Where are the boys?

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We woke up ready for the big day. We all headed over to the hall to get ready. We did each other's hair, nails, makeup, and went to get our dresses on.
Ashley " has anyone seen the boys?"
Esther " no but their probably just getting all ready."
Sydnie " true."
I was helping Christina with her dress and O checked the time.
Half an hour.
G " ok let me make sure everyone is here:
Sydnie, Ava, Isla, Reese, Anna, Esther,Svea, and Ashley. All good, everybody ready?"
They all nodded and Christina was pacing around the room.
G " hey calm down , everything is gonna be fine."
Ch " you sure?"
G " positive."
She calmed down a little. Logan walked in.
L " hey ladies, you all look beautiful, show time."
G " thanks Logan."
He nodded and closed the door.
We all went out and went to the entrance of the beach . I saw all of their families waiting but Corbyn wasn't in the front, and the boys weren't with us.
I checked the time
10 minutes til we start walking.
Anna " where are the boys?"
G " I don't know, I'll go ask Logan, just don't let Christina know."
She nodded and I ran off to find Logan. He was walking towards us.
G " Logan, where are the boys?"
L " they're not in their places?"
G " no."
I saw Ashley come up to me with a note.
Ash " this was on the pillow with the rings."
I took it from her and opened it.
If you ever want to see your precious family again, you bring me what I want......you.
Here's the address: 
123 Limelight Lane
Come alone.
Clock is ticking.......
G "I- I got to go save them."
L " woah wait stop."
G " don't stop me Logan! Just explain to Christina and tell the crowd to wait.
I didn't even get changed, I hopped in the car and put the address in my phone. I drove to the destination to pull up to a warehouse type of building. I walk in to a big dark room.
G " hello?"
All of a sudden the lights went on. I see the boys all spread out in the room in human sized........cages?
Wdw boys " Gracie!"
They were all in their tuxes. I ran up to Corbyn.
G " What the hell happened?"
C " we all were making our way out when this crazy chick stopped us. We thought she was a crazy fan but she sprayed this poison stuff in our face and we passed out and woke up here."
G " who kidnapped you?"
?? "Me."
I turn around to see a girl I never thought I would see again. The one person I was afraid of, my orphanage bully, Laura.
G " Laura?"
Jm " you two know each other?"
G " back at the orphanage, she as my b-b-"
La " bully."
G " What do you want from me?"
La " you got a great life with a great family, and a great boyfriend. I was left by myself in that stinkin orphanage, so now I'm getting revenge."
G " What are you going to do?"
These two body guard looking guys came up from behind me and lifted me up.
La " so do you want me to put you with your boyfriend, or your father?"
G " neither! Let us go!"
La " neither huh? Ok then, but that's on you."
G " What do you mean?"
La " throw her in!"
They threw me in the cage with Jonah. I landed right on my butt and they closed the cage door. He helped me up and I hugged him.
La " so what should we do first? How about some truth or dare?"
She had a evil grin on her face.
La " so Zach, truth or dare?"
Zh "Uh truth I guess."
La " wrong."
Zh "What?"
La " I'm giving you a dare."
Zh " then it's not truth or dare."
La " does it look like I care? You do what I say or else."
Jm " or else what?"
La " Gracie gets it!"
Zh " ok ok, what's my dare."
La " take your shirt off."
Zh " ok?"
He took it off and he was shirtless.
La " now your pants."
Zh " Uh I don't know ab-"
La "do it!"
He did and we all just looked at each other confused. Zach was up against the wall of the cage and didn't notice one of the guards hand cuffed his hands to the bars. He tried to break free but didn't manage.
La " open the door."
His cage door opened and she walked in. Zach looked terrified as she got uncomfortably close to him. She went up and pulled her coat she had on off revealing a short dress with a low v neck. No she's not.
G "stop!"
La " can't do anything about it can you?"
I started shaking the bars but they wouldn't budge. She went up to him and poked his chest, I saw that Zach was very uncomfortable.
She leaned in and kissed him.....SHE KISSED HIM! I started screaming and shaking the bars. Jonah held me in his arms and turned me away from it. Zach was trying to get out of it but couldn't sue to his hand cuffs. She wouldn't get off of him.
La " kiss back."
Zh " no way!"
She snapped her fingers and one of the body guards came up to mine and Jonah's cage. He pulled me to the wall an stuck something that felt like a needle in my shoulder. I heard Jonah yell Gracie before I blacked out. I woke up to Laura still kissing Zach and him being forced to kiss back. I was in Jonah's arms and I tried to stand up but I couldn't feel my legs. All the boys were now changed up except for Jonah. Laura looked away from Zach to see I was up.
La " oh good your up!"
She had Jonah changed up and opened the door to our cage. She helped me up and brought me outside the cage.
La " why don't you get something comfier on before we move."
G " move?"
La " well we're not staying here silly, your friends will soon find us."
I was too weak to run so I just followed her. She gave me a tight bra like tube top and really tight short shorts. Ew.
La " put them on."
I did what she said and she walked me back out to the cages.
La " I'll ask you again, boyfriend or father?"
I guess I don't answer fast enough because the guards threw me in with Corbyn. Then these crane machines picked up the cages and put them into this huge truck, but not before chaining me up next to Corbyn. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning in a different warehouse . My top was falling and I couldn't pull it up. I looked at Corbyn who looked depressed.
Cb " I was so close to my happy ending.."
G " Corbyn, I'm so sorry, I literally ruined your lives multiple times and I am so so sorry."
Cb " it's not your fault, you don't ruin our lives, you made them better, don't tell yourself that."
I smiled at him and he smiled back. The big warehouse door opened and Laura came in.
La " Good morning my lovely hostages."
Ja " your sick!"
La " maybe I am, but I'm still getting what I want."
She had an evil smile on her face.
She walked over to Corbyn and my cage.
La " I heard all about your little experience with Ryan."
G " What? How?"
La " he's my brother."
Talk about the plot twist right?
We were all shocked.
La " so I think we might reverse the role in what he did."
She unchained all the boys and not me. She told them all to come out and they did. She closed the door back on me.
La " so here is how this will work, you five do whatever I say and Gracie doesn't get hurt, got it? And if you guys try to escape something very bad will happen."
They nodded as she led them out of the warehouse leaving me alone chained up.
Corbyn POV
This is unbelievable. She took us to a room.
La " ok so I'll give you what you need to wear, after just knock on the door to tell me your done. "
She hands us all a pair of jeans and starts walking out.
Ds " there is no shirt...."
La " I know."
She winked making us cringe and she closed the door.
Cb " What are we gonna do?"
Ds " I don't know bro, we're stuck in this one."
I sigh and we all get changed. Zach knocked on the door and it immediately opened.
La " oh good your all done, let's go."
We all followed her back to the warehouse where Gracie was. 
La " ok we're going to play a game."
Ja " you love games don't you?"
She giggled and told us to sit down in a circle. Gracie was searching from her spot, she looked upset, and of course I know why.
Laura placed a bottle in the middle of us.
La " ok we will spin the bottle and whoever it lands on....has to kiss her."
Zh " Gracie?!"
La " Yeah. And if you don't she gets hurt."
Zach put his face in his hands and shook his head, I really hope it lands on him. Laura spins the bottle and it lands on.......

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