Not Quite Corbyn

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Corbyn in Jonah's arms , it looks like they are a trust fall position, but Corbyn is clearly passed out. We all went to see if he's ok, Jack pulled out his phone to call 911 but as he did Corbyn woke up. During that time I strapped on my prosthetic, just incase we had to run. I stood up and was behind Corbyn and Jonah. We were crowded around him in a circle, Christina was the first one he saw.
Cb "Christina? What happened?"
Ch " Corbyn? Do you remember Are or you still Corbyn with amnesia?"
Cb "amnesia?! When did I have amnesia?"
Ds " woo hoo Corbyn has his memory back!"
Cb " What? When did I loose it."
We took him over to e bench and sat him down.
Jm "What's the last thing you remember?"
He still hasn't seen my leg.
Cb "Well,Gracie and I were driving home from Taco Bell, I guess yesterday?"
Ja " a little bit over yesterday." Jack whispered and Daniel hit him in the chest.
Ds " keep going Corb."
Cb "and then we got hit and I blacked out. I guess that's why my arm is in a cast right?"
Zh " Yeah, but Corbyn, you were in a coma."
Cb "What?! For how long?"
Jm " over a month."
Cb "oh my God."
Ch "and you had amnesia for about since you woke up until about 5 minutes ago."
He looked at everyone shocked and then he laid his eyes on me. I was behind the bench standing, so the bench covered my leg so that he couldn't see it.
Cb " oh my God Gracie, I'm so sorry, I'm so glad to see your not hurt." He said with a smile and holding my hand.
Zh "not quite Corbyn."
Cb "What do you mean?"
I walked out from behind the bench and he saw my leg.
Cb "oh my God! Your leg it's- it's g-gone!"
He was in total shock and he got up to hug me. We hugged for a little bit and then we went headed home. The boys called their manager, David Loeffler, and he came over.
Dl "glad to see everyone is doing much better, why Don't we get to business now?"
The boys nodded and looked at Christina and I. That was our cue to leave.
Ch "We will be downstairs if you need us." She said as she pulled me up and we went down stairs.
We sat on my bed and talked:
Gs " So I have something to tell you that you can't tell the boys."!
Ch" spill."
Gs "So my animation professor told me he needed to talk to me about this big offer after class on Monday."
Ch "oh my God, scholarship?"
Gs "I have no idea, but he says it's big."
Ch "I'm so excited for you!"
Gs "Thanks! I'm a little nervous though.... I mean I'm still the boys assistant......Wait I totally forgot I'm the boys assistant! If they start work back up I'll have to work after school. And they are like needy five year olds and-"
Ch "woah woah woah, slow down, the boys will take it easy on you."
Gs " your right, I mean come on how bad can it be?"
Ch " you'll be fine."
Then the door opened and we saw Jonah at the top of the steps.
Jm "your good ladies, you can come up now."
Gs " Thanks J, be right up."
Jm " no problem."
We went upstairs and said goodbye to David. As soon as the door closed Corbyn grabbed Christina by the waist.
Ch " woah there Besson."
Cb " I missed you ."
Ch " I did too-" she said and then they started kissing
Ja " get a room you two."
They stopped kissing and Corbyn picked up Christina so that she was wrapped around the front of him. They walked upstairs like that, we all looked at each other and playfully rolled our eyes. Then Zach started walking up to me smirking.
Gs " slow down cowboy, not now."
Zh "ok......calm down.....I wasn't pulling a Corbina." He said chuckling
I laughed and said:
Gs "then what are you thinking."
Zh " I'm taking my beautiful girlfriend on a date. "
Gs "ok Herron."
Zh " be done in a hour , and dress casual."
Gs "sounds good."
I walked upstairs cuz I was cold, so I wanted one of Zach's sweatshirts.
I passed by Corbyn and Jonah's room and saw the four of them with their ears pressed to the door.
Gs "What are you guys doing?"
Ja " spying."
Gs "get out, go away,let them be." I said whisper yelling and pushing them off the door. They were too strong to pull off the door and Daniel being so Columbus pushed on the door knob and the door opened. We all fell in a pile on the floor. We saw Corbyn and Christina's heads pop up from the bed.
Cb "Guys! What the hell!"
He said jumping up out of the bed with just his shorts on.
Gs "I tried stopping them." I said getting up and putting my hands up in surrender.
Christina sat up and had a sports bra on.
Ch "Gracie?!?!"
Gs "I'm telling you I tried pulling them off the door, but then Daniel hit the handle of the door and here we are."
She nodded in knowing it was the idiots fault.
Cb "everyone out!"
The boys got up and we walked out of the room and I closed the door.
Gs " why did they think it was my fault?"
Ds " I don't know, maybe because it was."
Gs " What?! How is this my fault?!"
Jm " here it comes........the Seavey siblings first sibling fight."
We stared him down and he put his hands up in surrender.
Ds " because if you didn't try to pull us off I wouldn't have fallen!"
