22. This Means War

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Zyan's Point Of View:

I stare in the mirror at the woman in front of me and look into her eyes. The woman looking straight at me isn't the same woman anymore. My heart beat hard for my family but my mind ran cold for the safety of Susan and those don't mix well. I glance over my final look for the day and decide it's now or never.

I had to meet Vosco at some warehouse that Michael and him meets at when at work and I think of how I always thought my husband was busy away at work but no he was living a double life. I talk to Britt and let her know I know what's up and she has quickly filled me in, Michael made her sign a NDA just so I don't know and I will stay safe. My husband was out here protecting me and I never thought to protect him and I felt horrible for it.

I watched the video of Michael every night before bed as I missed him terribly. Just to see his face although making me emotional it calm me too it made me believe he is still alive and I can't wait to find him. I walk into the warehouse with Chris and Eddie and Bill and Jackie as they wanted to be with me on my first time meeting Vosco so nothing goes wrong.

Out from the shadows enters a largely built man with a dark Caesar cut a platinum chain with a white tank top white beater some dark wash jeans that sagged and timberland boots. He looked like someone in his line of work although I don't want to assume.

"Well looks like Motherfuckers came prepared." Vosco says and his deep ruthless voice takes me off guard for a moment but I remember what Michael said.

"Always Prepared Motherfucker." I say although I think it's silly Vosco stares at me for a long minute before he laughs and gives me a hug.

"So the captivating Mrs. Jackson hello I am Vosco I have been knowing your husband since school days and I want you to know he is a good man, fucked up what them Nelson's are doing." Vosco says and I nod my head not realizing how far back this lifestyle goes.

"Well I am going to put a end to all of that, now Michael said you can help me and bring me up to speed a bit, so what you got?" I say looking at him with a straight cut the bullshit face and he laughs.

"Oh yeah you are definitely Mrs. Jackson Michael always said you give him his drive and I see that well I hope you and your beautiful daughter and son are doing well but look I got some shit to show you." Vosco says signaling one of his men who brought out a crate of some sorts.

He opens the crate and I stare at automatic guns, glocks, pistols and a whole armory almost of equipment. He brings another crate which has different cellphones and computer chips and what not. And the last crate wasn't really a crate but a small box that had a bunch of car keys in them.

"Look if you are going to take down the Nelson's especially Susan here is some shit you are going to need. Here are some keys to a operational space outside the city as you are not going to want for anyone to discover what you are doing. Michael, Jermaine, and Prince are most likely someplace where only Susan knows so you going to have to break her down to find out... But I do got some information on them and these issues." Vosco says and I nod for him to continue.

"Susan's brother Alonzo before he died had made some visits to this place in the city called The Haven and when I checked it out it was a shelter for out of the system foster care kids, and well he frequently visited with two girls named Norrine and Tyka their last names weren't identified. Prince was scheduled to meet them last week but due to his false arrest he never showed, so I don't know if Susan knows what's going on but we did a sweep of Alonzo's apartment and got a lot of different information before Susan could and it's all here in this box as well..." Vosco says having his men bring out another box.

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