Chapter 11

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Metamorphosis: Lup Oras

Chapter 11

Ezzy woke up the next morning in her bed with the same clothes she had worn the night before. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," she said.

It was Elias. He entered and closed the door behind him. "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I got up a few seconds before you knocked."

"Oh, well, I came to tell you're gonna hate us for this."

"Why?" she asked.

"The word ran around that you and your siblings are here and well, you're like a celebrity here so they want to interview you."

"You've got to be kidding me," she said with an annoyed smirk.

"I wish I were. I just came to tell you that just if you wanted to wear something shmancy."

" really."

"Well just checking. I don't want you to be angry because I didn't warn you about them."

"What's the difference between Lup Oras and the rest of the world?"

"Random question," he said.

"Well, I mean, you have T.V., videogames, and everything the Humdrum world has. What's the difference between here and there?"

"We're werewolves and a little bit more advanced then the rest of the world."

"Advanced? How?"

"More intElligent, I mean. We don't fight for capital. We fight for things that actually matter like family, values, life. Not for IPods, land, or any of that stuff."

"Yeah, I always thought it was stupid. People fighting for money and all the material stuff. I never got why. I think people work hard for what they get. Well, at least, material wise."

"Hell is brought upon us at one point or another mentally and emotionally, but doesn't always happen when we expect it," he said.

"Ha, I know the feeling."

He smiled at her. "I'm gonna go and let you get changed."

"Yeah, can you tell Storm, Asher, and Venus to come here, please?"

"Sure thing. I'll see you downstairs."

"'Kay," she said with a goofy smile on her face.

She looked at her suitcase and took out the first shirt and the first pair of jeans she touched. She changed into them and then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, clean her face, and fix her make-up. She was putting on eyeliner when her three siblings came in.

"You wanted to see us?" Venus asked bitterly.

"Yes, I actually did. Have you guys gone downstairs?" Ezzy asked.

"No," all three of them answer.

"Well, do you guys know what's going on?"

"Yes, people want to interview us," Venus said.

"Yeah, don't answer anything and don't listen to anything they say okay?"


"I can't explain anything to you guys until I know exactly what's going on. If I did it'd think I was crazy."

"I think you're crazy now," Venus said with a teasing smirk.

"Yeah, well I still think you're a whore, but that doesn't matter right now at all, now does it?"

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