Where are we going?

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Cb " wherever you'd like I guess."
I thought about it for a minute.
G " I'm going to live with you."
A huge smile grew on his face as he hugged me.
Everyone joined into the hug.
G " I guess I'll go pack."
I went downstairs and Zach followed.
We put all of my clothes from my closet in my suitcase and then we started emptying my drawers.
I was putting my pajamas in the suitcase.
Zh " woah."
I turned to see him shutting a drawer fast.
Zh " wrong drawer."
I laughed and told him to pack my socks.
*a hour later*
I finished packing and putting my bags in the car.
Corbyn and Christina jumped in the car and I said goodbye to the boys. I jumped in the car and we drove to an apartment building. We got out and went up to the apartment. It was so cute and tiny, my bedroom was a decent size.
I unpacked everything and laid on my bed playing on my phone.
There was a knock on my bedroom door.
G " come in!"
The door opened revealing Jonah.
G " you missed me already?"
He ran over and jumped on my bed.
Jm " Yep"
We all watched a movie and the boys went home.
G " ok good night Corb."
Cb " night honey."
I jumped in bed and fell right asleep.
The next morning I woke up to a unfamiliar bed. I then remembered what happened yesterday.
It was so quiet too, probably because here isn't five teenage boys who act like children outside my room. I went out of the room and didn't see Daniel making breakfast like every morning. There was a note on the counter.
We had to run out for grocery shopping and stuff. Won't be home most of the day, sorry.
We love you <3
Love, Corbyn and Christina
I sighed and looked in the fridge, empty.
I heard my phone ring so I ran to grab it, it was Daniel.
Gracie " hey tooth gap what's up?"
Daniel " haha very funny, you have a meeting at the studio today."
Gracie " what? Why just me?"
Daniel " I don't know I was just supposed to tell you."
Gracie " ok, what time?"
Daniel " 2 pm."
I looked at the clock, 12 pm. I then felt my stomach rumble.
Gracie " you guys home?"
Daniel " yeah Why?"
Gracie " did you make breakfast?"
Daniel " Yeah.....Why?"
Gracie " see you in fifteen."
Daniel " you already miss us?"
Gracie " no, I just don't have anyone to make me food."
I hung up the phone and got changed into jeans and a t-shirt.
I grabbed my phone and wallet and called for an Uber. I got to the boys house and ran inside.
G " I'm back humans!"
Ja " yay?"
G " oh shut up."
I hugged him and went into the kitchen where Daniel was cleaning up. I hugged him from behind and he gave me a plate of pancakes. I sat down and started eating them. I felt someone kiss my cheek so I looked up to see Zach resting his chin on my forehead.
G " Good morning handsome."
Zh " Good morning beautiful."
Jonah walked in with his coffee.
Jm " it's actually good afternoon princess."
G " good afternoon then J."
Jm " you need a ride to the studio?"
G " yes please."
I finished eating and thanked Daniel. I checked the time and it was 1:30.
G " I gotta go!"
I kissed Daniel on the forehead and said goodbye to him. I ran out of the kitchen and into the living room.
G " we gotta go J."
Jm " ok."
He stood up and grabbed the keys while I kissed Zach goodbye and hugged Jack. We hopped in the car and he dropped me off. I thanked him and went into the building to the meeting room. A lot of other artists assistants were in there also. I took my seat and played on my phone until one of the heads of the record label came in.
Head " glad you all made it. We have seen that some of you, not saying any names, have put your outside relationship with your boss or bosses into your job relationship, and that needs to stop. When you are working for your artist, I don't care if they are a stranger, best friend, or boyfriend! No showing it during job hours. You need to use official names such as Mr or Mrs."
Oh brother.
Head " and wear appropriate clothing, this does not include a hoodie and sweat pants. We have told your bosses about this already and they all agreed."
I hate them, they seriously agreed?!
Head " everyone agree?"
We all agreed and he dismissed us. I called Jonah to tell him to pick me up.
Gracie " hello Jonah." I said it in a annoyed tone
Jonah " hey...you done?"
Gracie " yes."
Jonah " you ok?"
Gracie " splendid."
Can you tell I was being sarcastic?
Jonah " ok I'll be right there."
I hung up and waited for him to pull up. He did a couple minutes later and I jumped in the car.
Jm " so did it go well?"
I squinted my eyes and stared at him.
