Tale as old as time.....

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No one, thank the Lord. I made my way out of the house and into the car. I drove to the meeting place and saw other interns dressed like me, thank God. I got out and went over to them.
Gs " Hi I'm Gracie, Gracie Seavey."
"Oh hi I'm Danny, Danny Tall."
Gs " Nice to meet you, are you one of the five interns?"
Dt " Yep, I'm guessing you are too."
Gs " Yep"
Dt " my friends said they were coming to spy on me today, I'm going to be so embarrassed if they do."
Gs " tell me about it, my brother and his friends said they are coming too."
He laughed and someone tapped me on my shoulder.
"Hi I'm Vanessa Marken, another intern."
Gs"Oh Hi I'm Gracie Seavey."
Vm " did you say Seavey?"
I knew I would run into a fan.
Gs " Uh yeah"
Vm " Are you related to Daniel Seavey because I will faint right here if you are, I have been in love with him since Idol, so are you like cousins or something?"
Gs " he's actually my brother."
Vm " oh my God, I have always dreamed since I was like 13 to meet him,is he exactly like he is on social media?"
Gs " well to a fan I guess, but we bicker a lot, and he's over protective."
Vm " do you live with the Why Don't We boys?"
Gs " Yeah, they are a head ache sometimes."
She laughed and the woman who interviewed me pulled up.
Woman " hello interns, glad to see you all here! I will give you your assignments and we will start the day. So first we have Vanessa and Margret, you will be in Tomorrowland. Eddie, you will be in Frontierland. And Gracie and Danny, you will be in Fantasyland. Have fun!"
We walked to our spots and stood there while the park opened. A frantic cast member walked up to me and said:
Cm " Are you a new intern!"
Gs " Uh yes, are you ok?"
Cm " Uh no, our girl to play Belle just dropped out and we don't know what to do!"
Dt " Well Gracie here looks like the perfect fill in."
Wait what?!
Gs " oh I don't know."
Cm " please?!"
Gs " ok ok, I'll try it, but if I don't like it, I won't finish the semester with it."
Cm " Deal!"
She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. I had ladies putting on makeup, and pulling my hair into a bun. Then she stuck a bald cap on my head. Other cast members ran in with a huge yellow ball gown and my eyes grew big, this was so not me, but I put it on. They stuck a wig on my head and put yellow slides on, I would have heels but I can't wear them yet.  I looked at myself in the mirror and I was amazed, I look like they pulled me out of the movie.

