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I sat down in the office with my professor and said:
Gs " is there any way I could make my interview any earlier?"
Pro " I don't think so Miss Seavey."
Gs " oh ok."
Pro " family emergency?"
Gs " no, I have work and my bosses are thick heads."
Pro " Well I'm sorry I can't push it back any further, but I didn't know you worked. Who do you work for?"
Gs " uhh the band Why Don't We, I'm their assistant."
Pro " that's great, how did you get the job?"
Gs " let's just say I know them personally."
Pro " my daughter absolutely loves them, I think she would die if she met them."
Gs " aw they really do love their fans, my brother Dani- oh shoot."
Pro " So a sibling in the band."
Gs " yes, but I don't like to tell many people."
Pro " your secret is safe with me, can you tell Zach , I think that's his name, that my daughter Emily said hi, she would love it and he's her celebrity crush."
Gs " of course, he's my favorite too." I said laughing at the end
Gs " thank you for your time."
Pro " anytime Miss Seavey, Sorry about the inconvenience."
Gs "It's ok, I'll probably just get yelled at by my brother and dad."
Pro " dad?"
Gs " its a complicated relationship, I'm adopted by one of them."
Pro " ok " he said laughing a little.
I went to all my classes and then it was time for an interview.
I went to the interview room and sat down. A couple minutes later my professor and a woman came into the room.
Woman "hello Miss Seavey, we have an offer for you that we only give to five students across the country. We would like you to work at Disneyland for a semester to see how it is to work there. If you like it, we can transfer you into -"
My phone started buzzing.
I picked it up and saw it was Corbyn calling.
Woman" is there a problem?"
Gs " I'm so so sorry, it's my family, it might be an emergency."
Woman " take your time."
I stepped out into the hallway and answered the phone.
Gs " What do you want?!"
Cb " don't speak to me like that! Your late for work, and we have a really important meeting you need to be at in a half an hour!"
Gs " I'll be there!"
Cb " you are so grounded young lady, and make sure you wear  business attire. This meeting can make or break the band!"
Gs " Whatever."
Cb " Oh your going to get it."
I hung up on him and went back in the room.
Gs " I'm so sorry for that."
Woman " it's ok, is everything alright?"
Gs " Yeah just my dad being annoying."
My professor smirked and chuckled a little now that he knows my family situation.
Woman " well as I was saying, if you like working at Disneyland we can transfer you into our animation studio."
Gs " without finishing college?"
Woman " we saw your work.... you are that good."
Gs "oh my God, thank you so much, I would love to take this offer."
Woman " great, we will send your uniforms to your house, be at the main gate of Disneyland at 6 am Wednesday."
Gs " will do, thank you so much."
Woman " our pleasure."
Walking to my car I was freaking out, one because I was so excited about the job, and two because I'm so late. I called Christina in the car on my Bluetooth.
Gs " Christina!"
Ch " What!"
I explained the whole situation for her and she was so excited for me, she also pulled out business clothes for me because I had no idea how to dress business. I pulled up and speed walked into the house. The boys already left and I had 10 minutes to get done and at the meeting. Christina showed me what I had to wear and let me tell you.... it was not my style.
There were black dress pants and a white dressy v neck shirt, and the v neck went low, too low if you asked me. You can tell these were Christina's clothes, because the Sure weren't mine. I put on a pair of black heels and took my hair down from the bun. I fixed it a little and threw on some makeup. My hair was like in beach curls from being in the bun all day. I thanked Christina and went to the place. I made it there with two minutes to spare. I walked into the waiting room and saw the boys sitting there with dress pants and button up shirts on. Their hair was done and I even smelled cologne, shocking. I went and sat down next to Zach. Corbyn was staring me down. I think he saw the v neck was a little too low too.
You could tell overprotective Corbyn was back.
Gs " calm down big eyes, I was in a rush and these aren't even mine, it's Christina's."
Cb " Well now you and Christina are in trouble."
Ja " oh please Christina would beat you in any fight."
Daniel hit Jack in the chest and then David came out calling us in.
We all went in and I went to sit next to Zach but Corbyn sat between us.
Gs " Corbyn What the hell?" I whisper yelled
Cb " your shirt is too low to have him sit next to you."
I rolled my eyes and trued to pull up my shirt.
* time skip to after meeting*
We all walked out so excited for the boys.
Ds " I can't believe we will have a full length album!"
Jm " I know it's crazy!"
Gs " I'm so proud of you guys!"
Zh " thanks baby." He said going to kiss me but Corbyn cleared his throat and we stopped.
We got in the car, and because I took a Uber, I drove home with the boys. Corbyn drove with Jonah upfront, Daniel and Jack were in the middle and Zach and I were in the back.
Zh " I like this 'business' attire you got there." He said quietly staring at the seat in front of him but smirking.
Gs " shut up" I said pulling up shirt
He chuckled and moved into the seat next to me.
Gs " Zach what are you doing?"
