Lose the tude princess

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I got up and packed all my stuff, I'm going with the boys! I started out and made my way to the address. I saw them packing their stuff into the tour bus and I got out of the Uber.
"Good morning idiots!" I yelled
They all ran over and hugged me , them we packed all my stuff in the bus and hopped in.
"So where to first?" I said
"Uh, I'm pretty sure we're going to Philly." Zach said
"Oh cool" I said
"Which bunk is mine?" I asked
Jonah showed me to a bunk that was all the way up top. I don't think I've mentioned this but I'm really short.
"How am I possibly getting up there?"
"Hm didn't think of that. We can lift you up there I guess."
"Great" I said rolling my eyes
"Well I need to get up there now." I said , it was only Jonah an I on the bus right now while the others were still packing the bus.
"Ok....but I hope Zach or Corbyn don't walk on in the middle of this." He said
"Oh be quiet, they won't care."
He picked me up from under my butt because that's how short I am and I tried pulling myself up. My butt was currently on Jonah's shoulder
"A little higher Jonah!"
"I'm trying!"
"What's going on in here?" I heard Corbyn say
Just then I felt myself drop to the floor on top of Jonah.
"I think we'll have to purchase a ladder." Jonah said
"Ya think?" Corbyn said
Jonah and I both got up
"We still have a problem, how am I getting up there?" I said
Corbyn and Jonah lifted me and I finally got up to my bunk.
"Thanks boys." I said looking down at them
"Whatever." Jonah said rubbing head and chuckling
"Where's Gracie?" Zach said as Jack, Daniel, and him came onto the bus.
" up here!" I said poking my head out
Just then the bus started moving and it jolted me out of my bunk, I fell right into Daniels arms.
"Um....thanks." I said
"Uh.... no problem." He said
Zach then came over and grabbed me out of his arms
"My lady!" He said and I just laughed, Daniel is kinda cute, but my heart is still with Zach.
We stopped and got Chipotle and then went to bed, we were all tired. The next morning we got ready and went to the venue for the Philly show. The boys practiced with sound check and I just helped set up things. I then called Alli, I missed her and I wanted to tell her that I'm okay.
"Hey L!"
"Omg Gracie I miss you so much!"
"I miss you too, how's your summer?"
"Great, how are you, where are you?"
"I'm awesome, I'm in Philly right now."
"Philly? How'd you end up there?"
"Well I started living on a tour bus with 7 other guys ( including Tyler and Eben)"
"I thought you said you were doing good?"
" I am lol, I'm back with the Why Don't We boys, working as their personal assistant and I'm back with Zach."
"Omg that's awesome, I need to get to a show."
"Maybe I can hook you up with a free ticket."
"Really?! I literally fan girl over them so much."
"Lol, I'll see what I can do."
"Thank you so much"
Then I heard Jack yell for me .
"One sec L, Jack is calling me over."
"What do you want Jack?" I said
"Go run and get us Red Bull."
"Go get it yourself you lazy ass."
"Uh no, you get it."
"You can't tell me what to do."
"Actually I can princess."
"Ugh you know I hate that word, don't call me that, and no you can't."
"I actually can, it's your job and we're your bosses...remember?"
"Oh.........right, personal assistant, forgot about that, be right back."
"Thank you......princess."
"Don't call me that!" I said walking away
"Nope that's your new nickname!" He shouted back
"I hate you!"
"Love you too!"
I called back Alli.
"Sorry L, personal assistant crap."
"It's ok princess."
"You heard?"
"You forgot to end the call."
"Oh haha, they are a bunch of idiots."
"I'm sure."
"I got to go L, I'll call you later."
"Bye, talk to you later."
I hung up and jumped into the car, I drove to the nearest store and picked up their Red Bull. I got back to the venue and gave it to them, I went to go sit backstage when Jonah called me over.
"What now?" I said
"Lose the tude princess."
"Not you too."
"Jack told us to call you that."
"I hate that word, but what do you want?"
"I broke my charger, go buy me a new one."
"Have any of you ever heard of the word "please"?"
"Fine, please got get me a new charger?"
"Sure Uncle Jonah"
"It's Uncle J!"
"Until you stop calling me princess it's Uncle Jonah."
I ran out to the store once again and picked Jonah up a charger. On the way back I got a phone call from Zach.
"Hey, what's up babe?" I said
"I dropped some dry cleaning off earlier, will you pick it up for me please?"
"Of course"
"I love you"
"Love you too Zach"
I told the Uber to stop at the laundromat and I picked up his dry cleaning. I made it back to venue and saw a lot of girls lined up for the show. I decided to stop and talk to some . I met with some fans and then went back inside. I walked into the dressing room when I walked into a pretty girl about my age. She turned around and put out her hand to shake:
"Hi I'm Anna, Daniel's sister, your Gracie right?"
"Yes, hi, you come out to surprise Dani?"
"Yeah, let me introduce you to my parents."
We walked out of the dressing room, and I saw his parents.
