripped him making him fall flat on his face, breaking his nose. The boy rolled over on his back holding his nose and looking up at her.  

"Give me the mic," she ordered.  

He lifted his hand with the mic and she snatched it from his hand. She got on the small stage that had the DJ, annoyed.  

"Where's Adalin?" she said into the mic. No one answered. "Where the hell is she?!" she yelled into the mic, this time aggravated.  

The door of the bathroom opened and Adalin came out with some guy. Ezzy, the girl on the mic, could tell that they'd been all over each other.  

"Esmeralda!" Adalin yelled throwing her hands up. "How are you, sis?"  

"Ezzy," she corrected, "you know no body is to call me that." Ezzy hopped off the small stage and walked over to Adalin. She grabbed Adalin with the hand she wasn't using. "What in God's name is wrong with you?" she asked shaking her strongly.  

"Isn't this great, Ezzy? We could finally have a party without mom and dad being here."  

"No, this isn't great because it always ends up being my fault. Who are these idiots, anyway?"  

"They're all from school," she said.  

"Get them out of here, now," Ezzy said.  

"Ugh, c'mon Ezzy, when do you ever have fun?" She stumbled around Ezzy trying to get somewhere, which didn't work out so well. She was too drunk. She laughed when she almost fell and Ezzy had to catch her.  

"I always have fun: just not here."  

"Well, you know why?"  

"Why?" Ezzy asked.  

"Because I'm..."  

"Shut up," Ezzy said stopping Adalin in mid-sentence. The whole room was quiet anyway because of Ezzy's presence.  

As Ezzy listened, she heard the screech of tires turning a corner. She could tell they were speeding. She heard the shooting start and it was still in the distance. Ezzy had never hung out with the right people, but these weren't any she knew. Her crew never had guns, only knives.  

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