G " well? Well?! Are you kidding?!"
Jm " woah there, calm down, what happened?"
G " oh I think you know being that you agreed to it!"
Jm " oh they told you about that....."
G " yeah Jonah, oh wait I'm working for you right now so isn't it Mr Marais!"
I literally yelled at him the whole ride home about how mad I was at him, he just sat there and took it, I don't know how he was so calm.
We arrived to the boys house and so was still yelling at him. He unlocked the door and I saw him roll his eyes.
Jm " are you done yet?"
G " with you, but now it's time for them!"
I pointed at Daniel, Zach, and Jack.
Jonah ran upstairs as fast as he could.
Jm " good luck boys! I just had it for the last twenty minutes!"
I turned to them and stared at them angrily.
Ja " told ya you had to call me Mr Avery."
G " your dead Avery."
Ja " No I don't think I will be, you see it's all strictly business when your working."
G " maybe right now Ja-"
Ja " Mr Avery."
G " I'm not saying it."
Ja " say it, your going to have to."
G " no."
Zach stood up and wrapped a arm around my waist to try to calm me down. Jack came over and took his hand off my waist.
Ja " sorry Zach, your not a couple during work hours. "
I put my hands out pretending to strangle him, he just sat there and laughed.
G " once 4 o clock rolls around, and I'm done for the day, your dead."
His eyes went big not realizing what he's done.
I called an Uber and walked backwards out of the house hot breaking eye contact with Jack.
I was walking down the drive way when Daniel popped his head out the window.
Ds " Uh Gracie?"
G " yes?"
Ds " you still got to work the next hour."
G " oh right, forgot about that."
I called off the Uber and headed back inside. I sat on the couch with my lap top while the boys were writing some songs.
G " where is Corbyn."
Ja " Mr Besson" he coughed under his breath
G " 4 o clock Jack, 4 o clock"
Jm " that's a good question, I'll call him."
G " no I'll do it."
Gracie "hey Corb."
Corbyn " Hey, what's up?"
Gracie " where are you, the boys are writing songs and I still need to yell at you for agreeing to that thing."
Corbyn " woah woah woah, you can yell at the other boys, but hit me young lady. And I was at a vacation planning thing so I could try to take Christina on a honeymoon again."
Gracie " well finish up there and head over."
Corbyn " ok."
I hung up with him and went back to paper work.
Corbyn showed up and they continued writing for a little while. They all turned to me and stared at me, it was kinda creepy not gonna lie.
G " What are you goons doing?"
Cb " well we're sorry about not telling you what we agreed too."
G " apology accepted but that was low."
Ja " but we do have something else to tell you before your shift is over for the day."
G " oh brother here we go, oh and Mr Avery, you have ten minutes until I destroy you, but go ahead."
Jm " well we also had to give you a begin time, not like, whatever you feel like starting, so we picked 8 am."
G " 8 am?! Only two of you are up at 8 am!"
Ds " deep breathes."
I glared at him.
Jm " anyways...."
Zh"we also have to give you a daily schedule."
G " daily schedule?"
Jm "yeah."
Daniel handed me a piece of paper and I read it:
8 am : be at the house with coffee for Jonah from Starbucks
8 to 9 am : in errands for the boys
9 am to 10 am : paperwork
10 am to 2 pm : interviews, photo shoots, and meetings
2 to 4 pm: studio time
G " this must be the stupidest thing I've ever seen."
Jm " sorry princess."
Ja " and remember to where that business where."
He winked and and my timer went off.
G " looks like it's four o clock Avery."
The boys backed up as I jumped on him.
That didn't go as planned because I was so small he didn't go anywhere. He picked me up over his shoulder and ran upstairs. He threw me in his and Zach's room and closed the door and locked it.
G " Jack! Let me out!"
Ja " not until you say you won't hurt me!"
G " Fine I won't hurt you."
I heard the door unlock and he was standing there.
G " sike."
I jumped on his back and kept pinching him.
Ja " ouch! Ouch! I think I learned my lesson."
G " good."
I jumped off his back and walked downstairs.
Cb " ready to go?"
G " Yep!"
I said goodbye to the boys and Zach was acting a little off.
Corbyn and I jumped in the car and started driving home.
G " Uh Corb, this isn't the way home."
Cb " I know "
G " then where are we going?"
Cb " you'll see."

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