Moving out

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I woke up the next morning on a bed, that was not mine. I had a huge headache. I looked around to see I was in Zach and Jack's room. I remembered nothing from last night, except telling Zach I didn't want to dance. I got up and saw I was still in my dress and heels. I took my heels off and walked down the steps. Half of the people were still here, sleeping on the floor, but worst of all the house was trashed. Things were broken and torn all over. I went to find the boys carefully stepping over bodies. I found Daniel sitting up against a wall with a cup in his hand and what looks like punch spilled down the front of him, he also had a lamp shade over his head. Oh brother.
I walked over to him and tapped him.
G " Daniel! Daniel!" I whisper yelled.
Ds " hm"
G " get up idiot!"
I took the lampshade off of his head and he woke up.
G " look at this mess!"
His eyes went big as he saw all the people and broken things.
Ds " What are we going to do?!"
G " first I'll find the others and you go get me Advil."
He nodded and walked upstairs.
I found Jack literally hanging in the closet, his shirt was hooked on to a hanger.
G " Jack!"
Ja " wh-what?!"
G " Jack look at this mess!"
Ja " oh no."
G " get yourself unhooked and then we can start clearing these people out!"
I found Jonah and Tate on a pool float sleeping next to each other outside.
G " guys! Guys!"
Jm " five more minutes."
G " not five more minutes Jonah our house is trashed!"
He shot up almost falling off the float. He shook Tate and she shot up. I pulled them in and they got off of it.
I found Zach in the pantry with a chip hanging out of his mouth.
G "Zach get up now!"
He shot up and then stood up and then put his hand to his head.
Zh " I can't remember anything from last night and I have a massive headache."
G " same with me, but we have to clean up this mess."
They all came into the kitchen and I heard a phone ring.
I pulled it out of my pocket and saw who was calling.
G " Uh oh."
Td " who is it?"
G " Corbyn."
All " Uh oh"
G " What do I do?"
Ja " answer it and just play cool."
Zh " put it on speaker."
I did.
Corbyn " Hey Gracie!"
Gracie " hey Corbyn, hows your trip?"
Corbyn " awesome, has the house been trashed yet?"
Gracie " whaaaattt noooo, why wou-would you think that?"
Corbyn " because I'm the only responsible one , and why are you dragging and stuttering your words."
Gracie " I have no ideaaaa."
Corbyn " I think your lying"
Gracie " noooo."
Corbyn " Gracie, put Zach on now!"
I muted the call
G "why does he want Zach on?!"
Jm " because he cant tell a lie."
Zh "yes I can give me that phone!"
He took it from me and unmuted it.
Zach " this is Zach speaking, who may I have the great pleasure of talking to?"
Corbyn " quit the act idiot, is our house trashed."
Zach " Uh I don't know maybe, sort of, I mean no, I mean-"
Jonah took the phone from him.
Jonah " hey Corb, everything is under control, just relax and have fun on vacation. Ok gotta go now bye."
He hung up and we all sighed in relief.
I heard my phone ring again.
G " oh my God Corbyn wants to face time!"
Ja " were all dead!"
Ds " give me the phone, I'll play it cool."
He went and stood so that all you could see is the wall behind him, and then he answered it.
Ds " Hey Corbyn!"
Cb " where are the others?!"
Ds " Uh they went out."
Cb " oh so Gracie went out without her phone?"
Ds " well she's here."
Why would he say that?!?!
Cb " tell her to come into view."
Ds " ok give her two seconds she's the bathroom."
Cb " ok."
I couldn't let him see me in this dress so I pulled Zach's shirt off of him and threw it on.
I took the phone from Daniel.
G " hey Corbyn!"
Cb " is that Zach's shirt?"
G " Uh yeah."
Cb " why do you have his shirt on?"
G " forgot to do laundry."
Cb " oh really?"
Cb " I thought Daniel said it was just you two?"
G " it is."
Cb " then why did I hear Jack sneeze?"
G " how do you know it wasn't Daniel that sneezed?"
Cb " because Jack has a unique sneeze, flip the camera I want to see the house."
G " uhhh."
Cb " Wait why do you have makeup on at 8:30 in the morning?"
G " uhhh."
Cb " you five threw a party didn't you!"
G " uhhhh"
Cb " that's it I'm coming home now! I knew you five couldn't live on your own, and to think Christina and I were going to move out and let you live there with them! I want no one to get changed or to clean anything up! I want to see how big of a mess you made!"