Zh " moving closer."
I saw Corbyn look through the mirror and Zach moved to his original spot. We got home and Corbyn told Christina all about the album.
Gs " I'm going to get changed, everybody stay in the living room!"
Cb" please do"
I went downstairs and got changed, I went back up and they were all sitting on the couch.
Gs " So I have to tell you all something, and this is the reason I was late. I got an internship awarded to five people across the country to work for a semester at Disneyland, and after the semester work at the animation studio. I'll still work for you guys but just an hour later, is that ok?"
Cb " ok? Ok?! That's amazing, I'm so proud of you!"
He hugged me really tight and then it turned into a group hug.
Ds " when do you start?"
Gs" Wednesday, my uniforms are supposed to come tonight."
Jm " that's amazing."
Gs " Thanks, am I still grounded?"
Cb " no, I guess I'll let slide, but only this time."
Gs " got it!"
We all ate dinner and then I hear a knock at the door.
Gs " I got it!"
I opened the door to the mail man with a box. I took it from him and thanked him. I went to my room with Christina and we opened the box. I always wanted to work for Disney, but I forgot about the uniforms, the boys are going to make fun of me in these....... Christina giggled when she saw it, my eyes got big. My pulled out my name tag first. Then I pulled out my outfits, yep, definitely going to be made fun of for this.......
I heard footsteps so I shoved them under my bed.
Cb " let's see those outfits cast member!"
Gs " Uh... not tonight....really tired, love you though * fake yawn* good night." I pushed him up the steps and slammed the door. Christina started laughing and I threw a pillow at her.
We went to sleep because I have a busy day tomorrow, I'm working a whole day with the boys and I know I'll have a huge head ache by the end of it.
*next morning*
I woke up with a feeling of cold water hitting me.
Gs " ahhhh!"
I heard laughing as Christina and I shot up out of bed.
The boys had thrown water at me and Christina.
Ch " oh you guys are going to get it!"
She got up and ran after them. I put on my prosthetic and ran up to them, forgot to mention I got so good with it, I can run now. I saw Jack, Zach, Daniel, and Christina outside so I ran out there, bad idea. Jonah grabbed me and a Corbyn grabbed Christina and they threw us in the pool. I pulled Jonah in with me and Christina pulled Corbyn. Jack pushed Daniel and as Daniel went in he pulled Jack. Zach jumped in on his own. We splashed and played around in the water until we saw David come out.
Dl " glad to see you all are working hard."
We all got out and stood in front of him.
Ch " Well I think this is more of a Why Don't We problem, so I'm going to go get in the shower."
She ran in and we all were waiting for him to yell at us.
Dl " you all have to be across town in an hour for a photo shoot, so move move move!"
We all ran inside and we all got showers. We jumped in the van and met their photographer Zack at the beach. First was Corbyn so we were all sitting on a blanket on the sand.
Jm " Gracie, I want coffee." 
Gs " I'll go get it for you J."
Ja " mr Marais "
Gs " no way Jack, we are not starting this again."
Ja " hey hey hey, you work for us, the contract, remember."
Gs " whatever Mr Doofus."
Ja " ok princess"
I rolled my eyes and ran to get Jonah his coffee. They were almost done by the end, after they finished we went back home. The boys were really tired I guess because they all fell asleep on the couch. Christina came down the steps and said:
Ch " how about a little payback for this morning?"
Gs " What are you thinking?"
Christina held up her makeup bag .
Ch " they have an interview later too."
Gs " let's do it."
I started with Zach and she started with Corbyn. We did a full face of makeup on all of them and woke them up so that they would have no time to look at themselves before the interview. I woke them up and we left for the interview. I drove and Christina was in the front seat with me. We were laughing the whole time and they had no idea what about.
We sat behind the curtain as the interview started.
Interviewer " and were here with Why Don't We, and I see you guys have a new look."
Ja " well we didn't change our style."
Interviewer " I mean in the facial area."
Ds " What do you mean?"
Interviewer " did you prank somebody, because I think they might have gotten payback."
I guess they pulled out their phones and they all screamed at the same time.
Zh " Do we have time to run to the men's room?"
Interviewer" no sorry, we have to start with questions."
The interview went on and then they came to Christina and I, angry.
Cb " What did you two do?!"
Ch " payback baby."
We gave each other a high five.
Jm " we'll meet you two in the car, we're going to the men's room to wash this off."
We went home and just chilled the rest of the day.
*next morning*
I put on my costume for my first day of work and I didn't think I looked half bad.

 *next morning* I put on my costume for my first day of work and I didn't think I looked half bad

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Of course I would still be made fun of by the guys, it was five am. I snuck upstairs hoping Daniel and Jonah were not up yet. I go upstairs and look in the kitchen, no Daniel or
Jonah. I turn to the living room to see....

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