16. A Jackson is Born!!!

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Zyan's Point Of View:

"Okay Nia so let's talk about the monster, have Mommy or Daddy ever use the monster?" The therapist asks Nia who shakes her head no as she continues to color.

"Okay Nia do you understand that the monster is gone okay Mommy and Daddy will make sure of it." The therapist says and Nia smiles at her and shakes her head and my heart falls a bit heavy.

To think I have to subject my four year old daughter to therapy because of a crazed maniac just boils my blood.

"Alright for the most part I feel as though Nia is adjusting just fine post trauma I see no unusual signs of PTSD although she may have nightmares I suggest just talking them out and being supportive.

But most kids are resilient and overcome even greater obstacles through love." The therapist says to Michael and I as she ends the session for us.

"Mommy, Daddy can we go and get ice cream me and my baby brother want some." Nia says rubbing my belly and leaning her head to my belly to talk to her soon to be born brother.

We smile as we go off for ice cream that I actually start to want now. Nia gets a strawberry sundae, Michael gets a banana split and I opt for a more traditional vanilla chocolate chip sundae.

"So it's crunch time Zyan your due date was yesterday and little man isn't here yet how are you feeling?" Michael says and I shoot him a glare like really?

"I am ready to pop out your big head son already that's how I feel." I say as he giggles.

We finish our ice cream and head back to the apartment. When we get into the penthouse our families surprised us by having a little celebration for Nia and the baby before he gets here.

"Zyan sis you look ready to pop, I remember Franklin was over due I was determined to get that little boy out, man I feel like boys are more stubborn than girls." Elvina says making me laugh.

"Oh no it depends trust me when I was having Jermaine Jr. He was easy but that Autumn lord she was something and when I had this one Jaimy he was a bit of a handful but then again I was a bit stressed." Hazel says as she was rocking Jaimy to sleep.

She had him a few months into my pregnancy and I was with her most of the way.

"Well this one is definitely more stubborn than Nia was she popped right on her due date but this one is frisky." I say rubbing my belly talking to my son.

"He stubborn like his father and Papa Joe." Mama Katherine says as she rubs my bump I am hoping all this rubbing will coerced him down.

We celebrate more and as the celebration was coming to an end we decided to have a soul train line dance off. In the middle of me and Michael's dance I feel water run down my leg and I instantly look down to see my water has broke, oh this is a repeat almost again.

"HE'S COMING GUYS, COME ON ZYAN LETS GO!" Michael says as he grabs the birthing bag and The family scramble to join us at the hospital.

This time instead of Michael driving Janet is driving and I thank the Lord although my contractions aren't as bad as they were with Nia.

We arrive at the hospital and I am immediately seen and check to see if I was ready, and I was.

"Alright Zyan we are going to need you to push big this time as the head is crowning." My doctor says, and I am so glad I decided on him as he is the best.

I push harder while Michael like last time records and holds my hand reassuring me I can do this and that he is here, squeeze his hand when I need to. I keep pushing until I hear the sweet sounds of my baby boy crying.

Blood On The Dance Floor: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now