He hung up and we all stood there speechless, we ruined everything. Their honeymoon, and my chance of living with the guys....wait hold on a second, moving out?!
We got all the people out of our house and Zach and I felt like poop.
G " why do we feel like crap and you guys don't?"
Jm " because your still young and you've never partied."
I wanted out of this dress and heels so bad, my headache was getting worse and I got sick three times, so did Zach.
About an hour later the door opened to reveal Corbyn and Christina.
They were both really mad, but I could tell Christina was just mad at Corbyn and not us.
Cb " are you all serious right now?! I want you all to clean this up now!"
Ch " we really had to stop our honeymoon for this! Let them have their fun, they would have cleaned it up!"
He just ignored her.
We all stood up and Zach and I looked at each other. We both ran to a bathroom and got sick again.
I heard Corbyn screaming from the living room at the others.
Cb " And you let those two under age drink! Are you kidding me?!"
Christina and Tate came into the bathroom to help me.
After I was done I turned and sat on the floor.
G " I'm sorry Christina."
Ch " It's ok, he will calm down and we will probably go again."
Td " let's go get you changed."
They helped me up and we walked out. The boys were still getting yelled at by Corbyn.
Zach was still in the other bathroom. We walked downstairs and got changed into pajamas. We all went back up and the boys all went up to get changed and to clean up the upstairs. Zach was sleeping on the couch and Corbyn was pacing the room. I went and sat next to him.
Cb " I got to talk to you."
G "Mhm."
Cb " Christina and I are moving out."
G " so you already got an apartment?"
Cb " Yeah, it's about twenty minutes from here and we love it."
G " that's good."
Cb " And I thought you would be ok staying with the boys, but now after this incident I rethought about it."
G " What do you mean, I want to stay here with the boys."
Cb " your coming to live with Christina and I."
G " that's not fair!"
Cb " I don't really care! You threw a party , under age drank, and trashed this house, and the boys helped you, they are not responsible yet!"
G " I'm 18 I should be able to make my decisions!"
Cb " Yeah And I thought the other boys could, they are 21 and 20, especially Jonah because he's older than me!"
G " I'm staying here Corbyn!"
Cb " no your not, I'm your father, you live with me!"
G " I'm 18 now I can live wherever I want to!"
Cb " I don't know if I even want you to hang out with them anymore, let alone love with them!"
G " they are your friends why are you being such a jerk!"
Cb " your right they are my friend and I love them dearly but that doesn't mean they are good role models! Now go pack and say goodbye!"
G " were moving today?!"
Cb " yes! And make sure you say a big goodbye because you won't see them until they grow up!"
G " actually I will because I work for them!"
Cb " Whatever, just get packed and let's go!"
He walked outside and slammed the door. I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands.
Ch " I'll talk to him."
I nodded and she went out.
Zach put his arms around me and the boys came down the steps and hugged me too.
Christina came in and sighed.
Ch " couldn't get him to change his mind, sorry."
G " It's ok."
Ds " no it's not ok, he's being a jerk."
Ch " he definitely is."
Jm " he thinks he's everyone's parent, I mean come on, I'm older than him and he is yelling at me?!"
Ja " your not going anywhere."
The boys all went outside to Corbyn.
Jonah's POV
We went out to Corbyn and he was still mad.
Jm " dude, I love you to death, but you got to stop being our dad and start being our friend, ever since we got Gracie, you have turned from fun Corbyn to dad Corbyn."
Cb " that's ridiculous I'm still-"
Zh " bro, you just told us we were grounded."
He rubbed the back of his neck.
Cb " your right, I'm sorry, I just have been overwhelmed, I swear I won't ever flip out on you guys again."
Ja " And Gracie?"
Cb " I don't know about that, I can yell at her, she actually is my daughter."
We all chuckled and came into a hug.
Cb " ok let me go fix this situation."
We walked back in to the girls sitting on the couch comforting Gracie.
Gracie POV
I really hope the boys talked sense into Corbyn.
Cb " Gracie, I'm sorry."
I went to say I forgive you but my temper took over me.
G " are you Corbyn, are you? How many times have you said I'm sorry and then acted like a jerk again."
I really shouldn't have said that, here comes the punishing.
Cb " your right, before, I wouldn't mean it because I know I would act as a jerk again, but now, I am truly sorry."
Wait no grounding or yelling?
G " Ok ok, I forgive you, but don't let it happen again."
Cb " unless you do something stupid, I promised the boys I wouldn't be sad Corbyn with them, but with you I kinda have to at times."
We both laughed and came into a hug.
G " so where am I living?"

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