Okay, so reads have been amazing. I got over 400 in about three or four days. Now if only I could get comments to see what you guys think of it, it'd be epic. Votes also wouldn't hurt. Just sayin' lol. This story is coming to an end and there is going to be a second one for sure so be ready for the next few chapter which will be filled with everything. Once again, Kassandra18 thank you so much for reading this story and leaving a comment. For now I leave you all with Chapter 18. Enjoy!
Metamorphosis: Lup Oras
Chapter 18
Galen, Karter, and Elli entered the house with Ezzy. As soon as everyone that was in the entrance saw Ezzy, they relaxed. White, who had been living in the C.I. the whole time, walked up to Ezzy and hugged her.
“Where was she?” he asked.
“In the studio,” Galen answered.
“She was practicing her amazing dancing,” Elli said.
“Were you?” White asked taking Ezzy’s head in between his hands, pushing her back to look at her.
“Yeah,” Ezzy said cleaning her nose.
“Never do that to me again,” he said embracing her in a hug again. “We were all worried.”
“I’m fine, White. I should’ve left a note, but oh well,” Ezzy said pushing herself out of White’s hug. “Where’s Mr. Noapte?”
“Not in the house right now. He went to get everything ready for you to go interrogate the criminal bastards,” White answered.
“Well when he gets back, tell him I need to talk to him. I’m going to take a shower.”
“Will do,” White said watching Ezzy climb up the stairs.
“Sir do you want me to tell everyone the search is over?” the house’s key keeper asked.
“Yes,” White said.
The man walked away and the rumor slowly started to go around to everyone that was still looking.
“Elektra?” White said before she started to walk away.
“Yes?” Elli said.
“Did you see her? Dancing, I mean?”
“Yes, I did sir. It was...incredible.”
“She’s still got it then. She loves it,” White said more to himself than her.
“Seems like it. I wish I had my camera to have had recorded it,” Elli said.
“Aren’t there cameras in that room anyway?” White asked.
“Yes, there are. Oh my damn, yes there are!”
Both he and Elli ran to the surveillance cameras in the house attic. They entered to the room full of cameras. They were in every hall of the house and every room that was extremely important like the library and the living room and all around the outside of the house. Of course, the ball room below the house had them too, but those weren’t on until they were needed.
Usually the room would have two guard sitting in the room, but there hadn’t been any to do it in days since the two that were in were spies for Adomis. Elli and White immediately went for the cameras that were in the studio and rewinded the video to Ezzy’s dancing. These cameras had sound, but usually they were in mute because there were so many of them. White unmated and rewinded back to where Ezzy had entered the room. He and Elli intently watched Ezzy’s dancing in awe. Occasionally they rewinded to look at a certain move she did that they found amazing, or they’d pause for a long moment on a graceful move.
Metamorphosis: Lup Oras
Hombres LoboEzzy has had a complicated life, always. Things don't get better for her when she comes back home to find that her step-sister threw a party in which she's killed. From that day forth, everything Ezzy knew will go to hell and become a new life. She...