"Mr and Mrs Seavey, hi, I'm Gracie, I'm Daniel's....um....I guess you could say niece."
"So nice to meet you finally, we should really talk, about an important topic. And please call us Keri and Jeff." Said Keri
"Oh ok, the show is about to go on though, maybe we can talk after."
"Ok, we really do need to talk though." Keri said
"Yeah of course."
"Were going to go get our spot, see you out there." Jeff said
I was a little uneasy about what she wanted to talk to me about, but I put it out of my thought as I made sure the boys were ok.
"Everyone ready?" I said walking up to them
They said yeah and they were about to take their opening spots when I pulled Zach back and gave him a kiss.
"Good luck"
"Thanks princess"
"Oh don't start." I said punching his chest and walking away
I watched the show until the boys needed to get a quick change, I went back to make sure everything was in place, it was so I started to walk out when I got pulled back in.
"Did you meet my family?" Daniel said
"Yeah, they are super nice." I said he started to take off his pants
"Woah woah woah Dani, I'm right here."
"Well I need to get changed and we were in the middle of a conversation." He said that while he put his jeans on and took his shirt off. He has a six pack?
"Um... I'm going to go back with your family, good luck with the rest of the show."
I watched the rest of the show until it was over. Daniel's family and I went to see the boys and then Keri and Jeff pulled Dani, Anna, Tyler, and I into a room.
"Kids we need to talk about something important." Jeff said
"What's up dad?" Tyler said
"Well.....we think it's a good time to tell you..... Gracie is your sister." Keri said
All four of us went jaw dropped
"What?How?" Daniel said
"Well when Gracie was born, we were really low on money.You Daniel, were too young to remember me being pregnant, and Christian and Tyler knew we had to give the baby to other parents because we had no money.They didn't know it was you. We just didn't have enough money to raise 4 if you at the time. Once we had Anna we had more money and we could support her. We tried looking at all orphanages for you, but we couldn't find you. We're sorry."
I was still shocked but the said:
"No no, don't be sorry, this is actually kinda cool."
I said trying to clear up the subject. Then the four other boys walked in:
"What's going on guys?" Jack said
"Explain later." Daniel said
We said goodbye to Daniel's ....I mean me and Daniel's family and went back to the bus. We sat the boys in the lounge area of the bus.
"So we have something to tell you." Daniel said a little nervously
I grabbed his hand in reassurance but I saw Zach frown.
"No, I get it Gracie, if you don't want to be with me I get it, but then go date my best friend?"
"No Zach it's not like that." I said standing up
"Save it." Zach said leaving the bus
"Zach wait!" I said and tried to go after him but got pulled back by Daniel
"Let him go, we can tell him the real story later."
I nodded and sat back down
"What is it then?" Corbyn asked
"Daniel and I are..... brother and sister."
I then saw their jaws drop
"So your not a Besson, but a Seavey?" Jonah said
"I guess so." I said smiling
"Well how is this possible?" Jack asked
I explained the whole thing and then Zach cane back on the bus. He looked at us and went to his bunk. I slid the curtain open and said:
"Zach, we seriously need to talk."
He turned over
"Daniel and I are not dating, we're siblings."
"What?" He said turning around with a smile on his face
"Yeah, were siblings, I still love you Zach."
"I love you too, I'm sorry."
"It's ok"
We then went to bed because it was really late
They all got in their bunks when I said:
"Um hello?"
"Yes?" Daniel said
"I need help getting up."
"Ugh, I'm coming."
He got up and lifted me up into the bunk.
"thanks brother."
"No problem.....sis"
W laughed and went to bed
The next morning we had a day off in Philly
I got up and got myself ready I walked out of the bus to meet the boys. Only Zach was standing there, I walked up to him and said:
"Where is everybody?"
"Just me and you today."
"So a date?"
"I guess , unless you don't want it to be, but if you do then...."
"Calm down Herron, of course I would love to go on a date with you."
We went to Macy's and to the Hard Rock Cafe. After we saw the Liberty Bell, and then he took me to a Phillies game.
"Jonah would be really jealous if we sent him a pic of us here." I said
"That's true." He said smirking
We took a selfie and sent it to the group chat.
                         The Family ✌🏼
Rosy Cheeks 💓: *selfie*
Gracie💚: Sure did
My favorite bro💙: Jonah is steaming right now......
Rosy Cheeks💓: oh calm down mama Marais
Uncle J❤️: you are dead Herron
Ramen🍜: Hey Zach do you want blue or red flowers at your funeral?
Gracie💚: your going to kill him for taking me to a Phillies game?
My favorite bro💙: that's not the reason
Rosy Cheeks💓: Uh oh, who told him it was me
Ramen 🍜: 🙋🏽‍♂️
Rosy Cheeks💓: JACK!
Ramen 🍜: In sorry bro
Uncle J❤️: Gracie, kiss your man one more time because I'm going to kill him!
Rosy Cheeks💓: 😳

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