Gs " well if you weren't acting like creeps I wouldn't of had to pull you off!"
Ds " but you see your so weak you couldn't even pull us off."
Gs " I'm sorry I can't pull off four teenage boys who go to the gym once a week and are bigger than me off a flipping door because they are snooping on their friend!"
Ds " apology accepted."
I pushed him back but he didn't move. The other boys made their way into the backyard and away from our fight.
Daniel pushed me lightly, but with my prosthetic I lost my balance and fell onto the couch behind me.
Gs "Daniel you ass!"
Ds " oops." He said shrugging
I saw his phone in his back pocket so I grabbed it.
Ds " give it back Gracie!" He said trying to get it but I sat on it.
He then grabbed my prosthetic and started unstrapping it.
Gs "Daniel stop!"
Ds " then give me my phone!"
Gs " Never!"
Ds " Fine!" He took my prosthetic and ran into the back yard.  I got up and started hopping to the back yard. I took Daniel's phone and held it over the pool.
Gs " we can do a trade off if you still want your phone....."
Ds "Fine Whatever...." He said giving me back my prosthetic and I gave him his phone.
I went inside and got ready for Zach and I's date. I went downstairs and not long after Zach came down.
Zh "Ready?"
Gs " yup!" I said and we went out to the car
I saw my wheel chair was in the back seat and I said:
Gs " why'd you bring that?"
Zh " just incase you get tired."
I nodded and we drove to the destination.
We pulled up to the destination and I saw were at Disney Land.
Gs " ahhh Zach, you brought me to Disney!!"
Zh "of course, you deserve it."
We got out and I started to jump and down like five year old girl. I grabbed his hand and ran inside. We got churros and went on rides. And then we watched the fireworks, it was a magical night. I really did love Zach, and man do I love Disney! My dream is to animate here, that would be so dope.
After the fireworks we went back home and I thanked Zach for a great night. I went downstairs to see Jonah in my bed passed out. I giggled and went over to the bed.
I jumped on top of him and started screaming.
Gs " Jonah! Jonah wake up!"
Jm " What happened!" He yelled shooting up and making me fly off of him.
Gs " Jonah what are you doing?" I said smirking at him
Jm " well you see, Christina and Corbyn never came out..... so I thought once you and Zach got home you would sleep with him in his bed."
Gs "with Jack in the room?"
Jm " didn't think about that part."
Gs " didn't think so. How about you go sleep in Zach's bed and I'll bring Zach down here with me?"
Jm " sounds good to me!" He said jumping out of bed a running upstairs. I walked up the stairs and met him all the way upstairs. I walk into Zach and Jack's room. Jack was on his phone in bed, Jonah was in Zach's bed sound asleep, and Zach was trying to pull him out of the bed.
Zh " do you know what going on here?"
Gs " He was in my bed, so I told him to go sleep in yours."
Zh "Where am I supposed to sleep?"
Gs " in my room."
Zh " ok then..... I'm going to get changed and then I'll be down."
Gs " sounds good, make sure you knock before coming in, and bring a hoodie with you."
Zh " Why a hoodie? I'm not cold."
Gs " I know but I am."
Zh " take someone else's hoodies, you have all of mine. I'm not giving you another."
Gs " Fine, Ill take Daniel's."
Zh " Good."
Gs " sike!" I said snatching his hoodie from the end of his bed and then realizing I couldn't run and he picked me up bridal style.
Zh " Fine one more hoodie, but that's it got it?"
Gs " sure" I said lying
He put me down but I just jumped on his back.
Gs " onward!" I yelled and we both laughed.
We walked to my room and jumped into bed.
Today I have school, an interview, and then work for the boys. I'm going to be so tired, ugh.
I got up at 6:30 and did not want to get up, but somehow I did. I put on sweatpants and Zach's hoodie. I threw my hair up into a bun and headed upstairs. As usual Jonah and Daniel were the ones awake. Jonah was sitting reading the newspaper with his coffee in his hand. I swear he is  like a grandpa. And Daniel was cooking in a kitchen, he is like a grandma. I giggled at my thoughts and Jonah looked up at me.
Jm " Good morning princess, ready to work for the greatest bosses in the world today?"
Gs " woo hoo." I said frowning and rolling my eyes
I walked in the kitchen to see Daniel making eggs.
Ds " Well Good morning."
Gs " Good morning, I still can't believe you and Jonah wake up this early everyday."
Ds " I've been up since 5."
Gs " What?! That's ridiculous."
Ds " want some eggs?"
Gs " can't, gotta run."
Ds " ok, have a good day at school. Remember you have to be here at 3 for work."
Damn. My interview is at 3 and I haven't let the boys know yet, and I'm not going to until I know what it's about.
Gs "Uh ok"
Ds " is there a problem?"
Gs " Nope "
I then grabbed a banana and ran out the door before he got suspicious.
I pulled up to school and went to the office, there had to be some way to change the time .....

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