I stuck my gloves on they  showed me where my meet and greet

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I stuck my gloves on they  showed me where my meet and greet.
Cm " Now you can't break character for anyone, not for celebrities, family, no one."
Gs " go it."
Cm "good luck."
Gs " thank you."
She left and I had 10 minutes until people could come in, damn I'm nervous. What if the boys come in, and I can't break character, this will be hard, hopefully they won't be looking for me to be a character.
*Zach Pov*
We woke up about 7 o' clock to go see Gracie at Disneyland. We all got ready and got into the car. We got to the entrance and walked in.
Ds " wonder where she is?"
Ja " I don't know, but can I get a churro first?"
Jm " sure." We all got churros and looked around for Gracie, she wasn't on Main Street or in Tomorrowland. We did some rides and then looked in Mickey's Toon town, not there either. We were there for about three hours and still no sign of her. We made our way to Fantasy Land.
Cb " maybe we could ask somebody."
Ch " good Idea."
I saw a cast member and stopped him.
Dt " hi I'm Danny, what can I help you with?"
Zh " Uh hi, we're looking for a new intern, we're her family, her names Gracie Seavey."
Dt " oh yeah, she's somewhere here in Fantasy Land, she told me about you guys."
Ja " What did she say?"
Dt " your annoying."
Ja " oh"
He laughed and we thanked him.
We searched all of Fantasy Land, no sign of her.
Jm " oooo princess meet and greet, hey Daniel who's your favorite?"
Ds " got to go with Snow White, how bout you Zach?"
Zh " Ariel, she's hot."
Ja " got that right."
Jm " this is the last place we will find Gracie, she hates everything girly, and princesses? She won't even let us call her princess."
Cb " your right, definitely won't find her here."
We walked in and first saw Cinderella, man these girls won't break character. Belle was next and she was really pretty, but too far away to really tell. We walked up to her and we all gasped at the same time, even her.
Ds " Gracie?"
*Gracie Pov *
I'm doomed. I turned around with Zach in my face. We all gasped at the same time and people were staring.
Ds " Gracie?"
I had to play it like I didn't know them.
Gs " is that your name?"
Ds " Uh sure?"
They probably thought I would break character, but there was children in the room, I couldn't ruin heir experience. I wanted them to leave so I carried along.
Gs " how about a picture?"
Jm " sure thing......princess."
I made my eyes big giving him a signal to stop.
I had Zach on one side of me and Christina on the other.
Zh " I think my new favorite princess is Belle."
He whispered that and the cast member took the picture. As we took the picture he squeezed my waist. I looked at him and said :
Gs " happy to hear."
I now had to hug them all goodbye, and of course they all had to make a comment.
Christina was first, she said:
" you look beautiful honey."
I smiled and thanked her.
Next was Corbyn:
" no boys better hit on you."
I smiled at him and said:
" I'll guess I'll send the beast after them if they do."
Jack was next:
"Definitely printing that picture out."
I smiled at him, Jonah was next:
" now I have a reason to call you princess."
Gs " glad to hear."
Next was Daniel:
"Is that even your real hair."
Gs " of course it is."
He chuckled and lastly was Zach:
" I like this new look. Definitely getting here earlier tomorrow."
" splendid."
They left and I sighed in relief.
Cm " you have a break now Belle."
Thank God. I followed her backstage and as soon as we got back there she started laughing.
Cm " I'm guessing they are family?"
Gs " Yeah."
Cm " your boyfriend, best friend, brother and his friends?"
Gs " something like that."
Cm " What did I get wrong."
Gs " the blonde on was my adoptive dad."
Cm " wow he's young to be your father."
Gs " they are in a band."
Cm " oh I thought they looked familiar."
Gs " Yeah, hopefully they won't be back, definitely going to be made fun of tonight."
Cm " you did great, I'm Sofia by the way, we will be together the whole semester."
Gs " well I'm Gracie."
E " Well, you have a parade to get to."
Gs " really?"
E " Yep, let's go."
We went out and I got back into character. I saw the boys walking but they didn't spit me yet. We were almost at the parade building when they saw me.
What was most awkward was the beast character walked up to me too. Oh no.
Zach started walking over to me and I started walking faster. The beast grabbed my hand though so I had to hold it.
Zach " hey that's my woman!"
I looked at him shocked. The beast let go of my hand and went over to Zach.
He pretended to roar and walked back over to me, pulling me into his chest, and I had to hug him back.
Zach " hey, I said that's my woman, let go!"
Zach tried to push his arms off, but he didn't budge.
Zach " I! Said! Let! Go!" And with that Zach was on the ground with the beast on top of him. Uh oh. I stood there trying to look shocked. All the boys were laughing, taking pictures. Guards came and picked up the beast and Zach. Two guards had Zach, one on each arm, and he was lifted off the ground. They led Zach out of the park and the boys too. Christina came out of no where and said:
"Why the hell did they do! I went to the bathroom for two seconds!" She ran after them
*after the work day was over*
After a long day, I went back and took my wig and dress off. They told me to bring my things home with me.
I thanked them and went home, I checked the time and saw it was 2. Great. Now I get to go home, get made fun of, and then work for them. I'm so tired though, ugh, but I promised Corbyn I could do both jobs. I drive home and slowly walk up to the door. I walk in to them all sitting on the couch on their phones. They all look up at me and start clapping. I rolled my eyes as Daniel got up and put an arm around me.
Ds " that was a great role you played back there, didn't even break character, not even when we were being carried away by security guards."
Gs " ok ok, I'll explain everything.....
I explained everything and they just made fun of me and laughed.
Zh " And now we're suspended from Disneyland for a year!"
Cb " by the way, that's a lot of blush you got on there."
Shoot, I forgot about the makeup!
I ran upstairs and washed it all off.
I went back down and did paper work for the boys.
We were all sitting on the couch when Daniel got a phone call from.........

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