For better or worse?

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We drove for like the next half hour when I got a phone call from the woman who helped me into that Disney job.
Gracie " hello?"
Woman " hello Miss Besson, I have a offer for you."
Gracie " I'm not playing dress up this time."
Woman " no no no, we would like you to come draw with us full time."
Gracie " are you serious?!"
Woman " yes, here at Walt Disney World's Animation Studio."
Gracie " oh my God thank you so- Wait you said Walt Disney World?"
Woman " yes ma'am."
Gracie " the one in Florida?"
Woman " yes."
Gracie " I would love to take the offer but-"
Woman " listen, why don't you talk about it with your family and call back in the morning, your flight would be tomorrow night if so."
Gracie " tomorrow night?!"
Woman " yes, I hope you choose wisely, talk to you tomorrow morning Miss Besson."
She hung up.
Cb " who was that?"
G " Uh Corbyn."
Cb " what's wrong?!"
G " I just got a job offer."
Cb " that's amazing! Why do you seem upset?"
G " it's in Florida."
We were like in the middle of no where on a dirt road. Corbyn hit the brakes when I said that.
Cb " for who?"
G " Walt Disney World Animation Studios."
Cb " you gotta take it, that's your dream job."
G " I- I know but I don't want to leave-"
Cb " listen, we're going to miss you too, but all you do is help us live our dreams, and we made it there, now it's time for you to love yours. And let me tell you this lady did not call you at the best time, but the boys will understand."
G " where are we even going?!"
Cb " well we're almost there, but for warning it might get awkward."
I just gave him a confused look as he started to drive again. Ten minutes later we came back into like the normal roads.
G " you know we could've gotten here a shorter way right?"
Cb " I know."
He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. Then we pulled up to a place I thought I would have never gone back to.
My orphanage.
G " C-Corbyn, What are we doing here?"
Cb " just get out and I'll explain."
I slowly got out and made it around to Corbyn. Then I saw five figures walking towards us,  but it was dark so I couldn't see who it was. When they got closer I could make out it was Christina and the boys. The boys were tuxedos and Corbyn grabbed my hand. I was so confused.
Zach came up to me and was about to speak when Corbyn stopped him.
Cb " we gotta talk dude"
Zh "right now?"
Cb " Yeah ."
He pulled him aside and saw him explaining something to him. I saw Zach put his hands on his head and almost start to cry. What was happening right now?! I saw Zach throw something on the ground and start running off.
The boys started running after him and Christina came over to me.
G " What is happening?"
Ch " he was going to purpose."
G " no no no no no."
Ch " you would have said no?"
G " of course not, I just got offered a job in Florida though."
Ch " Oh Lord. "
G " I-I would be leaving tomorrow, and I didn't know if I could do a long distance relationship so I was gonna-"
Ch " break up with him?"
I dropped my head and walked over to what he threw on the ground. It was a ring.
I picked it up and went and sat on the hood of Corbyns car. I cried, I felt so bad.
Ch " maybe you could stay a couple, I mean, look at me and Corbyn, we were long distance for three years."
G " true, he probably doesn't want to stay with me now though."
Ch " it's not your fault, you didn't know you were going to get offered a job."
I put my head on her shoulder and we just sat there.
About twenty minutes later the boys came back with Zach.
I stood up with the ring in my hand.
Zach walked up to me, he looked like he was crying.
G " Look Zach, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to go like this, I get if you don't want to try with long distance I just-"
He pressed his lips against mine and we kissed.
After a few moments he pulled away.
Zh " listen Gracie, I do want to try long distance with you, and I'm not mad. I knew it was too early anyway."
G " if I didn't have to go, I would've said yes, but maybe after I get settled in Florida and get my life together, you could try again if you'd like. "
He smiled and we all came into a group hug.
G " I guess I should call the lady back."
I picked up the phone and told her I was taking the job. The boys and Christina and I all cheered after I got off the phone and we all drove to the boys house.
We ate dinner together and laughed about all the memories we made together.
We all slept in this house for the last time as a family.
*the next morning*
I woke up a little early to see Jonah and Daniel awake. I laughed at them and said good morning to them. The others got up shortly after and we all ate breakfast together. After breakfast, we drove over to Corbyn's house to pack up my stuff.
G " I lived here two days and I'm already moving out."
We all laughed and started packing. The woman already got a apartment for me because it was on such short notice.
We went out for lunch after at the Chipotle we first had lunch together at and I went to say good bye to Logan. We made it to the airport and waited for my flight.
Overcome " flight 245 to Florida is now boarding."
Now comes the tears and goodbyes.
I started with Christina .
G " Christina, thank you for being my best friend, the person I could always turn to and more. I don't know if I could survive living with these idiots without you. I love you so much and come to visit me please."
We hugged and I moved to Jack.
G " Jack, you pain in my side. Where do I start, you have been so annoying, but in a good way sometimes. We have been through hell together and you were one of the only people to put a smile on my face. Thank you for everything, I love you so much....Mr Avery."
Ja " it's Jack now, but I love you too honey."
We chuckled and I moved to Daniel.
G " oh Dani, I still don't know if we're related or not, we have had a confusing relationship. "
We both laughed.
G " but I love you so so much, you were always so easy to talk to and such a goofball. I knew you would be like my best friend and you inspire me to always just be happy."
I hugged him tight and moved to Jonah.
G "oh Uncle J, words cant describe how much I love you. I knew we would be close from the moment I fell into you. Thanks for being like my awesome big brother to me. "
Next I moved to Corbyn, this was gonna be hard. I started crying, he wiped my taser with his thumb.
G " omg Corbyn, you overprotective weirdo."
We both chuckled.
"You are the best father anyone could have, and I mean it. We both had our moments but we are the perfect duo. I know I was probably a handful but I loved every moment I spent with you. Thank you for making me who I am today. Thank you dad."
He smiled really big and wrapped his arms around me. I started crying again as he kissed my forehead.
Lastly was Zach. I went up to him and he pulled me into a hug.
Zh " I know how much you love me and I know how much I love you, let's just hug."
I nodded and we kissed.
Overcome: "last call for flight 245"
G " guess that's my cue."
I wiped my eyes and we came into a group hug.  I grabbed my suitcase and headed for my gate. They waved at me and I waved back before taking a deep breathe and heading into the plane. I took my seat and pulled out my earbuds and phone. I shuffled my playlist and 8 Letters came on. I looked at the cover of it and smiled.
Them adopting me was the best day of my life. My family wasn't your typical one, but to me it was perfection. From the moment I bumped into Jonah, to getting in trouble for wearing a type of shirt. Then getting stuck on a Ferris wheel and bailing Logan out of jail. Being kidnapped three times, and ruining a wedding. Getting in a car accident that altered my life forever. They were the worst memories, but the ones that made us close. I mean look at all the good ones. Meeting the love of my life, having a best friend. Having the best dad in the world, going on tour with the boys, and so much more. As the plain took off I answered the question that has been bugging me for the last three years.
Was it for better or worse?
And the answer is.............
For the better.........

Well, that is for now, we will have to see what the future holds.
AHH SO THIS IS THE FINALE!!! There will be a sequel though, I really hope you all enjoyed the book, the sequel will be out soon! Peace ✌🏼

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