⚡5/16/18 (2)⚡

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This was only the beginning

"Wake up"
"Wake up"
"Wake up"

Corbyn rolled onto his stomach and put a pillow on his head, hoping the chanting would go away.

"Wake up"
"Wake up"
"Wake up"

Now someone was shaking him, trying to wake him up.


Corbyn opened his eyes slightly to see his little sister Ashley standing there with her hand on her hips like she rules the place.

"Fine, I'm up" Corbyn grumbled, covering himself with his blanket.

"Oh I don't think so," Ashley said, pulling the blanket off of Corbyn.

Corbyn was shirtless and was wearing white fluffy pajama pants.

The cold air coming from the vent on the wall quickly made it impossible to fall back to sleep.

"Alright, I'm actually up this time, now get out" He yawned, slowly sitting up.

Ashley smirked in victory and walked out.

He looked over at the various papers on his desk across from him. He almost pulled an all nighter doing homework like most of the high school students did but he needed at least an hour of sleep.

He stood up and slowly stumbled to his closet and pulled out a random shirt and jeans and threw them on his bed and left his room for a minute.

When he returned, he threw on the random outfit on, which happend to be ripped jeans with a red, white, and black plaid, button up shirt.

He walked out of his room and went straight to the door. He quickly said goodbye to his family and rushed out the door. He could already tell he was going to be just on time

It was too bad that sleep got the best of him that morning.

As the day lurked into the evening, the storm kept getting worse. There were more and more crashes coming from outside and an occasional bang coming from inside.

All of them have been brainwashed by the fear once more.

Jack went back to his spot to try to sleep, the storm could be relaxing at times, but when it was like this, it made it impossible to even doze off.

Zach was cuddling into Jonah's arm, due to his fear. Jonah didn't mind, like before, he felt like Zach was a little brother.

Corbyn and Daniel kept trying to have casual conversations, trying to stay sane, but they kept being interrupted by the storm, so they just stared at each other. It sounds weird but it made them feel comfortable.

They could talk and just ignore the storm but they were still masked by fear. Well, except Jack who tried to hide it by being angsty.

"Corbs I'm hungry" Daniel mumbled, only loud enough for Corbyn to hear.

"Me too Dani, me too" He said back a bit louder, readjusting himself so he could sit up straight.

"What?" Jonah said to the duo, moving Zach so he could be more comfortable.

"We're just talking about how were hungry." Corbyn responded.

"Arnt we all?" Jack said before more crashes silenced them.

𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕎𝕒𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞⚡𝕎𝔻𝕎 ✔Where stories live. Discover now