Y-you still look b-beautif-fil

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I put the things he gave me on and crawled into bed. I laid there thinking about what just happened and how I want to fix it.
"Woah, woah, woah, the night is not over yet."Ryan said coming back into the room
"Ugh, what do you want." I said
"Let's go out, as celebration."
"Celebration for what?"
"For my success." He said pulling me out of the bed
"Wow you look good." He said and I covered my stomach with my hands trying to hide myself.
"So get some heavy makeup on, curl your hair and put these on before coming down stairs." He said before handing me a makeup bag, a curler, and really high heels.
"I want to make you look like the trash you are." He said before walking out
I did what he asked and checked the time, midnight.
I walked down the steps knowing Corbyn would kill me if he ever saw me like this. My makeup was so heavy I looked like a Barbie doll.
"Oh he would?" Ryan said
"Well then, let's go show him."
He grabbed my hand as we walked down stairs.He told me to wait out of view so I did.
All the boys were sleeping against the wall as Ryan turned the light on.
"Wake up idiots I have a surprise for you."
"What do you want?!" Jonah said
"To show you the true colors of your 'innocent daughter." He said
"Gracie come here!"
I didn't move, I was ashamed of how I was dressed and was very embarrassed.
"Gracie, I'm not going to ask again!"
I still didn't move
"Fine then, this is going to hurt Daniel." He picked up the bat again but I stepped out and into their view.
"Oh......my........God." Jack said
"Leave her alone Ryan, that's not who she is!" Jonah said
" how do you like you daughter now Corbyn!"
Corbyn stood shocked and so was Zach.
I still tried to hide my face and stomach.
"We're going out tonight boys." Ryan said to the boys
"Stop Ryan, you will humiliate her!" Corbyn said
"That's the plan!" He said
"I'm uncomfortable" I whispered
" aw that's too bad, why don't we crank that feeling up a notch then, shall we?Ill be right back down, no one move!" He said as he walks upstairs
"What the hell is happening?" Jack said
" he's my ex. He is getting revenge for what I did to him." I said, still trying to hide myself from them
"What did you do to him?" Daniel said
"I humiliated him in front of all his friends for cheating on me. I'm sorry you guys have to see me like this." I said starting to cry
"Don't be sorry, we know this isn't the real you." Jonah said
I walked over to Zach and kissed him
"I don't mean anything he makes me do with him, you know that right?"
He nodded
"I love you Zach."
He mouthed " I love you too" and I walked back to where I was. Ryan walked back down stairs with a skinny bikini in his hands.
"Maybe you will feel more comfortable in this he says handing it to me. I take it and go into my room, I put it on and look at myself in the mirror. My whole butt is practically out, and same thing with my boobs.
I walk back down stairs hesitating every step. All the boys jaw drop and Ryan smirks as I come into view.
"Let's go babe." He says as he takes my hand
We walk upstairs and he pulls me near the front door.
"Woah, I'm not going out with only this on!"
"Uh, yes you are, now let's go."
I was pulled outside and into the car . We drove to the board walk and he got out of the car.
"Get our of the car."
"No" I said
"Daniel gets a whack when we get back, now get out!"
I got out and he pulled me close to him.
Once we got on the boardwalk it was packed with teens, just great. He told me to stand here and he started screaming:
Everybody started taking pictures and boys started coming up to me. Ryan pulled me closer to him and placed his lips on mine. Ew.
I tried to get my him off of me but couldn't. After that he pulled me back into the car and I immediately went on my phone, the pictures of me were everywhere.
We got home and he said I could got to bed in what I was wearing before.
The next morning I woke up and went down stairs. Ryan was sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Well good morning, so here is how your days are going to go, you are going to be up at 5 o' clock every morning and make breakfast for the boys and I. You then can get yourself ready with what I assign you to wear. Next, you will work as my maid all day until night, that's when we will go out and have fun."
I rolled my eyes
"Daniel took the whack pretty good, now go make some breakfast for the boys and I."
I went into the kitchen and made pancakes.
"Go give it to the boys, you have 2 minutes with them."
I went down with the food and gave it to them.
"Hey pumpkin, how ya doing?" Corbyn said
" I want all of this to end dad." I said starting to cry as I pull myself into his arms
"I know pumpkin, I do too."
I then remember that Daniel got whacked last night, I ran over to him and hugged him.
"I'm so sorry"
"It's ok, doesn't hurt that bad." He said smiling at me
I kissed his forehead and then said good morning to Jonah and Jack. I then went to Zach and kissed him.
"I'm going to find a way out of here." I said to him
"Times up!" Ryan said
I looked at them and went up stairs.
"Ok now you can get changed into this" he said holding up this dress:

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