I meant you Corbyn.

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Hey loves before I start I'm using a new method for when people talk in the story. It will just be here first and last initial before what they say. Enjoy the story and peace ✌🏼
"Marais?!" Daniel said
Jonah and I started laughing really hard.
"Is this a joke?" Corbyn said
"Of course it is idiot, I couldn't choose so I told Jonah to give me his." I said
"Oh" Zach said starting to laugh
"Alright I m going to go get a shower." I said walking upstairs
I jumped in the shower and then got changed into my pajamas after. I was laying on my bed on my phone when Zach came down stairs with a fuzzy blanket.
GS ( ps I'm using Seavey for Gracie's last name not Besson)"What's up Herron"
Zh "You said we could cuddle." He said with a baby voice.
Gs " Come here"
He jumped on the bed and we started to watch a movie. We watched the movie and then it was time for bed. I turned to Zach to see him pretend to be asleep.
Gs "Herron, I know your not asleep, you not a very good actor."
Zh "can I please stay here with you."
Gs "of course, if it wasn't a school night."
Zh "please"
Gs "come on Zach, get up."
Zh "nooooooo"
Gs "yesssss" I said pulling him by his arm out of the bed
Gs" Zachhh get up."
Zh "Never!" He said smirking
Gs " guess we can do this the hard way." I said putting him on my back
Gs " you know this should be the other way around right?"
Zh "I know but I'm tired and you lifted me." I laughed and went up the stairs. We went through the living room and all the boys were watching TV on the couch.
Gs "oh hey guys" I said with Zach still on my back
Jm "what's happening here?"
Gs "Zach not taking no for an answer."
Zach nodded and I started to walk up the steps. I put him on his bed and sprinted out of the room.
Gs "Good night love you!" I yelled back to him so that he wouldn't grab me or get in my room again.
Gs "Good night boys!" I yelled running by them and going down stairs, I heard Zach coming down the steps but I locked my door in time.
Zh "I knew I should have not let you lift me!" He yelled through the door
Gs "oh well Herron!" I yelled back and went to bed.
The next morning I got ready for college, which meant sweat pants, a hoodie, and a messy bun. I went upstairs to get breakfast, I saw all the boys except Zach and Jack sitting at the table.
Gs" Good morning boys."
Ds, Cb, and Jm " morning "
Cb "I'm picking you up today."
Gs " ok but why?"
Cb "we're heading to the studio later and you have a project coming up where you have to report about a famous person or group. Luckily you have five talented, handsome, generous, caring, positiv- "
Gs "get to the point."
Cb "you can interview us."
Gs "I would say no but I'm too lazy to do actually research, so I'll do you idiots."
I grabbed a bagel and put coffee in a travel mug.
Gs "I'm out boys, see you later Corb." I said walking out the door
I got in my Uber and got to school, I took all my classes and my last class was the interview one
Teacher "ok class I'm going to give you your 5 questions you need to research about your celebrity:
1- how did you get where you are?
2- What's the best thing about being famous?
3- celebrity inspiration?
4- one non famous inspiration?
5- do you think you will get bigger? "
This will be fun, they will literally praise themselves. I got packed up after class and headed to Corbyn's car. I jumped in and we made our way to the studio. When Corb and I got there Jonah, Jack, and Zach were in booths. That means I'll interview Daniel first. I told Daniel to follow me to the lobby so headed down stairs. We sat on the couch and I gave him the paper with the questions. I did it with each one of them but didn't look at their answers. I then grabbed my lap top and headed back to the studio to type it out. I knew it would take me a while but they just started their new song so we would be there for a while. I started typing the first question with their answers:
1 - how did you get where you are now?
Daniel- with a lot of hard work and dedication, I busted for tips on the board walk and even took my shot at American Idol. I just never stopped working and never gave up.
Jack- I always made covers of songs, and got myself into very small venues. I became bigger on social media and joined a tour group called: Impact. My motto through life is: "work until you no longer have to introduce yourself."
Zach- I always just sang in front of my family and friends, and hen took it to social media. A video of me went viral and I then went touring with: Impact. I always just kept my head up and sang with my heart.
Jonah- I made a lot of covers on YouTube, and I was famous off of Twitter in my hometown. I then started making music videos and releasing mini albums on iTunes. I couldn't have done it with out my supporters, and the other boys.
Corbyn- I started singing around 12 years old and made covers on Instagram. I became more famous off of social media and then joined: Impact. I gained a following from there and kept making covers. I always just kept it positive and never gave up.
2- What's the best thing about being famous?
Daniel- Seeing all the fans love what hard work we put into our music. The limelights have given us his life and we are so grateful. I don't like to use the "f" word (meaning famous) a lot because I still don't think we really made it yet.
Jack- I love making people happy while I perform. To know people really enjoy what we do, it's an awesome feeling. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Zach- Being able to meet our fans and have the feelings that your touching people's lives.
(I'm too lazy to right the rest sorry....)
The boys wanted me to listen to the new song so I did and of course it was awesome.
Gs "the fans will love it guys, it's amazing!"
They thanked me and we left the studio. Corbyn and I got in one car to pick up food while the others jumped in an Uber to go home. We decided on Taco Bell so Corbyn and I drove there. We went in and ordered the food, because there were so many of us the food would take a little bit. Corbyn and I took a seat at one of the tables while we waited.
Gs "So the big 2 years is coming up next Saturday."
Cb "Yeah, I cant believe it's already been two years, we're mailing the invitations to the 200 limelights that are coming tomorrow."
Gs " oh cool, are you doing what you guys did last year?"
Cb " a little different, we will be doing something like we did on the Invitation Tour and then meet and greet stuff."
Gs "sounds fun. Is your family flying out?"
Cb "Yeah, all except my dad I'm pretty sure. But that's ok, I barely see him anyways."
Corbyn looked sad when he said that.
Gs "well at least I get to see my dad a lot."
Cb "well when Mr Seav-"
I cut him off with saying:
Gs "no Corb, I mean you."
Cb "you still consider me as your dad?" 
He had a smile on his face and grabbed my hand.
Gs "of course, your the only father figure I ever had, even though were 2 years apart right now."
We both laughed and our names got called to get the food. We got it and headed to the car. We took the long way home jamming out to music and laughing. Corbyn can be a pain in the butt, but I really do love him. He's so goofy, kind, and really smart. I can see that he really loves me too. He got a little sad though once I started using Seavey as my last name. I like using Seavey because it's my biological family name, but Besson is special to me. It was the first last name I actually had or knew of. Corbyn adopting me was the best thing that could ever happen to me, even though he wanted to kill me have the time. I got to give him some slack though, he's a 19 year old boy trying to raise a 17 year old girl without any experience. Not to mention handling all the fans and fame at the same time, and the four other idiots. We were almost home and we were making a left hand turn through a busy street. When the light turned green we made the left and as we were almost past the other side of the street I felt a big impact. All I remember is seeing Corbyn shut his eyes in fear and then everything went black..............

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